GraBerry / Comments

  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)


    So, I realize I've spoken to you more regularly on Twitter, but I figured I'd reply to the comment you left in February... yeah, I'm really bad at replying to comments on my profile. I apologise for that.

    So, how you doing? Anything exciting happening lately? I don't have that much exciting stuff going on, really. Just general life crap. hahaha.

    Anyways, to avoid rambling, I think i'll leave it here and apologise once more for taking so long to reply. My bad.

    Have a nice day!
    April 11th, 2010 at 12:45pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Aww, I'm so, so happ you're enjoying it and that I've got you hooked, cuz honestly, I was afraid it wouldn't be too good.
    LOL, I'm a little rusty with drama stories!
    But I'm gonna try my best for your sake, and well, I actually think I might be able to post some more tonight, so we'll see how that goes.
    Like IDK, I've got a lot of ideas, but it's somehow hard to put it all into words, ya know?
    LOL, that's why you're so lucky, cuz it seems like things are gonna go wonderfully for Daydream Life!
    Like, honestly, I'm so happy that you've got all these great ideas and that you feel like you can write so much in it, cuz it's awesome to have that natural gravitation towards a story, and you being able to connect to it so much will end up making it better and better!
    Yeah, IDK, I just really love this story so far, and I'm def. looking forward to more, but since I know you'll be with a friend and might not post 'til Sunday, I'll try to be patient and wait it out like a good little girl.
    Hope you have fun with your friend, dear, and I'll talk to you soon!
    PS: OMG, is that what your hair looks like now? Like,the way it is in your new picture?
    Cuz holy shit! That's fuckin' adorable!
    It's so edgy && it really suits you!
    Plus, you look stunningly gorgeous as usual.
    April 11th, 2010 at 03:15am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Aww, you're totally welcome, sweetie!
    LOL, consider it my present to you for sticking around with me this long and always putting up with my ridiculousness.
    Ha ha, aww, and thank you, too!
    It means a lot to know that you like my writing. :]
    Oh, man, I totally know what you mean.
    It's, like, there are days that ideas just seem to pour out of you, and others where you sit and look at the screen for hours and not come up with anything.
    LOL, I'm glad, though, that this seems like a day where you can stop!
    Ohhh, and I just read the second part of Daydream Life!
    It was spectacular as usual, honey, and I def. think it was a good idea to show a bit of Brian's point of view, cuz it allowed a different perspective of how Brian and Maye came to be, and I really like that!
    Anyways, I loved it and I remembered to subscribe this time!
    So post more when you can, cuz it's great to see you in such a creative mood, and also, be on the look out for more of "Warmness...", cuz I plan to get that going a bit more today!
    I love you tons && tons!
    April 9th, 2010 at 10:26pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Aw, honey, I'm so glad you like it!
    Just consider it my way of saying how much I love you, cuz Hell, what's a better gift than a torrid love story?
    LOL, I am glad you enjoyed it, though, and also glad to hear you'll have some more of Daydream Life up soon!
    The intro. really sparked my interest, so I'm def. looking forward to what you'll be posting next!
    As for me... I'd def. like to post some more today, but maybe not for a little later, cuz I need to take a break from writing.
    LOL, sometimes enough is enough!
    April 9th, 2010 at 02:16pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    You're welcome!
    And I'm glad you like the name!
    I wanted for it to be a "J" name, since Jimmy's gonna be your twin brother in this. :]
    Anyways, I hope this one'll be a good one!
    It haven't written a romance story in a while. :/
    LOL, love you, though, dear!
    April 9th, 2010 at 01:56pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Just wanted to let you know that I'm writing a new story that's dedicated to you.
    It's called "Warmness On The Soul".
    Oh, and your name is Jade in it.
    LOL, hope that sounds okay to you!
    And um... well, that's really it.
    Ha ha, talk to you later!
    && hope you enjoy the story!
    April 9th, 2010 at 01:50pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Aw, well, thank you for saying so, sweetie! That really means a lot to me!
    Especially coming from someone that I respect so much as an author. :]
    But aw, okay!
    That's actually a graet idea, anyways, cuz you're probably mentally and physically exhausted right now, and I bet some rest would do you well.
    So you go get yourself some sleep and I def. hope you get to feeling better!
    Sleep well and I walk talk to you soon!
    I love you tons!
    Goodbye and goodnight!
    April 8th, 2010 at 11:59pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    You're totally welcome!
    LOL, and I'm way glad for that, cuz that bit with the intro. really ignited my curiosity. I'll def. be looking out for more. :]
    Ha ha ha, I can't blame them!
    A group of pissed off, hormonal bitches can be a pretty scary thing!
    LOL, IDK, it would be a lot easier, though, if guys knew what it was like to have a period.
    Ha ha ha, aww, I thought you'd like that!
    Who would deny naked Zacky V. after all?
    LOL, he's too cute. :D
    But goooosh, I'm definitely looking forward to more of your story and the prequel.
    Ha ha ha, and IDK, but man... your writing makes me feel like mine is so lower class. LOL, it gives me inspiration to work harder, though, and to do my very best!
    April 8th, 2010 at 11:34pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    I read the first chapter and commented!
    LOL, and yeah, you'll read the comment, of course, so this is redundant: but WOW! Ha ha ha, holy shit, that was fantastic!
    Man, I just really love your writing so much.
    Others people's can be really good, but honestly, I don't think anyone's on this freakin' site can hold a candle to yours. :]
    And that's weird!
    But that happens to me a lot with some of my friends here and especially with my mom and sister!
    LOL, it's weird how that happens, though. O.O
    But yeah, IDK, I just hope you're feeling better.
    *sends over naked Zacky Vengeance wrapped in a bow*
    Ha ha, maybe that'll do the trick!
    April 8th, 2010 at 11:06pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Oh, goodie!
    I'll keep an eye out for it in that case!
    But aw, honey, I'm so sorry about your period.
    OMG, that shit is never fun.
    && it's weird as fuck, too, cuz I totally know I'm about to get mine, and it's even weirder, cuz this isn't the first time we've had it around the same time.
    LOL, my mom told me that a lot of girls have a tendency to have their cycles sync up when they've known each other for a long time, so maybe that's the thing.
    Ha ha, IDK, but I hope you feel better soon, dear, and I will def. be looking out for your post.
    Take care of yourself, honey, and try to get some rest when you can!
    April 8th, 2010 at 10:47pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Aw, it's okay, dear!
    I can totally understand life being busy.
    And I can also understand you having trouble with the title. :/
    Don't worry too much about it, though, and take your time with everything you need to do, cuz I don't want you to feel rushed or anything.
    And besides, a Syn Gates story will be fun to read!
    He's yummy. ;]
    LOL, I really can't wait, though, cuz I've been wanting something of yours to read!
    Oh, and be sure to let me know whenever you put something up, just so I don't miss it!
    Ha ha, talk to you soon, dear!
    I love you tons && good luck on the writing!
    April 8th, 2010 at 10:12pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Where have you been, honey?
    And where is that prequel I've been wanting so desperately?
    LOL, that doesn't sound pushy, does it?
    Well, I hope not... cuz I'm sure you've been busy or have had important stuff to do.
    But I'm so anxious for it!
    Plus, I really miss talking to you.
    Ha ha ha, IDK, but we need to talk soon!
    Cuz I miss you and we need to catch up. :]
    LOL, hope you're doing well, darlin'.
    April 8th, 2010 at 05:03am
  • Tilers Haner

    Tilers Haner (100)

    United Kingdom
    I'm glad you enjoyed it hun :)
    April 4th, 2010 at 09:34pm
  • Tilers Haner

    Tilers Haner (100)

    United Kingdom
    FINALLY! I've managed to get the one shot you asked for written! Sorry it's taken so long!
    Hope you like it! :)
    April 4th, 2010 at 01:47pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Dude, now that you're explaining it to me, I really like the whole "writing process" thing you've got going on.
    LOL, and it's funny that you talk about trying to map things out in the middle of the story, cuz that's what I always end up doing and it's really fuckin' difficult to do it like that.
    And anyways, it seems like everything you're doing is working, cuz it sounds to me like you've got a pretty in-depth outline as far as characters and events go and that'll really end up helping you as the story progresses.
    Which I am now dying for!
    Ha ha, and speaking of dying... I totally know what you mean about your period!
    LOL, when I was younger, I never had problems at all, but I started getting ovarian cysts when I was about sixteen and my periods got really horrible after that.
    And yeah, I would def. consider getting on birth control if I was you.
    I used to be on birth control to control my ovarian cysts, but I haven't been renewing my prescription lately and I really regret it.
    Birth control really helps out with all the things that suck like heavy bleeding, cramps, back aches, etc. and it makes you regular, which really helps me, cuz I guess my hormones are all fucked up.
    LOL, that's why we both need to get on birth control now, so we can stop dealing with all that bullshit every month.
    Ha ha ha, and I'm sorry, cuz I'm rambling now, too!
    I can't help it, though.
    I get really happy and excited when I talk to you!
    Plus, I'm jazzed with anticipation for your story and I'm feeling, like... IDK, bouncy and wild.
    LOL, I'm a nerd!
    March 28th, 2010 at 03:06am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    LOL, I've always wondered why they don't have a reply button after comments like they do on MySpace.
    It would make things a lot easier!
    Ha ha, but um... oh yeah, I really am so fuckin' excited for your new story.
    I think it's gonna be interested to see how Zacky and Kaydi evolved as a couple, especially since you know how things turn out in the end.
    Plus, I've always loved your writing style and I'm looking forward to reading your unique perspectives on different situations.
    IDK, it's just gonna be great!
    LOL, take your time, though!
    I actually think it's smart how you're sort of mapping it out first and foremost, and it's probably helping a lot to have a decent background for everything.
    Ha ha, gosh, it's gonna turn out so great!
    But yeah, anyways, um...
    Oh, you're tattoo!
    LOL, I'd say you're right about the pain, but I do bet it'll be worth it, cuz rib tattoos are fuckin' sexy as shit. Plus, the tattoo you're getting sounds really badass and I like how the phrase makes sense much sense with the picture you're gonna have.
    It's gonna look wicked if you end up getting it!
    Ugh, yeah, periods fucking suck!
    I don't even know why the fuck we have to have them, cuz they're just stupid and annoying and they make you feel like shit, ya know?
    Ha ha, aww, hugs, chocolate and Syn make it a lot fuckin' better, though, and hey, at least I have someone who understands how much it sucks to have a really bad periods.
    A lot of people think I'm just being a baby.
    But ugh, IDK.
    LOL, I'm sort of rambling now.
    So yeah, I guess I'll talk to you later.
    Be sure to keep workin' on that story, dammit!
    Ha ha, well, only if you want to.
    But yeah, I love you, dear!
    Bye bye!
    March 28th, 2010 at 12:46am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Oh, honey, that's awesome!
    I've been wondering when you were gonna start working on it.
    LOL, I'm sort of been anxious about it.
    But at least you'll have some time to work on it, and thank God, too, cuz I'm starting to get bored of reading other people's stuff on here.
    Ha ha, I miss your writing so bad!
    Oh, and I will def. message you about my character after this!
    Which sort of reminds me... is there any specific way you wanted your character in my story to be? I sort of did the minor background stuff already, but the real story is about to get going soon, and I'd like you to be happy with your character. :]
    On a different note...
    That's fuckin' awesome that you might be getting a tattoo soon!
    What will it be this time?
    And do you know where you might get it?
    Also, that's really cool about your hair.
    I'm sorry it's not on the most convenient of days for you, but the good thing is that I bet your hair will turn out sexy as shit... as it normally does!
    Did you decide what style to go with?
    And well, um... LOL, nothing interesting going on here.
    I've actually been really tired and lazy lately cuz I've been on my period.
    Ugh, it's been horrible, actually.
    Ha ha ha, IDK, I've just been sad and emotional and I've also been sleeping way too much.
    But I'm starting to return to normal, so that's good!
    But um... I guess that's it.
    I'll message you right after this!
    And please, please let me know when you get anything posted!
    I can't wait!
    March 27th, 2010 at 07:16pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    I read your comment && I'm glad you liked the first part!
    Oh, and I wanted to say that it's way cool that you're birthday is so close together.
    When you think about it in the story, it makes you and him seem like an even better couple!
    LOL, how cute!
    But um... well, IDK, it's just that it's 3:20 a.m. right now, I can't sleep, and I'm really bored.
    And wanting to read your prequel!
    I've been thinking about it a lot.
    Like what I think it might be like.
    LOL, but okay, I'll shut up right now!
    And sorry for wasting your time.
    Ha ha ha, ahh!
    March 18th, 2010 at 09:21am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Just wanted to tell you that I posted the first party of my new story!
    Oh, and I'm already working on the second part!
    I've only gotten, like, a paragraph, but hey, at least it's a start.
    Ha ha, but okay, I guess that's it.
    Hope we talk soon and that you are doing well.
    March 17th, 2010 at 09:13am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    PS: Your profile is so fuckin' cute!
    And it really suits your personality!
    I love it!
    March 15th, 2010 at 05:16am