phantomatthewindow / Comments

  • We're all pretty quiet here too, it's just the druggies that are loud, and always fighting, stealing, and breaking shit.
    I live in the meth part of town, I call it 'the mud flats' here, and one of my neighbors I nicknamed 'Lady Poison' or 'Zombie Lady' as she looks like death warmed over, and only comes out to spray pesticides.
    And then there is another neighbor whom I refer to as 'The White Thug' as he is almost seven feet tall (no joke) white blonde hair, and 'messes shit up' if you know what I mean.
    Then there is 'Jesus Lady' who is homophobic and believes that the Devil is coming, but she is surprisingly better than most.
    Oh! And ''The Bikini Mower'' she is a hooker who mowers he lawn in a bikini for advertisement (you wouldn't believe how many twelve year old boys crash their bikes on those days) although she lives a block down from me now... Pity lol.
    Then there's 'Tie Die Man' which is self explanitory, and the 'drug house' which is also self explanitory, although they are also thieves.
    It's all very colorful over here!
    Oh I can't go through all of this and not mention ''Zombieville''!
    Yeah, across the bay there is this neighborhood that looks uninhabited, it's all just big houses, and tall dead sea grass, and sand piled up at all of the doors, some houses are still lost in the sand from a storm last winter (seriously it was in the national news I believe) but people do live there, they just don't come out of their houses. It looks like one of those psuedo towns the government buildt for bomb tests.
    One day I was there, and the only person who was out was a man burning all of the grass off of his front yard.
    Fucked up place.
    What makes it worse is that there is only one way to get out.
    May 26th, 2011 at 01:38am
  • Hell yes everyday life is a tribulation! Yesterday it seems everyone on my block was in need of a good shouting/threatening match.
    Are you neighbors loud?
    May 25th, 2011 at 07:03pm
  • :3
    I love Bruce Willis in the Die Hard movies. He's awesome. The only movies I watch are horror movies or action movies.
    May 25th, 2011 at 03:17am
  • Yeah, it's pretty effing messed up.
    Sometimes I wonder if the rapture didn't happen, just no one was worth going to Heaven. Wouldn't that be hillarious? Or maybe I'm just sick, that's a possibility too LOL
    May 24th, 2011 at 07:44pm
  • Yeah, I don't even want to image the situation that lead to that.

    So get this; the rapture didn't happen, and everyone gave all of their money to the man who made the prediction, now he refuses to give it back calling it their 'mistake' and not his 'responsibility'.
    He has recieved hundreds of millions of dollars, and families now have absolutely nothing because of 'faith', and he isn't going to give it back, because he didn't tell them to, yet he told them to have absolute faith.

    Also he says that the rapture is actually October 21st.
    Seriously this sounds like something out of a science fiction demagoguerous satire.
    May 24th, 2011 at 06:37pm
  • YES! Personally I think she's no better than Lindsay Lohan. But I'm entitled to my own opinion, right? I dont really have a favorite actress. Maybe Kate Beckinsale (dont know how to spell it) but I have alor of favorite actors. Like Johnny Depp, not because he's "sexy" but because he is hilarious.'
    May 24th, 2011 at 01:34am
  • That is just fucking disgusting.
    Seriously, I have found tampons in the street here. IN THE STREET! How the hell does that happen?
    People are just disgusting, I'm not sure we were ever any better, I think we just had less to abuse.
    May 23rd, 2011 at 08:48pm
  • I'm glad you brought that up; everyone gives mens bathrooms such a bad reputation, and completely skip over hoe completely disgusting women can be.
    I would argue that in the long run womens bathrooms are equal to worse, but rarely ever better.
    May 23rd, 2011 at 05:55pm
  • Cooking crabs isn't difficult.
    Basically I had a fifty gallon cooker, which was set on concrete cinderblocks, beneath that was the propiane. Sounding dangerous yet?
    You have the water boiling all day, and you throw the crabs in for twenty minutes (which is soul crushing to boil a creature alive for a lousy paycheck) then I had this rake, that I skooped them out with, and into a tub of ice water.
    They sit in there for what is supposed to be twenty minutes as to not burn yourself, although I had built a tollerence of five minutes due to the sworms of tourists. That hurt.
    I even gave anatomy lessons to tourists.
    Cleaning them was easy enough, it wasn't a hard job, but it was time consuming, and after cleaning boats (which involved actually pulling the boat onto the docks) and carrying up to fifty pounds of equipment up and down the docking ramp, and chopping bait, not to mention being the cashier, and doing the clean up, it was definitely a highlight, but not a job you want to have when moronic ass holes are involved...

    I seriously can't believe sometimes that I worked at a marina...
    May 20th, 2011 at 11:06pm
  • You dont like her either? :D
    May 20th, 2011 at 09:57pm
  • He isn't exactly saying 'pay me', but a great number of people have arranged their finances so that by the 21st they won't have any money left.
    One woman was interviewed, she had a three yeat old girl, and another baby on the way, and her and her husband spent everything, thinking that they will get to heaven.
    What happens to those children when suddenly all of their security is wiped out because their parents believed in some ancient bit of fiction?

    Oh jeez, I spent years trying to work out ways to get adamantium claws, and superior regenerative capabilities!
    And I wanted to be like this super powerful medamorphosis... Yeah, I fantasized about some pretty strange things.

    And to answer your question, I got 5 bucks for being that guy's diversion.
    But that was better than the people who after I cook their HUGE ASS load of crabs (like over 20) and clean them, throw a nickle in the tip jar.
    These were usually the people who also refused to wrap up their crab traps, and leave garbage in the boats, for me to clean up later.
    These people where ass holes!
    Although I liked the people from New York/New Jersey, and the people from Idaho were pretty cool... And I liked Canadians, and the Australians were pretty harmless.
    But the people from Alaska seemed to always be jackasses, and I figure sense the state once housed Sarah Palin, maybe they have a reason LOL.
    The Japanese were always really cool and polite though =)
    May 20th, 2011 at 06:13pm
  • They said Megan Fox wasnt going to be in the new one.
    May 20th, 2011 at 04:17am
  • Haha, yes the apocalypse may help us after all!
    I find myself understanding the intellect of a dictator, it sad that they all wish to hurt the weak, and not the genuinely terrible, y'know? Because I can understand a good social cleansing.
    Today, before I even had breakfast, I had to go pay off my neighbor because he came screaming into my mom's work demanding money for a favor he did for us, that he said he would happily do for free.
    I would rather we didn't have to share this incredible planet with the likes of him.

    I would love to have the money to drive away somewhere, anywhere.
    I want to go everywhere I get the oppurtunity to go, whether it's just down to California, or all the way over to Finland, I just want to see this planet for myself, y'know?

    Haha, we have a billboard up saying ''May 21st Judgement Day 'Cry mightily unto god...''' because aparently the world ends in a few days.
    I can't wait till everyone wakes up on the 22.
    May 19th, 2011 at 07:35pm
  • dang straight it is!
    May 19th, 2011 at 06:27pm
  • Thank you so much<3
    May 19th, 2011 at 03:59pm
  • Very well, thank you :D
    May 19th, 2011 at 03:34pm
  • I know. I almost started crying when Optimus died.
    May 19th, 2011 at 03:21am
  • well... bring it. >:)
    May 18th, 2011 at 09:12pm
  • Haha, thanks.
    Nice to meetchu sir!
    May 18th, 2011 at 09:09pm
  • It is a very controversial concept, saying that the world would have been better off if we never 'evolved' like we did.
    Everyone (like you said) says ''What about science? What about technology?!'' but what about science? What about technology? What good has it ever brought us?
    Then they say ''What about medicine?'' and all you can do is wonder if we would even need all of this western medicine, if we haven't genetically modified all of our food, or if we didn't have all of this pollution.
    We base our quality of life on such trivial, expendable things, but what of the true quality of life?
    What about the families who can afford to take a 2 week vacation, but pay the kid at the marina to keep them busy, and away from eachother?
    What about all of these people killing themselves for a job, so that they have money, because that is supposed to bring happiness, and in the end they didn't even get to live, y'know what I'm saying?
    So what exactly is a quality life in modern means?
    There is this quote, I don't remember whose it is, but it goes like ''No one ever lies on their deathbed, and says 'I wish I spent more time at the office.'''

    And yeah, I was paid several times to keep someone busy, so their spouce couldn't yell at them.
    I also had people ditch their kids on me, and was yelled at 'because it''s beer thirty' and I couldn't sell alcohol. Assholes, everyone of them!

    And yes, exactly! Get away from the cities, where there is mass hysteria, live out, and then infultrate the lower levels of society!
    Where I live it's pretty funny, because the ''people on the hill'' are the millionairs, all living in mansions, and driving expensive cars, and the ''people in the mud flats'' are the people who drink too much, do drugs, sell drugs, or are in need of assisted living, and then there are people like me, who had no money when they moved here, and no idea of the hiarchy that existed.
    So yeah ''the people on the hill'' wouldn't have a chance, and those in the mudflats, already know what it's like to survive, y'know?

    Although, ideally I would still rather live in a big house over looking the ocean, on top of a hill... But yeah.
    May 18th, 2011 at 07:28pm