New Story idea

I was thinking over the summer vacation that I will start a story. Here is a synopsis of what I was thinking. Please leave comment on what you think about it.It felt like I was dreaming for 20 years, Dreams that I can’t remember. I was 19 when I took the job as the human tester. It was March 2010 and the economy was at an all time low, jobs were getting harder and harder to find. Until one day...
May 6th, 2009 at 11:50pm

Call it whatever you want,

Well this next week is going to be hell. College is just finishing with the exams. Exams are hard for me with my anxiety it makes for a very hard couples weeks with the studying and just trying to stay calm for those two weeks. Well exams are just the half of the stress; I am going to England and Spain for 3 weeks. This is going to be hard since I have a wonderful girlfriend and we haven’t been...
April 10th, 2009 at 07:11am

Why does growing up seem so boring?

Why is it that i sit here 3 am in the morning doing homework for college, thinking what I am doing. I am working my ass off for some piece of paper that say that i can do a certain job. I sit here thinking why what am I really working for? Yes i will come out smarter and have the education but what am I gonna do with it there isnt any jobs the economy is crashing more and more every day.Then i...
January 27th, 2009 at 08:37am

The dream that keeps me up at night!

The dream that keeps me up at night!6 years ago I started to get these dreams. In this dream I am sitting there in what I think looks likes a wood cabin I am maybe 2 or 3 years old, sitting there I can see myself in nothing but my diaper. Its night outside and looks like a nice night out I can see the stars in the night sky. Then this figure emerges from the darkness and he is dressed in nothing...
November 5th, 2008 at 05:11am

Idea for new website to help those who write

I have had this idea with a good friend that i want to make a website that help young and old get there writing out there. I want to help people that want to become writers get there writing out there.I have always wanted to help people that have the skills and just don't know how to do it. I don't want to copy mibba i want to make something like it but for people that have written stories and...
September 30th, 2008 at 11:22pm

I dont deserve anything if i am just going to throw it away

Today was the day that i did something so stupid. i got drunk and really high and then i drove to my kitty's house. She didnt know and she found out and i just broke down. I know its dumb to drink and drive and i dont want to here the fucking shit about that cause i dont want to fucking hear it.I am so stupid that i would go and do something so stupid and risk throwing away everything that is good...
September 28th, 2008 at 06:54am

Is this just a teen thing or can it really happen.

So I was with my princess (“best friend/somewhat girlfriend it’s complicated…”) and we were talking about what is going to happen to use in the future. I would love so much to spend the rest of my life with her and she said “I don’t think that I am going to find someone like you ever…” I can see myself spending the rest of my life her and that is something that I am hoping that she...
September 26th, 2008 at 12:21am

things in my mind that i just want to leave

When i was younger i was sexual abused by a close family friend.My parents don't know no one really knows that it happened only one person and the one that were involved. It was something that changed me and the way that i think forever. It happened when i was 12 and i remember it like it was yesterday. He was 17 and his sister was 10. We were made to do thing that i just don't want to discuss.But...
September 20th, 2008 at 03:48pm

Afaid of what can happen.

So me and the "unoffical girlfriend" its complicated have been getting close and i having been talking about sex. See the things is that she is a virgin and i am afraid i am not a virgin i have been with other girls but that was at parties and this is so much more different. I actual love her the other girls that i slept with i was either drunk or high or just didnt feel love for them.Sex isnt...
September 17th, 2008 at 07:10pm

Living with seasonal depression

I was diagnosed with seasonal depression 3 years ago cause in the summer i was the happiest person in the world but then the bad weather came along and i was so badly depressed that i was in the hospital.The bad weather has come along and today has been one of those days. Just bad i have be sleeping and at school i was so tired that i left class earlier. I have a class in an hour and i am leaving...
September 16th, 2008 at 11:10pm

Sex just makes things worst sometimes.

Over the past few days my unofficial girlfriend has been on her period and therefore we couldn't mess around. Most guys would be upset and want her to do something.That inst the case for me there was an incident that happened to me that don't like blow jobs and she doesn't like hand jobs and that is fine i can live with that.Well instead we have just been lying around and she has been in my arms...
September 15th, 2008 at 05:32pm

A love that i never want to end....

Have you ever loved someone so much that it would kill you if it ever ended...I am in love with this girl it isn't some high school love its so much more then that. We have been through the worst and stopped talking for 2 years but we made up this summer and this has been the best summer of my 18 years on this earth. We aren't perfect either but who is, we fight just like everyone else. We both...
September 14th, 2008 at 07:00pm