Just There.

I hate the days when I wake up or suddenly see an “empty” person. The days where I see my eyes have gotten darker and duller. The days where I’m quiet and barely glance at people. The days where I feel shut off from the world. The days where I shut myself off from the world because I’m so afraid for someone to see the state that I’m in. I try to smile and think of things that make me...
February 6th, 2012 at 08:26am

RadioDriveBy And Tumblr

Do you have a Tumblr? If you do, and you want some music suggestions, follow my second blog http://musiceverydayeverytime.tumblr.com/. I will always follow back, but on my personal blog (PieceOfMindAndHeart).For starters, I want to promote this new band RadioDriveBy, please check these guys out if you have the time. They are a pop-punk band that is from Arizona, and I personally believe that...
November 24th, 2011 at 10:44pm

Flawless Mask?

There are people in this world who are so hard to read. They can mask their eyes without a problem, play false emotions that distract from the truth, and adjust their body language in a way that no one would be able to tell that something is wrong. But, that costume that they wear is never flawless.***Somebody may have already learned what you feel, and probably care about you to no end…even if...
April 25th, 2011 at 06:26am

Keys and Locks

In this world that we live in, love, and happiness seems to be the keys needed to live a successful, satisfying life. Sadly, these keys do not always seem to fit the locks. Hate, and sorrow reject these keys numerous times. Eventually, because of this, it feels as if it is too late to be saved from these locks….But, in reality, it’s always possible to get pass those bolted locks. Those keys...
April 24th, 2011 at 07:00am

Moving On? Can You Do It?

When things seem to be striking you down, it is sometime thought that it is time to move on from that one thing. There are people who will just conquer whatever is hitting them, and move on from that with no problem at all. There are also people who try so hard to move on, but cannot. That's what this entry is about. People who try to conquer what they feel like is destroying them, but cannot seem...
April 23rd, 2011 at 05:27am

Change of Music?

Recently, I decided to re-listen to pop artist that came out early 2000, and even years before them. Now, I have a question...what happened to pop songs that actually based around real meanings?Don't get me wrong, there are pop artist out there that still do that, but they are not as recognizable it seems. Everything seems to be revolving around appearances than anything. There's glitter, short...
April 10th, 2011 at 02:50am