GraBerry / Comments

  • This Patrick guy really does sound perfect for you. Not to mention cute! Haha. But yeah, I do know what you mean. Dating someone you work with can def be tricky, but you're a smart and mature woman, and I know you can handle things accordingly. Also, I know what you mean about being kinda scared. But just take things easy, ya know? Get to know him a little, maybe have a few casual dates, and let fate take it from there. I'm sure everything will work out just fine, love. :)

    In that case, I hope they come back over there too! This will be my second time seeing them with Arin, and I have to say, he's one talented little fuck. Not Jimmy, of course, but no one is. Also, I hope someone will go to the TBS gig with you, cuz from videos I've seen, their live performances are pretty incredible.

    As for the course you're taking now... all I can say is good luck, and I really do hope this helps you get a paying job. I'm in the same boat as you right now, that is, wanting to get out on my own, so I know what a blessing that will be for you.

    Anyway, I must be going now. Love you and hope you're taking care of yourself, darling!
    August 12th, 2011 at 03:27am
  • Aw, hun, that's fucking wonderful!
    I mean, these days, it's hard enough meeting guys that are even remotely decent, much less one that sounds... well, perfect! Hahaha.
    What's his name, love? What does he look like? How long have you known him? Like seriously, tell me all about him!
    And btw... I read the part where you said you got butterflies, and it was just like, OMG, overload of cuteness! Seriously, doll, that's fucking awesome, and also makes me really happy for you. :)
    Have you guys, like, hung out at all?
    Oh, and uh... not much going on with me, actually. Just been lazying about, enjoying some freedom before I have to get back to looking for a job. I saw A7X on May 18th. Which was fucking awesome. And I get to see them again on September 5th! So woo hoo for that! :D
    What about you, doll? Anything else going on with you?
    August 9th, 2011 at 02:45am
  • hi I'm alan :)
    July 1st, 2011 at 04:52am
  • Aw, well, I'm glad you're planning on volunteering next year, cuz honestly, I think you make a great and very mature point. People are assholes, but you shouldn't let them stop you from doing something you enjoy. And it's kind of weird, but sometimes when we talk I get this parental feeling like, “Omg, my little Gra's grown up so much!” Even though you're older than me. :)
    HAHA, OMG! A full Superman costume? Lol, you have no idea how hard I'm laughing right now. But of course, you make another good point! We're bound to stumble across some crazy as hell things in a place like Cali, not to mention the fact that the two of us are crazy enough as is. And like you said, the warm weather and hot men would be a definite plus. And the beach! Gahh, I can't remember the last time I went to a nice, clean beach that wasn't littered with fucking pill bottles and broken glass and shit. Lol, seriously, the beach in Texas is an atrocity. :/ But eh, just makes me want to go to Cali even more. And visit Huntington, of course! Can you imagine going to Johnny's Bar or someplace like that? Fuck, that'd be surreal.
    And yes, I know exactly what you mean about Johnny and Jimmy. I actually feel guilty at times for liking Brian as much as I do, but idk, I just have a thing fo guitarists. I do wish the others would get more love though! And speaking Johnny love, you've officially been added to the story. :) I've been pretty vague with descriptions so far, so just let me know if you have anything else you'd like me to add!
    And with that, I shall go watch some zombie movies!
    Love you to bits, doll! <3
    June 17th, 2011 at 01:33am
  • Aw, well, I'm sorry the comedy festival was such a disappointment. It sounded so fun at first, so it's actually kind of surprising to me, but I guess people just fucked it up this year. IDK if you'll be volunteering again, but in any case, I hope the next one is better!
    As for volunteering at the shop... well, it sounds fucking awesome, if you ask me. The experience is obviously great & one thing I'd really like is having something to occupy my time. And congrats on being head volunteer! Seriously, doll, I'm so proud of you! :)
    So basically, California fund for the two of us = greatest idea ever. Lol, it really is though! Just the thought of all the drinking and partying has me pissing my knickers in excitement. :D And you say its the same school Brian went to? Haha, shit, that makes it even cooler than before!
    But um... oh yes, of course you can have Johnny! I'm actually kind glad you said that, cuz Johnny never gets enough love in stories. So yeahhh, I'll write you in, dear. If all goes according to plan, you should be showing up in the next chapter. And you shall be my bestie. :D
    Omg, I hope that's true about A7X coming back to Ireland! I mean, it fucking sucks you were sick last time around, and from what I understand, they don't go over there much to begin with. So yeah, hopefully they come over there and you can enjoy a fucking badass show! And speaking of, I'm actually waiting for Uproar dates so I can find out if their coming to Houston. If I'm not mistaken, the Uproar website will be releasing them on Monday... which is today! WOO!
    But wow, dude, that Gallhammer band is fucking awesome! I'm actually a big fan of death metal, so they immediately caught my attention with that. But IDK, something about them is just so cool compared to other death metal bands. Especially chick ones! All I can say is, their sound is dark & gritty and I fucking love it. :D
    Right, well, I think that's enough of my blabbering. I hope to talk to you soon, dear.
    I love the shit out of you! <3
    June 13th, 2011 at 10:42am
  • GRA, DARLING! I missed you so fucking much!
    But hey, I'm happy to hear you've been doing well. Like volunteering for that comedy festival again! I mean, I remember how much fun you had last time. Plus, it sounds like such an awesome way to meet new people. Also, I think it's chill as fuck that you've been doing other voluteer work as well. Though, I know what you mean about struggling to find ajob. It's actually been the same for me. Either I don't want to do a job cuz I know for a fact it'll suck or the employers think I'm crazy and don't wanna hire me, lol. And yeah, I know it sucks cuz at this point in your life you really just want your independence. But don't worry, doll, I know you'll find something!
    As for college course you found... well, yeah, that definitely sounds perfect for you. Fucking sucks that it's in Cali though! I mean, going to Cali would be amazing under other circumstances, but of course, money always has to be a fucking issue. Lol, we need to start a Gra college fund or something! Or maybe an Aly and Gra roadtrip to California fund! If you ask me, it sounds good either way. :D
    Haha, anyway, I haven't been up to much here in good ol' Texas. The only really awesome thing was that I got to see A7X on May 18th. And hopefully I get to see them again on Uproar! Lol, I can't get enough of those guys.
    Oh, and by the way, thanks so much for your story comments! Unforunately, Warmness is in a sort of comatose state right now, so I don't know when I'll be able to give you an update. But I've got tons of ideas for my other story, so hopefully I'll be posting a lot of that! And since I love to use you as a character, I also thought I would tell you that I still need girlfriends for Jimmy, Matt, & Johnny. So yeah, let me know if you wanna get in on this shit, send me a description or whatever, and I'll write you in. :)
    But yeah, I guess that's it for now. Hope to talk to you soon though, dear!
    PS: I just watched those videos you sent me and WOW! That girl's voice is fucking amazing! And I have to agree with you about wanting to sound like her. I would fucking kill to be able to scream like that! Not only that, but she's hot as hell & has really awesome style. Haha, I think I might watch a shit ton of her videos now. :)
    June 5th, 2011 at 12:19am
  • Bahaha, I'm not sure I told you this in my message or not, but:
    Merry late fucking Christmas!
    And happy late fucking New Year's!
    LOL, I hope they were both spectacular for you, darling. And of course, that 2011 has been treating you well so far. :)
    Oh, and nonstop reading ftw! Haha, seriously, that's one of my main fucking pasttimes, so it sounds fun as hell to me. And autobiographies are always quite interesting! I don't know much about Stephen Fry other than him being a part of Fry & Laurie, but he's a funny fucking bastard, so I'd say thats pretty chill. :D
    And I actually just recently downloaded Skype! My name on there is aly the zombie. or I guess you could look up my email, which is
    I will try to get on there soon so we can fucking chat that shit up!
    LOL, I love you so much, hun! And I fucking miss you! <3
    January 2nd, 2011 at 11:05pm
  • I've posted another update for you, dear! And hopefully I'll be posting another one later tonight, that is, if my head keeps filling with all these ideas, haha.
    The ending might be a little cheesy, but I think you're gonna like it. :]

    I love you, dear, and hope you enjoy your weekend! <3
    December 11th, 2010 at 12:51am
  • Oh, I know what you mean. The snow was atrocious when I lived in Idaho, but I couldn't decide if I loved it or hated it. I mean, it's gorgeous, but like you were saying, it makes getting around difficult and it can be all over annoying. LOL, and that sucks about the glare fucking with your eyesight. Hah, that's why you can only take it in small doses.

    Aw, you lucky bunny! I've never seen MCR & it's a damn shame, cuz they've been one of my favorite bands for ages. I hope you see them again though. You can tell me all about it! Haha, oh, and fuck being broke! I wanted Danger Days so fucking bad!

    But anyway, I'm glad to hear that things are going so well at work. I mean, you're obviously doing a great job for someone to compliment you to your boss. I'm really proud of you, sweetie, as well as for being a fully qualified secretary. Gah, think of all the possibilies you've opened for yourself! Even if you don't want to be a secretary or something, it's nice to know that you've got something to fall back on and that you're building your skills.

    I'm really sad to hear about the whole writing thing, though. Then again, I sort of know what you mean. Lately, I've had a hard time tapping into my creativity, but I think it's just a temporary thing, which I hope is the case for you. I mean, it can be a pain coming up with ideas and shit, but I love your writing and I'd hate to see you give up on it. IDK, I guess just keep reading a shit ton of books and hope that something inspires you.

    Speaking of writing, I posted some more of Warmness on the Soul for you! It's kind of short and not very exciting, but I guess it's better than nothing. Besides, I should be posting more frequently now that I've got everything planned out until the end. & hopefully it won't be disappointing!

    Other than writing, I've had my hands full with all this Christmas bullshit, taking care of the house, errands, and looking for good colleges. I'm thinking about going back to school for advanced fiction or maybe novel writing. :] Aside from that, everything's been boring, hah.

    But okay, shit, that's enough for now. It's already 4 in the fucking morning and I've rambled enough. So I'll talk to you soon, my lovely Irish lady!

    I love you sooooo much! <3
    December 6th, 2010 at 11:11am
  • Aw, snow! That's fucking awesome, especially if it usually doesn't snow like that. I mean, snow during this time of year is fucking necessary! LOL, it just sucks, cuz I live in Texas so I won't be seeing snow any time soon. Just a lot of rain and bullshit.
    Hah, but damn, you are officially the concert queen! That would be chill if you could see My Chem and System of a Down and all those lovely bands. Fuck, I've never seen MCR and I've always wanted to! And I fucking want their new album but I don't have money!
    LOL, but yeah, so how have you been, love?
    Anything fun and exciting going on?
    November 29th, 2010 at 09:36pm
  • Aw, that sounds amazing! I'm glad you had so much fun & especially glad that you get to go to London to see the Murderdolls, cuz that's sure to be just as epic. Hell, I'm kinda jealous, cuz I've always wanted to visit London, but I know you'll have extra fun for the both of us and will hopefully tell me all about the sights and whatnot when you get back. As well as the show, of course. And hopefully you rock your ass off in the crowd! Woo, I love concerts!
    As for turning 21 in less than a month... well, shit, time really flies by, doesn't it? It's really weird, though, cuz in a way, it already seems like you're much older than that. Nonetheless, I hope your birthday is fucking amazing and that you get completely shitfaced! I know it probably doesn't mean as much to you since you can already drink in Ireland, but still, 21 is pretty monumental. Hope you make the best of it, darling!
    November 27th, 2010 at 02:28am
  • So when exactly are you seeing A7X? I know you said November, but I can't remember if you said a date or not. For all I know, you could have seen them already, hahaha. But still, it would be fucking fun, eh?
    I LOVE YOU, DEAR! <3333333333
    November 15th, 2010 at 09:45pm
  • I miss you. :[
    November 14th, 2010 at 02:33am
  • Hah, I hope I don't have to wait very long, cuz I don't want to have to go through a dry spell, but I feel guilty having sex without being in a relationship, ya know what I mean?
    Anyway, that sucks about the guy you're interested. Even if you were considering making a move, it can't happen if he's never around. Plus, imagine if you got in a relationship and he kept that kind of shit up. I obviously don't know him, but if he's the kind of guy that has a tendency to get wrapped up in his own little world, then I'd proceed with caution. Michael was that kind of guy and it drove me crazy. I mean, not like the same thing would happen, but I just don't want to see you getting hurt, ya know?
    But I know what you mean. It totally seems like there aren't enough good guys out there. LOL, all the single ones are either fucked up in some way or perverts. Which is true, you that guy would haven't been feeling ya'll up! Which by the way: OMG! Is sex honestly the only thing guys think about? I love it just as much as the next person, but wtf is up with that?
    Gah, IDK, but I'm sure both of us will get lucky someday and meet a pair of totally awesome and attractive metalheads. :D
    But man, that sounds awesome about volunteering at a charity shop. Even if you don't get paid it's experience, like you said, and I bet it makes you feel really awesome afterwards.
    Oh, and being a hipster for Halloween sounds fucking chill! That totally suits your personality, and of course, you're gonna look sexalicious. Heh, straight up.
    But yeah, I love you, hun! <3
    October 27th, 2010 at 05:17am
  • You're 100% right. He was a cool dude, but he didn't treat me right and was probably sticking around as long as he did for the sex, so I'm not gonna waste my time crying over him. And maybe a break will be good for me. Not that I want to take a break from sex, but ya know.
    Hah, anyway, I'm sorry that you've also got some shit going on in your love life. Straight up, that "I want someone, but it seems like there's so much holding me back" feeling is one of the worst fucking feelings in the world. But if you really like this guy, I think you should go for it. There's the threat of failure in anything you do, but I think the risk is worth it. Life is crazy and unpredictable, but that's exactly why we should live in in the moment.
    In the eternal words of A7X, "Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost."
    Granted, that's a little intense for a situation like this, but I think you get the point.
    Anyway, I hope everything works out well for you.
    And speaking of A7X, I hope you have a shit ton of fun when you see them! Actually, I know for a fact that you will, cuz A7X is amazing. And possibly even better live.
    Hah, IDK, but I love you, deary!
    October 25th, 2010 at 01:58pm
  • PS: You look fucking GORGEOUS in that picture. :]
    October 8th, 2010 at 03:41am
  • I thought the update was awesome! And I'll be sad to see the story ending, but then again, I'm sure you've got lots of other awesome ideas up your sleeves. I can't wait to read them!
    And um, not much going on here. Just been chilling out, trying to take it easy cuz I've been having some guy drama. It's seems that I fell for another asshole, but whatever, I'm over it.
    LOL, how about you, darling?
    Got any news for me?
    October 8th, 2010 at 03:40am
  • Aw, I'm sorry writing has been so difficult for you! I totally know what you mean though. It's like your head is bursting with ideas, but then you sit down and attempt to get it all out and it's really difficult to put it all together. That happens to me a lot, unfortunately.
    But don't stress yourself out about it, love. Just give yourself a break and try to let it come naturally and if it doesn't... well, I'm sure you have plenty of other ideas up your sleeve. I'd love for you to continue on with this story, but not if it's just gonna be a pain in the ass to you.
    Anyway, I hope you're doing well and all of that.
    I've actually been really bummed lately and it doesn't help that today is the nine month anniversary of Jimmy's passing. I miss that guy so fucking much. :[
    But yeah, I guess that's it.
    I love you tons!
    September 29th, 2010 at 04:21am
  • I'm glad you're enjoy the updates, dear! I actually just posted another. :D
    Have you been doing any writing for Daydream lately?

    Ohhh, and by the way: I FUCKING LOVE YOU! Ha ha ha.
    September 27th, 2010 at 11:00pm
  • Aw, sounds like ya'll are gonna have one hell of a badass time! Be sure to tell me all about it!
    And speaking of, did you hear that Mike Portnoy is leaving Dream Theater? He didn't say anything specifically about joining A7X at a more permanent capacity, but he did say that he's had more fun on this tour than most all the others he's ever been on. It may be just a coincidence, but it seems to me like something bigger is going on here.
    Anyway, I'm glad to hear that you're getting back to writing, although, I'm so sorry that it's been difficult for you. That happens to me all the time, so believe me, I know how annoying it is. Hopefully everything ends up working out, though! I'd fucking love it if you updated!
    As for going to school for event management... well, that sounds perfect for you! You've been about going to shows for as long as I've known you, so it would def. be something you're familiar with, plus, it would be fun as hell. I hope you follow through with it!
    Also, I hope you're doing well.... and I seriously can't say it enough: I can't wait 'til you update!
    I love you tons, my dear!
    September 11th, 2010 at 01:09am