GraBerry / Comments

  • Ahh, fuck yes, you're gonna see them too! This is like the year of A7X or some shit! It's awesome, though, especially since you haven't seen them in so long. I bet you're gonna have a fucking incredible time!
    And as always, it's good to know that you've still been writing. I know you had a writer's block sort of thing going, on, but it sounds like that's getting better so hopefully you'll have some updates soon. I've really been looking forward to more!
    Oh, and thank you so much, my dear! I've been working extremely hard on these last few chapters, like REALLY putting myself into them, so I've been hoping that it all shows through. IDK, I've actually been sort of obsessed, but the whole death thing has really been in my mind, plus, I wanna try really hard to finish it up so I can move on to some new ideas.
    I've actually heard of The Walking Dead comics, but I've never read any of them and I had no idea there was a t.v. version of them up until now. I'll have to check both of them out, though, cuz anything with hardcore zombies is probably beast as fuck!
    Ohhh, and that's awesome about your godmother. LOL, your family must have been sprinkled with baby dust or something. That's really wonderful, though. I bet she's so excited!
    But yeah, I guses that's it for now.
    Good luck on the next chapter, dear!
    September 6th, 2010 at 08:50pm
  • Aw, you're totally welcome! And I'm glad that you enjoyed the update, of course. It was kind of one of those lame-ish, filler chapters, but some better ones should be coming up soon!
    Oh, and I'm also glad that you're feeling better! That sucks about your throat, but hopefully that's getting better too, and if it's not... well, drink as much orange juice as you can and keep tons of cough drops close by. LOL, but seriously, I hope you're doing well, my dear.
    And I hope you post some more soon, dammnit! Ha ha, IDK, I watched this show a few days ago that totally reminded of Daydream, so it's making me wanna read it really bad, but at the same time, I know what a bitch it can be to get stuck with writer's block. I guess the best advice I can give is to not force yourself if you're having trouble and maybe try working on some other things, like writing poems or even just random scenes, just to keep yourself fluent and to get ideas flowing. I do the whole "random scene" thing a lot and it always helps.
    Eh, I don't know, but either way, I hope your writer's block passes soon. Tbh, I'd very much love to read more of your story. :] Oh, and that would be chill as fuck to see myself in there! LOL, that's a straight up chill way to make an awesome story even awesomer.
    But yeah, I guess that's it for now.
    I love you bunches, my lovely Irish friend!
    August 25th, 2010 at 06:00am
  • I've posted an update just for you, my dear!
    It's short and not very exciting, but I hope you like it, nonetheless.
    And I also hope that you're feeling better! :]

    August 22nd, 2010 at 05:29am
  • Aw, it's okay, love! I totally understand that you've been busy, cuz it's been the same for me.
    But yeah, shit, that's awesome that you got to go to Godmother's wedding! Not only getting to see her after so long, but getting to share something so special with her. I bet it was amazing! And a Christmas baby for your Godfather! Ha ha, aw, that's so sweet! Is this their first child? God, I bet they're so fucking excited! Plus, it'll be awesome for you to get to go to Holland. Jeez, girl, that's actually really lucky to get to be able to travel like that.
    But I do hope you have fun when you finally get to go! And congrats to your Godparents!
    That sucks about the whole job thing, though. But I mean, I totally get it, cuz it's the same way here. You can't find fuckin' shit when you really need to, and when you do, it's totally not the kind of job you'd want to have. Like fast food restaurants and shit. Ha ha, bleh! I hope you can find one soon, though. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. :]
    Oh, and it's good to hear that you plan on doing some writing! It feels like it's been a long time, ya know, so I'll be really excited to see you posting again. Plus, it's neat to know in advance how long the story will be. I actually really like when stories are not TOO long, ya know, cuz it makes you feel like you can tie up all the loose ends, ya know? I'm really excited about this! And the prequel, of course, but I have to be patient for that.

    LOL, and concerts! OMG, is this like the summer of concerts, or what? But yeah, shit, that should be really fun! I'm not too familiar with the Cancer Bats, but going to a small show will be really awesome, I'm sure. I love the vibe of small concerts!
    I'm super excited to see A7X on Sept. 12, but this show is gonna be absolutely enormous... which kinda takes away the intimacy of it. The last time I saw them, I was just a few feet away from the barrier, so this is gonna be, like, drastically different. Still super excited, though!
    And yeah, I'm glad to hear that you're doing well. :]
    But enough of my babbling!
    I'll talk to you soon, dear!
    August 8th, 2010 at 08:59pm
  • Gra, darling, I miss the shit out of you!
    What sort of shenanigans have you been up to lately?
    LOL, are you enjoying your summer?
    I hope so. :]
    Oh, and yes, I did hear Buried Alive! It's fucking insane, isn't it? IDK, the vibe of the whole thing was fuckin' magnificent and as usual, you can tell they put every fuckin' ounce of themselves into recording. With what I've seen with this and Nightmare, you can bet your ass that I'm gonna flip when the album finally comes out. I'm so excited for it!
    Plus, I got tickets to see them in September! YAAAAAAAAY!
    I mean, okay, it's gonna be weird as fuck cuz this'll be my first time seeing them without Jimmy, but still, I think it's gonna be amazing. Like you said, they have his legacy to fulfill and I'm pretty sure Jimmy wouldn't have it anny other way.
    Plus, that's quite exciting about My Chem! I haven't heard much about the album, but I'm sure it's gonna be great.
    On a different note: I read your update on Daydream today and I thought it was fuckin' spectacular!
    The only thing is that I'm sort of sad that you haven't been posting much lately.
    I know you've prob. got a lot of other stuff going on, but come on, I need good shits to read! LOL, seriously, though, I hope you post some more soon, cuz I'm really looking forward to it.
    Oh, and I guess this is sort of off topic, but do you ever plan on writing that prequel to Forever in my Soul? I read the one shot this morning when I got bored and it reminded me off it. Daydream is def. my priority, but that story would be really great to read too!
    Ha ha ha, but okay, I will stop wasting your time now.
    Hope you're doing well and that you're getting some writing done!
    I love you so much!
    July 18th, 2010 at 05:47pm
  • Aw, honey, I'm so glad you had fun at the Green Day show!
    And I totally know what you're saying. Getting to see one of your favorite bands live is one of the most amazing and undescribable experiences ever. Especially when you really click with the band's music. LOL, which makes sense that this was so awesome for you, cuz you like them a whole fuckin' lot.
    Ha ha ha, gosh, it's just great, and I think that's sweet that you ending up crying! That's a beautiful song, though, and I bet it made it all the better that you were right there seeing them.
    That's how I feel when I see A7X. :]
    Ohhhhh, and shit! I'm fuckin' glad that you're gonna be working on Daydream! Daydream is one of the few stories that I'm actually really into so it's been kind of depressing that you haven't been updating. :/
    But I bet it's gonna be worth the wait!
    LOL, and I've actually been quite... IDK, moody. Period's coming up in 2 days and I've been extra bitchy cuz I've started a new kind of birth control. Ugh, I've been a hysterical mess for the last 3 weeks!
    But yeah, I've been good otherwise.
    And I hope the same is true for you! Although, after going to a kickass Green Day show, it seems to me that you're over the fuckin' moon!
    June 26th, 2010 at 10:10am
  • Oh, man, I totally know how shitty that is, cuz that's happened to me too! My friend Jake downloaded porn on my old laptop one time and it gave it a virus. I lost a whole bunch of short stories that I wrote and stuff! I was pissed! But I'm glad you didn't lose your stuff this time around. Not only would it have sucked for that to happen to you TWICE, but losing all your story stuff would probably make writing a lot freaking harder! And that would be horrible, especially now that you're starting to work on the next chapter.
    Which is really awesome, by the way! I've sooo been looking forward to more! LOL, and it's even cooler that your idea reserve has gone into overdrive! Hopefully that means you'll posting more soon!
    And well, Green Day is obv. some fuckin' badass shit. Ha ha ha, seriously, that's so lucky that you get to see them, but I mean, it makes up for you missing them all the other times they came to Ireland. LOL, and dude, you have to tell me awesome it is!
    Oh, and that's sweet about your cousin. It really does sound like ya'll hang out a lot! And like you get along really well! I wish I could get along with my cousins. :/
    But yeah, I'm glad you're doing okay, dear!
    And I'm hoping for updates soon!
    I love you bunches!
    PS: Thank you bunches for the story comment! Oh, and I listened to that song! It really did suit the mood of the story and I thought the lyrics were fuckin' awesome. LOL, you know the coolest songs that most people have never heard of!
    June 21st, 2010 at 10:49am
  • Aw, Gra, it's so good to hear from you!
    I missed you a ton. :/
    But it makes sense now that I now about all your computer shit! And by the way: that fuckin' SUCKS! Seriously, the worst part about technology is that it's so fuckin' unreliable. Shit like that happens to me a lot too. But I mean, it's good that you got a new laptop. It sucks that you had to buy a new one, but I bet it's nice!
    And that's good that your stuff transferred probably! It would be horrible to lose your work
    But yeah, OMGGGG, you're going to see Green Day? That's fuckin' awesome! I hope you have a kickass time. :]
    Oh, and I can't fuckin' wait 'til you update! I know why you haven't been lately cuz you've had all that shit going on, but wow, it's been lame, cuz I haven't had too much to read lately. And I'm really getting into your story. So yeah, gosh, I hope I can get some more up soon! I'm interested to see what you're ideas are. :D
    June 20th, 2010 at 09:50am
  • Ha ha ha, aw, getting drunk sounds pretty freakin' fun, if you ask me. Especially if you end up getting so drunk that you have to sleep for most of the next day. And I bet that totally helped to keep you from getting a hangover. :D
    But the whole guy thing! OMG, that really does sound annoying, cuz I know guys can be so fuckin' ridiculous when it comes making moves, sending mixed signals, etc, etc. And it honestly sounds extra annoying in your case, cuz you've got one that you CAN'T talk to cuz you don't have his number and one that WON'T talk to you cuz he's a fuckin' player. LOL, gosh, guys fuckin' suck!
    But I totally see what you're saying about messing around with that one guy. I mean, who says you can only be in serious relationships and shit? Honestly, I think relationships are really stressful and complicated for the most part, so I think it's perfectly okay if there are times where'd you rather do something just for fun and not really have to worry about anything serious, you know?
    And besides, you deserve to have some fun!
    But aww, dude, your dad thinks you and Rob got back together? LOL, that's actually kind of weird! But I suppose it makes sense in a way, cuz it usually really hard for exes to stay friends. In your case, though, I think it's easy cuz you guys have really good communation, and well, you have a shit ton in common, too, so it's like it's really easy to keep a friendship going.
    And about your update! LOL, I read and commented already and I personally thought it was fuckin' amazing. And the best thing about ALL of your stories is that I always end up thinking about them even when I'm not reading anymore. Just like thinking of the characters and the situations and wondering what I would do if the same thing happened to me, ya know? Ha ha ha, IDK, but I love it!
    And I really do hope that you can get some more writing done today!
    But after muffins, of course. :]
    LOL, but okay, I think that's it for now, cuz I really need to take a nap and then maybe a shower.
    Ha ha ha, talk to you later, honey, and good luck with your writing!
    June 12th, 2010 at 05:05pm
  • Aw, honey, that's totally okay! I mean, I understand that you've been busy and all, and believe me, I get the whole job thing. I've been trying so hard to find one these days, but it's always the same thing: they tell me they're gonna call me back and they never do. LOL, lame.
    But yeah, shit, I'm sorry that it's been so hard for you. I hope you can find one soon, if that's what you really want! But then again, I'd be perfectly okay if you decided to stay home instead and write. ;]
    Ha ha ha, just kidding! Well, sort of, but mehhh, you know what I mean.
    LOL, anyways, I'm glad to hear that you've been doing well, and speaking of writing: I'm so fuckin' happy to know that you've been working on Daydream! I've been getting so anxious about it! But I soooo get what you're saying about re-writes and shit like that. OMG, I've been having to do that a lot, cuz I've been so fuckin' annoyed by the way my writing has been sounding lately. IDK, it's suddenly seeming very predictable and kind of annoying, but heeeeyyy, maybe that's cuz I'm working too hard. :D
    And in any case, I hope that writing gets easier for you and that you can post soon, cuz I'm getting really fuckin' anxious for Brian to find out that Maye is back in Huntington Beach. I think that's gonna be intense.
    Oh, and by the way: thank you so much for what you said about Warmness! LOL, like I said, I've been having a bit of a rough time with it lately, but hearing you say that you're enjoying it makes me feel so much fuckin' better. That must mean I'm doing something right, ya know? Ha ha ha, ohhh, and I actually posted another chapter just a sec. ago, but IDK how I feel about that one either. It's sort of the same old song and dance that Zacky and Jade have been going through for the last few chapters, but I feel like the character building and the tension is necessary in a way, and I promise that I'm leading up to things that are more interesting!
    LOL, but okay, enough of my rambling.
    And to make up for it, you can totally chat (type?) my ear off when you respond! And anyways, I need to know what's going on with you. Tell me all the juicy details!
    Ha ha ha, but yeah, okay, I guess that's it.
    Hope you're doing well and that your having an easy time writing today.
    Can't wait to hear from you again!
    June 12th, 2010 at 04:31pm
    It feels like I haven't talked to you in decades!
    LOL, how have you been, dear? Has everything been going well for you? Are you still doing that comedy tour thing?
    Basically, you have to tell me EVERYTHING... cuz I feel like we're totally drifting and I don't want that at ALL.
    You're too cool for that. :]
    Ha ha ha, yeah, IDK, but dude, I really do miss you!
    And I also miss reading Daydream quite a fuckin' bit, so I'm hoping that you post some more on it soon.
    LOL, not that that was supposed to be a hint or anything. ;]
    But omg, yes, I hope that we talk soon and also that you're doing well!
    And that you're having a fun summer, of course!
    June 12th, 2010 at 11:21am
  • Aw, hun, it's okay that you haven't been around much lately, cuz I totally get the whole laptop charger thing. LOL, technology is so unpredictable. But I'm glad you got a new one, cuz I've really missed talking to you!
    But yeah, how have you been, dear? What have you been up to lately?
    Besides the whole comedy thing, of course. Which by the way: that sounds so freaking awesome! LOL, you know you had a good time if you come home drunk. Ha ha, really, though, how did it go? Did you have tons of fun?
    Oh, and thanks for the story comment, of course! It means so much to me to get positive feedback from someone who I look up to as a writer, and in my personal opinion, your one of the best I've ever known! So yes, thanks again, and while we're on the topic of stories: YOU MUST UPDATE SOON!
    Ha ha ha, no pressuer, of course.
    But yeah, IDK, I just hope you're doing well and that everything is awesome and fabulous for you. And I also hope that we talk soon, cuz I really do miss you a lot.
    But okaaaaay, I guess that's it for now.
    I love you so much, dear!
    June 6th, 2010 at 03:36am
  • hey, i'm becky
    it just so happens i'm listening to music right now :)
    May 26th, 2010 at 12:59am
  • Aw, man, that's fuckin' awesome that you're going out to do some partying!
    Ha ha, fuck, I hope you get really drunk for the both of us && also that you DO meet a really hot boy to, uh... ya know, keep you some company. *coughcough*
    LOL, seriously, though, I hope you have a whole shit ton of fun, sweetie!
    You really do deserve it!
    Ohhh, and about Daydream. Well, I am getting pretty anxious for your next post, but honestly, I wouldn't worry about it too much for now, cuz you should be enjoying your partying and all that, and like I was saying, you deserve a break to just have && not really worry about anything.
    And hey, maybe that'll help get your mind off of the story enough to move some ideas around, so like, when you start writing again, everything comes a lot easier.
    Ha ha, IDK, but have fun for now && when you get back to writing, I'll cross my fingers that everything goes smoothly.
    LOL, cuz no matter what I say about no pressure or anything, I really can never wait to check my story update notification things and see that you've added to Daydream. :]
    But yeahhhh, okay, enough of my shit for now.
    I love you so much, dear, and I hope you enjoy your partying!
    May 24th, 2010 at 01:32am
  • Aw, honey, I'm so sorry you're having trouble with the next part of Daydream!
    Mannnn that's actually really disappointing for me too, cuz I've soooo been looking forward to your next update.
    At the same time, though, I totally understand the whole writer's block thing, cuz it's like... well, sometimes it's just unavoidable and I think all writer's go through it at one point or another.
    I really am sorry, though, and uggh, i bet it's even more frustrating that you've having trouble with the beginning! LOL, that's the problem I'm having with the next chapter of "Warmness..." and I hate it!
    IDK, the best I can say is to take a break to give your mind some time to relax and to just get your thoughts together, and then try again when you feel like you have a better grasp on how you want things to start. And yeahhh, IDK, but I DO hope it gets better for you!
    And about Dio. Well, you're actually quite right. It's a devastating thing to know that he's gone, but like you said, he had a good life and more importantly, his work will always live on. Besides, I'm really happy to know he's not suffering anymore, cuz man, stomach cancer must have been awful. :[ But yeah, IDK, he's in a better place now && I hope that he's still kickin' ass wherever he is!
    Ohhh, and Nightmare! I listened to the whole song at like 4:00 in the morning on the 18th cuz I couldn't freakin' wait to hear it and I'm sooooo glad I did. OMG, I don't even know how I can explain it, but it was fuckin' epic! It's different, yes, but that's what's good about it && all I can really say is that I'm sooooo fuckin' impressed with how much they've grown in all the years. I'm so looking forward to this album!
    But yeah, IDK, i guess that's enough of my rambling for now.
    I just hope you're doing well && that your next chapter in Daydream is getting a little easier.
    No pressure or anything, but I really can't wait for it! I know it's gonna be wonderful!
    LOL, but okayyyyyy, I'm sorry, cuz I'm still rambling. :]
    Ha ha, talk to you soon, though!
    May 20th, 2010 at 11:54pm
  • Gra, honey!
    I missed talking to you!
    && I really fuckin' missed reading your story, too. :[
    LOL, it's okay, though, cuz it sounds like you had fun in Dublin.
    And anyways, every writer deserves a break to clear their minds for a little while. :]
    Although I would be lying if I said I didn't want you to post soon. *coughhintcough*
    LOL, but omggggggg about you volunteering at the next comedy festival! Gra, sweetie, that's fucking amazing! Like honestly, I couldn't think of a better thing for you to do this summer, cuz I know how much you love the festival and I also know how kickass it's gonna be for you to get to hang around all the comedians && meet knew people and all that. LOL, gosh, this is gonna be so perfect for you! I bet you're gonna have so much fun!
    Ha ha, gosh, I wish I could say I had cool news like that. But alas, things have been rather dull around here. I haven't had much to do for one thing, and it's also been shitty, cuz I really haven't felt well for the last couple of weeks.
    But I'm going to the doctor tomorrow, so yeah, hopefully all of that works out well.
    The only other thing is that I'm fucking depressed today cuz a friend of mine told me that Ronnie James Dio passed away this morning. Ugh, IDK, it's just horrible, cuz his music has always been sooo fucking inspiring to me, and it's also really upsetting in that sense that, like... well, why does shit like this happen to people that are so fucking amazing?
    First Dimebag, then Jimmy, then Peter Steele and now this.
    Ugh, it's so horrible!
    But okay, sorry for my whining.
    I just hope that things are wonderful and excellent for you && once again, I have to say that I'm sooo happy for you for the whole comedy festival thing!
    You're gonna have so much fun!
    Ha ha, but yeahhhhhh, I LOVE YOU, DEAR!
    Hugs and kisses!
    May 17th, 2010 at 02:37am
  • Hello, my dear!
    LOL, I honestly love it when you're hyper, cuz that means awesome comments for me. :]
    && aw, I'm glad to know that everything with your story is going so well! I haven't gotten a chance to read your most recent posts yet, but it's obvious that you've been working really fuckin' hard these last few days and I'm sure it's all paying off. From what I've read, the story seems to be falling into place perfectly!
    And as for the whole Dublin thing... well, you deserve a break. It'll suck that you might not post for a while, but at the same time, I think taking a breather always helps to put things into perspective, and anyways, I bet going to Dublin will be a good dose of some much needed fun! && I really hope you enjoy yourself!
    As for me... IDK, I guess I'm doing pretty good. LOL, no alien spaceship landings, unfortunately (cuz that'd be really sweet), but yeah, I've been okay. IDK, I've been sort of blah lately and feeling really shitty and exhausted for some reason, but it seems like that's starting to pass, so hopefully everything's alright.
    Also, I've been trying to work on my stories, but I have to be honest and say that I haven't had much luck as of so far. I got the next chapter of "Warmness..." done, but even then... well, IDK, I don't know if it turned out all that well.
    But we'll see how it goes!
    Ha ha ha, anyways, I hope everything is good for you, my dear, and that you're getting some writing done, because I'm really excited to get more and more into the plot of your story.
    && of course, I really hope we get to talk soon!
    I miss you already!
    And I fuckin' love you, too!
    PS: Aw, I'm happy for Brian, too! It's amazing to see how far they've all come && to be honest, I'm really fuckin' proud of all of them for how much they've grown up and for how much of their dreams they've been able to make come true. LOL, I love them so much! Ohhhh, and speaking of: have you heard the little preview for their new single yet? The one called "Nightmare"? I listened to it last night and I about died! It was so fuckin' wonderful! I was hard to listen to at first, and I have a feeling that listening to the whole record is gonna be a really emotional experience, but maaaaan, Mike Portnoy is sure as shit trying his best to stay true to Jimmy's legacy and from what I've heard, he's done a fantastic job. LOL, and here I am, rambling as always. But yeah, IDK, it's hard to contain myself, cuz I'm seriously fuckin' excited for this album! I think it's going to be legendary!
    May 11th, 2010 at 12:49pm
  • Gra, honey!
    I miss you soooo fuckin' much!
    But aw, I'm glad you got all of your exam stuff out of the way && even happier that you should be working on Daydream Life soon.
    LOL, I've been missing reading it already!
    But yeah, gosh, it feels like it's been so long!
    So get your sexy ass on MSN soon and we'll talk!
    && of course, you can rant as much as you need to!
    May 7th, 2010 at 03:16am
  • Glad you're liking the story so far, honey!
    I've been sort of worried that it's going in a predictable direction, but IDK, I've been doing a lot of drafting and editing, so hopefully I can make it even better!
    && I also hope you post more soon!
    I miss you're stories already!
    But I know you've been busy, so don't worry about me, cuz I'm must being a whiney bitch. :D
    LOL, but yes, hope to talk to you soon, dear, and I also hope that your exams are going well!
    April 29th, 2010 at 10:34am
    OMG, honey, it's so good hearing from you!
    I've really missed you, too. :[
    But aw, it's okay, cuz I can totally understand you being busy with everything you've got going on && all.
    The only thing that sucks is that you've got exams and won't be able to update for a while. :/
    LOL, I'll try to be patient, though, cuz I want you to do well and not be distracted by anything!
    But heeeey, how have you been, dear?
    What's been going on with you? Anything fun or totally awesome?
    Or mostly just school and such?
    Ha ha ha, I hope you're doing wonderfully!
    Me, I'm doing great!
    && thanks for the happy late birthday, by the way! I can't believe you remembered!
    But omggg, it was awesome. I got to hang out with my fam. all day && I got some 7/8" gauges, too, which was pretty much the best present ever.
    LOL, but yeah, IDK, I just hope we can talk soon && I def. hope things are good for you.
    Be sure to comment when you can and let me know all about what's going on in your life.
    I feel like I really need to catch up!
    Ha ha, but yeah, that's it for now, I guess.
    Good luck with studying and all!
    April 26th, 2010 at 01:11am