what a day='(

hai.. i'm hurt='(i hate him!i saw my ex boyfriend with her new girl.. i know i haven't moved on yet because i still want him back='( i really don't know why it seem easy for him to move on. we've been together for a year but he just gave up without any second thoughts and now he's with someone else already. that girl he's with now is such a fraud. grrr!! i really hate them!i don't know what to...
September 9th, 2008 at 01:06pm

a night of ecstacy

it started when i saw my couz browsing this website..i have read some entries and i found it interesting..so i decided to join here..:)i was just like logged on for two seconds and someone already sent a comment to me..i was shocked because i really didn't expect that people here are so friendly:) hehe..i'm not really on drugs but im feeling high tonight because my couz is so insane.. LOL..hahai...
September 6th, 2008 at 06:51pm