
I don't like cheese, but it's fun to say.My friend Jesse has a toy monkey named cheese. He's cool :-3Um..I put up some new stuff on my profile, so if anyone wants to look.I'm also talk to me pleeease :-)Hee hee...I just had coffee. Because coffee taste the best at 10 at night,
July 27th, 2007 at 11:14am


ugh.....I'm having a sleepover at my house. And one of my friends came over and had this clay mask type know that you use for your face.Well I put mine on, and the like..smell of it made my eyes burn, they turned red, and I started tearing up. So i kept saying loudly, "It buuuuuurns!!!!!! Why am I the only one who thinks this isn't fun????? MY EYES!!!! What have you done to me???"Then...
July 19th, 2007 at 11:10am

"I'm never eating again"

My friend got food poisoning for the second time. She called me before she went to the hosibital, and told me she wasn't gonna eat ever again.It sucks though, her and meat don't get along. I think it was chicken last time that made her sick, now she thinks it ham.I hope she gets better :-(Dumb ham.
July 18th, 2007 at 12:06pm

Name one thing that you hate.

My cousin was over last night, and we were just asking random questions. And she asked, "What's one thing that you hate, like, you can't stand."Me," Coins, they're disgusting."bay,"....coins?"me," Coins, penny's, nickels, dimes. All of them are nasty."Bay,"...that's the weirdest thing I've ever heard."Me." Yeah, they make me sick."bay,"...why? What's so wrong with coins?"Me," I've seen to many...
July 14th, 2007 at 12:52am

Any Good Bands?

I'm making a Birthday List...and I'm looking for some good far on my list I have The Used-Lies for Liars.Anyone know any good bands?
July 7th, 2007 at 08:33pm

Sisters are EVIL, exspecially when they're 5.

I was at taco bell with my sister Katlyn. And we had just gotten the tray with food. I had a nacho bell graunde (sp?), adn she had like a soft taco. Anywho, I gave her, her food and I guess the tray was taking up the space that she needed to eat a soft taco. My sister not good at speaking her feelings shoves the tray towards me, which then flips onto my lap. I was cover in nacho's, bean burito's,...
July 3rd, 2007 at 07:26am


And really weird drawings.Last night I was listening to The Pit, on 98.9 the rock, were they play a lot like slipknot, lamb of God, all of them. Anywho, I came up with this:I'm not Crazy,I'm Creative.:-P
June 29th, 2007 at 01:24am

I live close to Mikey's wife

...or were she grew up.Yeah, Grain Valley Missouri is....27 minutes away from you all know just how cool Missouri is....I mean all the cool people live My Dad lives in Grain's kind of boreing...but STILL all the cool people live there...and in Kansas City, MO.XD...I'm bored.T.T
June 26th, 2007 at 06:21pm

The awesomeness pets in the world.

So, I had a camra near by...and my pets. So, I took some pictures ^.^ Yay.This is Sydney. She's old. 9 I think, I've had her since I was 3. She gave me the evil eye :-(Harley gave me the evil eye too. I think he was annoyed.Her belly.Noooo, another evil glare. They don't like the camra.:-( he looks sad.That's it. My awesome pets...
June 26th, 2007 at 01:54am


I gave my dog a mohawk.His name is Harley, ain't he cute???
June 26th, 2007 at 12:52am


I hate having step-parents. Things get so confusing and weird.I think my step-mom is made at my real mom for something...I don't know what though.She asked me how old I was, and I said 12.Then she asked me if my mom new that.Stupid question??Yeah...but my dad and step-mom are mumbling, so I'm kind of wondering what the hell's going on.any ideas?
June 24th, 2007 at 08:33pm

Thank YOU!!!!!

Hee hee, well you know how in my journal before last I was talking about The Door's movie???Well, last night I went to bed around eight, because I had to get up early. I woke up an hour later to see Jim singing on the TV in my room. I turned the sound up, and it just so happened it was the movie XDDD LOL, so i was up for another two hours watching it. It was cencored though, so you know, that...
June 17th, 2007 at 08:23pm


Anna (my sister), is 3 now. She came into my room one day why'll I was laying on my floor listening to music, she came over and stood over me. So I said, "Hey Anna, what's up?" She kept giving me this evil glare, then in the calmest voice said, "I'm gonna kill you Madsen." She then jumped on my stomach, with her little highheel shoes, which hurt a lot. And of course in the background Jim's singing...
June 17th, 2007 at 03:56am

"there's no way in hell my mom will let me see that."

I was talking to a friend on the phone, and we were trying to find out what we could do for our monthly "Rock out" day. I know, we're retarded, but it's fun. We were thinking of a movie for at night, and he came up with The Doors. Well, I called my mom, and she said she'd think about it. Then I just got done watching a trailer for it, and half way through it I knew there was NO WAY my mom would...
June 17th, 2007 at 02:12am

I'm depressed

I miss my science teacher, as lame as that soundsI'm like really depressed. I was looking for games to play, and found this poker site, and I found him on it. He was wearing his rocker outfit, and it just made me miss him. And think about how screwed up I am and yeah.I remember a few weeks ago, this girl kept asking me if I knew anyone who cut. I replyed quickly, "No, why?" She said she was...
June 13th, 2007 at 04:13am

"No, no, listen to me I am smarter then you."

My sisters hitting me with a AA battery because she says it will make a flashlight work that needs a bigger battery. Yeah, they're weird. I hate the age difference. She doesn't understand that I am 10 years older, and clearly smarter. Same with my other sister who is 7 years younger. u.u They'll never learn.My Dogs retarded tooo.
June 10th, 2007 at 05:28pm

"I Think That Chick Was On Drugs"

So, last night we had this HUGE surprise party for my uncle bob....well about 70 people came. Most of them I knew, or had seen at other parties. We had a beer keg, and a lot of other achohol. Then these other dudes showed up that no one knew, except Uncle Bob and a few of the other brothers (6 of them). Well this dude, Dugley I think, had no shirt, long blond hair, and was really really tan. Then...
June 10th, 2007 at 05:14pm


Well, since you clicked, can you please comment on my pictures? Mainly my drawing/dedication thing. It's a lot pretty then me.
June 9th, 2007 at 04:57am

Death Cab for Cutie

I'm getting into them, they're kind of slow, but I like them. They make me draw weird things XDBut anywho, I really like the song on the video. My step-Dad likes them too, so he says I'm finally listening to "good music" cousin moved out, finally. Last night he made me feel like shit though...long story.I went to the best store today: CD Warehouse. Me and my friends love going there. All...
June 9th, 2007 at 04:32am

Peace Frog!

Anyone like that song? Lol, I love it. I like most of the CD it's on. Morrison Hotel.Lol....I'm what's up with everyone?
June 8th, 2007 at 11:17pm