Doubting Myself.

I'm on a bit of a rollercoaster right now.Everything was on such a high. I had great friends, things were finally looking good for me and this guy, but I guess nothing stays the same.I still have those friends but for some reason I feel like I'm growing further and further away from them each day. They live about ten minutes away from me but we would always make an effort to meet up at the...
May 10th, 2009 at 10:05pm

End Of Cassie

I have decided to delete my newest story 'Cassie' because I can't think of anything interesting to put in it and it was just going to drag on. And also for the lack of subs. My 3 subs were my 3 friends on mibba, yeah that's how sad it was. I'm thinkning about starting a new story but I'm just going over idea's for it. It will be a Jonas fan fiction though. I'm going into Edinburgh today so I might...
November 16th, 2008 at 12:27pm

Life Story

Well guys to be honest with you I just read my best friends journal entry and some of the stuff she said made me want to write a little something too.I know everyone will say to you at 13 and 14 you will be going through an awkward stage and you won't feel like you, and you won't know what to do with your life. But for some people it will just click. That's what happened to me. One day I was...
November 16th, 2008 at 12:03am