Monroe. / Comments

  • oh nice nice
    how are you and manny doin'?
    i broke up with julian
    you me and Ana sat.night?
    i'll call you right now cus my brother's bugging me for the laptop
    December 1st, 2008 at 07:07am
  • Wacha doing betch?
    December 1st, 2008 at 06:55am
  • Does riot grrrrrl like courtney love?
    November 26th, 2008 at 11:01pm
  • Cool. I was listening to Roadhouse Blues. favourite song=]
    oh and your right. classic rock and roll is the best out there.
    and most of my friends like those new crappy bands.
    OH and about chinise democracy........
    i was in the internet andsaw many people trash-talking that the album sucked ass.
    I doesn't it's just... different....?
    November 24th, 2008 at 08:33pm
  • nothing. just listening to THE DOORs. hell yea lolxD
    I've noticed you don't like Good Charlotte or Paramore.
    Gosh don't you think those kind of bands are annoying?
    not to be mean or anything..
    November 23rd, 2008 at 03:18am
  • nope. not yeat. but I downloaded some songs from Frostwire or Limewire, or whatever you call it.
    It's the songs that got stolen or something. There awesome!
    November 21st, 2008 at 07:09pm
  • HiiixD
    I just came across your profile and I have to say I love it!
    You're a vegetarian and you hate children?
    Dude we have something in common! lol
    Oh yea, I'm Alexx.
    Sorry if I sound like a wEirDo but yea. Random. lol.
    November 21st, 2008 at 01:33am
  • idnk...that's kinda a tough one...I totally know what you're saying...but I also think that politics/beleifes/racism/ect... kinda fuel the music you know? I mean music has to be ABOUT something and it should be something you're passionate about not just something random and mainstream you know? And if super involed with some cause (whether it's good or not...) then I bet you'd make some decent music... and I kinda like the different skinhead classes because then you don't have to be devoted to something you don't really beleive if they only had the Trojins (which are actually the same as Traditionalists) and the racist ones hadn't bailed and made their own thing then the Traditionalists may have started to disolve and the Oi ones dress the best, even a lot of Traditionalists evolved into dressing like that (as oposed to hard Mods or Skankers) I mean no matter what they believe in they're all skinheads and they all gain from eachother...and they all make up that amazing history
    November 14th, 2008 at 01:25am
  • I pretty much had to google him and yum. LOL. I love Gaspard! He's just so... I don't know any other words than sexy, really fucking sexy. :P
    November 13th, 2008 at 04:51am
  • Who wouldn't have a crush on him!? Ugh. So sexy and his hair! I'd love to run my fingers through that >.<. Another sexy -very,very,very- sexy man check out Gaspard Ulliel, he acted in Hannibal Rising. And wow, he has some fierce looks in it.
    November 12th, 2008 at 06:22pm
  • ya, my aunt told me about this "the secret" thing where if you visualize something enough it'll eventually come to you so she told me I should put that...All I do all day is think about moving to Scotland in like five years and my future skinhead friends (which irritates my current friends XD) I think I'll have a better chance finding 'em over there...Scotland and a few parts of England started the SHARP movement while it was still like an underground movement...I've kinda started to hate them now...I mean I'm not like pro-racist or anything, I just think that there are a lot of skinheads (all the Trojins and some Oi [depending on the particular person]) who weren't racist to begin with so the sharpies are kinda making them look bad you know? I guess I just feel like they've got too high an opinion of themselves and don't really get anything done anymore...
    November 12th, 2008 at 04:10pm
  • LOL! Mine was skinny and now he has braces >.<.
    Its funny because now he never talks. And agreed, tall
    and thin models are oh so gorgeous. It's the jawline that
    gets to me.
    November 12th, 2008 at 04:58am
  • No doubt he does, :P. I love skinny stick boys, my ex was one of those.
    November 11th, 2008 at 06:25am
  • California...I hate it cus I'm like super white (not to sound racist XD) so I really can't handle heat...There's only like Emos, Preps, and sucks...And ya, lots of skinheads in England, I wanna move to Scotland in a few years though, maybe Ireland if it gets to corperate by then, I want like the stereotypical small town you know? My family's super Irish, some of my cousins even live out there and they said there are towns like I want, so if by then Scotland gets rid of em I'll have a Celtic plan B :)
    November 11th, 2008 at 12:25am
  • His muscles are too much, I swear his muscles have muscles. Yuck.
    Same here and most of the bands are shitty anyways. Just stickin
    with the good old bands are fine with me~! :D

    At least you know you got quality music.
    November 11th, 2008 at 12:20am
  • dude I wish...They've pretty much become extincted...But that's probably just because I live in the suberbs, my friend said in Venice she sees 'em a lot and says they've got like a secret hideout near whole foods in Hilcrest (I know weird right XD) So I'm thinking once I get everything together I'll start being on the lookout...I might go stay with her and her family in Colerado this summer (if I can get a plane ticket ) and she says there's a bunch of 'em there too...
    Ya, once I get some money my aunt (who's 5' 9" and only like 115-120 pounds) says she'll take me shopping and help me find some better pants so that'll be cool...I can't wait until I master this skinhead-ness cus they've got a ton of websites but I can't bring myself to join right now, I feel like I'd be a discrace, you know? Anyways, they'll help me find skinheads in my area and if not I'll have some online friends that I'm sure can give me some help
    November 10th, 2008 at 11:06pm
  • aw thanks :) it's really nice to have some support...and I know it's more about your personality and commitment but if you saw me you'd never know I'm like...a skinhead in training...I think once I get my boots back and my haircut I'll be a little better...I've got a white t-shirt around somewhere...I just need to get some pants that'll roll up better (I have no freakin ass so it's impossible for me to find pants and pants that fit me are always too short, freakin sucks to be tall and skinny...) and I wanna get some braces but not only is there just a color code, there's like a code for how you wear 'em and how wide they are and stuff so before I get any I need to figure that out so I don't end up "supporting" some crazy s**t that I didn't even know about XD
    November 10th, 2008 at 10:38pm
  • ya I know what you mean, I have a lot of trouble finding decent people...
    And Rude Boys, Mods and Skinheads all kinda came from the same origions so it's expected to see some similarities...I really wanna be a skinhead but it's a lot of work, I'm waiting so I can get me facts/codes/classes straight. I've got this sweet haircut I'm gonna get, it's like a Trojin/Mod one. One side is left long, the other side is cut to the chin/jaw bone area (or shorter, depends what you want) and you shave under the short side and really thin out the hair under the long side. It's pretty sweet but not a lot of people can do it well and I'm pretty broke so I'm having trouble finding someone to do it for me. I also wanna look up some codes cus of the whole "laces and braces" thing. Right now I've got black laces (sign of a traditionalist) but I read something that kinda contradicted that...I think it depends on your class cus I read this thing that said black laces meant you were working up to white laces (meaning your racist) but I think that only aplies in the Nazi feild, along with red laces meaning you killed somebody (in the main feilds it means you're a communist...)
    so as of now I'm the worst Skinhead you'll ever meet (I look like crap...)...But I know the history, the class system, about half of the codes/slang, I've got a sweet snap cap, nice boots (that r in the shop cus I wore the hell outa em XD) I just need my hair cut and some better clothes...I'm thinkin in about a year I'll be all set....I just don't wanna dress up before I can really commit you know, so rather than be a poser I'll just say I'm a Skinhead in training :)
    November 10th, 2008 at 09:55pm
  • Yup i do. I don't like his music at all.
    It's all about the money to him now.
    November 10th, 2008 at 05:59am
  • pff, lucky! I f**king love them!!!! I'd kill to go to one of their gigs!
    and I'm totally not fighting you or anything, just saying that there are a bunch of skinhead classes (though the main being Trojin, Nazi, SHARP, and Street [also known as oi skins]) and only some of which are racist...In fact, they started out as like a union in the 60s all foccusing on workers rights. They listened to a lot of ska and were kinda like hard mods. Then when a lot of ska became about "black power" some of them went off and did the oposite, and then out of white power became the Nazis...But a lot of which stayed true to their origions (the Trojins) and some even formed the SHARP (skinheads against racial predudice) movement. So judging them as a bunch of racist pricks isn't really fair...They're actually a really great group (all classes included) of very loyal, commited people, lots of morals, integrity, good s**t like that...(there's actually a great Dropkick Murphys song about it, "Never Alone")
    sorry if I'm rambling, this is just one of the few things I really know a lot about and am pretty commited to...always ready to jump at the opertunity to sound like wikipedia XD
    November 10th, 2008 at 04:18am