Autumns here.

my favourite season, it's so beautiful.So has my first week back at college last week and it went unexpectantly well :)Art will be cool, but at the moment we're drawing clothes i know weird right?geography is boring to be expected :)English lit is quite interesting, and biology,, well... we cut open pig's hearts so yeah :)There's clones everywhere which i came to expect , i don't know how most of...
September 22nd, 2008 at 09:50pm

So the weather outside is frightful, my exboyfriend is a physco.

so i'm going out for a meal tonight, it's my friends 17th birthday, not a good day to celebrate on september the 11th i know. (RIP)But hey my physco ex boyfriend is going and his backstabbing primrose is going isn't that adorable...It's gonna be fun.(Note my sarcasim :) ) lol hopefully it'll be good.I'm starting my first day at college tomorrow i'm as nervous as hell and i know i'm going to get...
September 11th, 2008 at 05:33pm

I don't get it?

Pessimists.All they do is moan about how life sucks, how bands never put on a good enough show ( in other words they never replied to their stupid screaming of hi's and i love you )True life can be tough sometimes, but a lot of good can come out of it.Just because you've been having a bad day doesn't mean another person is. Right .I'm probably talking a load of poop, but i hate how people try and...
September 6th, 2008 at 01:16pm

i'm here.

Yay finally have a mibba acount, (i've been to damn lazy lately).Hmmm is anyone else from england?If not all good.Sucks all my friend are at school/college and i'm stuck in because i don't start till the 12th, but all is good gives me time to start on stories which i remind you will be a slow process lol i have the ideas but it's getting them down which is the problem for me.First journal entry...
September 5th, 2008 at 12:27pm