juliannelegaspi23 / Comments

  • oh god man, so guess what happened last night/early this morning...

    i was still in that state of deep sleep and conciousness, when i think i twisted my leg. i remember going "[i]ow ow ow[/i]" and moving it back in place; trying to stop the pain.

    then a couple hours later, i wake up, and when i try to walk it hurts like a [i][b]mother fucker[/b][/i].When i tried to massage it to see if that'll make it better, it hurt even more.

    now i look like a fucking limping idiot lol.
    i think i tore a ligament or something.

    [b]What a dumbass.[/b]
    June 8th, 2009 at 09:15pm
  • i'm totally digging this new layout :D
    and dude, [b]YOU'RE A GENIUS :D[/b]

    i'm thinking about redo-ing my profile [i]yet again[/i] lol.....
    June 8th, 2009 at 01:46pm
  • GOOD NEWS BUDDY - Brave New World: The Complete Fourth Season, isn't the last season (hopefully), enjoy xo xo - Josh
    June 8th, 2009 at 10:17am
  • so, you wanna know how long i stayed up after i told you about my not sleeping for 48 hours?

    [b]i went to sleep after 2 hrs.[/b]

    June 8th, 2009 at 12:01am
  • Oh, wow. I have a thing for being lazy when I reply to comments. And then when I get lazy, I can never remember where I left off. FAIL. Haha!

    Science was good, and so was History. But, apparently, Finals week isn't really "Finals" week. It's more of state testing, and our school is just retarded. I have/had my Math finals on Friday/Monday, and Spanish on Monday/Tuesday, and Science... some other time. Ick.

    I have nothing to say, though! Wait, never mind, I do! Aha!

    My aunt, uncle, and baby cousin went back to the Philippines yesterday... We dropped them off at the airport. Dude, it was so sad. There were so many tears and stuff. They were only here for 2 weeks. I miss them! On the upside, more family is coming tonight. My uncle, 2 cousins, and baby cousin are all coming to stay. For how long, I have no clue.

    Rock Band is the BEST! I love it! I can play that game for ages with my cousins and stuff. Haha, it's awesome. Sounds like you had fun, though.

    Ahh, it's almost summer... YES! I am such a summer kid! Best season ever! Woot, woot!

    And, yeah, I dunno if this is long enough or not, but let's just roll with it. Haha!
    June 7th, 2009 at 11:05pm
  • yo.
    i've updated it's a love story. check it out and comment, pretty please?
    June 7th, 2009 at 04:04pm
  • so i just re-read the last chapter of [i]We Both Need To Change[/i], and since you said that you were suffering from writer's block for it, i think i have an idea about what the next chapter can be about...

    it can be written in Oli's POV; about how exactly Kacy came to be sleeping in the same bed with him.
    Maybe Oli goes out to get a glass of water in the middle of the night, and he sees her sleeping on the couch; very uncomfortably.

    he begins to feel really bad about the fight they had earlier, and decides that he should bring her to the bed so she won't have neck pain in the morning or something lol.

    he knows that she'll probably throw a bitch fit in the morning, but all he's thinking about at the moment is how she might possibly thank him for it later, and not to mention, he's willing to take the chance to carry her to the bed because he wants to be close with her.

    what do you think?
    can you roll with that?
    June 7th, 2009 at 10:24am
  • oh my god, guess what i ate today...

    [b]cheese sticks.[/b]

    fucking sweet man.
    and damn, my mom went to the store today, even [i]asked[/i] me if i needed anything, and i told her no.
    but i needed apple juice.

    June 6th, 2009 at 10:22am
  • dude, guess who [b][i]finally[/i][/b] remodeled their profile...
    June 6th, 2009 at 03:37am
  • and that was supposed to be a sad face lol
    June 4th, 2009 at 03:14am
  • haha, posted 3 pics of the pants:)

    aw, and dude, someone on here added me on messenger, and we were IMing, and it was so awkward :/

    makes me realize how much we actually [i]click[/i], and i miss you{(
    June 4th, 2009 at 03:13am
  • dude, i got another subscriber for [i]Immersion[/i].
    [b]fuck yeah.[/b]
    June 4th, 2009 at 12:51am
  • dude, your friends sound pretty crunk to me lmao.
    what are their names? what are they like?

    anyone who thinks that snorting food is humorous is automatically cool in my book lol :)

    dude, i am [b]sooooooooooo[/b] ready for these updates.
    bring it on fool...
    ([i]and you're right; OOB is really funny!!![/i])
    June 3rd, 2009 at 11:21pm
  • and yeah:
    [b]fat hairy gay porn.[/b]

    i saw him today at lunch and everything was really awkward.
    i just kept thinking that he likes the rolls lmao.

    and i couldn't stop listening to that song!!!
    i love it so much, it's so beautiful and tragic, i think it's totally perfect for the story :D

    i like "[i]the TV's old, the color's fucked, you see the difference in the shades[/i]" or even the beginning.
    fucking gorgeous.

    i love conor oberst's voice so much; full of passion.
    June 3rd, 2009 at 11:19pm
  • To Derek: yeah, that's okay. but don't expect me to change your's lol.
    and you better get one bitch:)
    you too dougie!!!!!!!

    To Juli: dude, the highest grade on the music theory exam was a 59.
    [b]NO SHIT.[/b]
    since im the dumbest person in that class...
    im sure i got like a -20 lmao.

    first, there was a listening portion where they would play a chord, and we would have to look at all the answer choices and pick the one that it was. then we had to hear a scale and figure out the written one.
    we would also look at pieces of music and have to find all the mistakes, how fast the tempo was, the key, accidentals, what kind of melody it included, the first intervals, all that shit haha.

    im gonna tell my mom to buy more apple juice!!!!!!

    and i think i have enough material to make tom some PJs as well, so now we [i]can[/i] match lmao.
    aw man dude, you got that image in my head and i started laughing really hard :D
    June 3rd, 2009 at 11:16pm
  • haha yehh,

    Im currently on work placement in a tatto shop and lern to use the tatto guns on pig skin.

    And i fukin love her like loads, shes inspired me sooooo much, and i watch miami ink and la ink just for her, (even though she aint in miami ink anymore its still good) xD

    June 3rd, 2009 at 05:11pm
  • because i have found an even [b]better[/b] song that describes it so well:

    June 3rd, 2009 at 03:26am
  • i think it's time for an attempt at [i]Jesus On the Dashboard[/i].

    what do you say?
    June 3rd, 2009 at 03:25am
  • duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.
    [b]oh. my. fucking. god.[/b]

    i just found out some [i]interesting news[/i] about our mr. teddy....

    i was talking to his sister today at lunch, and it turns out that the most visited site on [b]his[/b] computer is a porn site.
    but not just any porn...
    [i]fat, hairy, [b]gay[/b] porn.[/i]

    [b]NO FUCKING WAY.[/b]

    so needless to say, the attraction has disappeared.
    June 3rd, 2009 at 03:11am
  • That sucks!
    I hope you make friends with people. Who wouldn't want to make friends with you? ;)

    I actually haven't been to a gig since the We The Kings one on the 23rd May :(
    Sad times. I need a gig to go to, lmfao.
    But Download festival is coming up! 10 days :D:D
    Then the day after I get home from Download, I'm going to see Enter Shikari. Happy days!
    How about you? :)
    June 2nd, 2009 at 07:01pm