Miss Stroup / Comments

  • Did you get my email? I sent you an invite token for AO3 the day before.
    September 10th, 2017 at 04:34pm
  • @ Miz Erie
    I signed up for their invitation but apparently I have to wait until the 18th because they only send out 1000 a day? Lame. Not sure if you sending one would be faster but if you could, I would appreciate it :D. Stephwilliger@gmail.com

    And hey no matter what age you are, a fan is still a fan, right? I've only been to MCR concerts and they were all ah-may-zing.

    UGH SO FUCKING JEALOUS. I literally only had time to say "hi how are you?" Before being shoved down the line. Ugh.

    And I've been trying to maybeeee start thinking about just getting something that means a lot instead of the whole encompassing thing, but there's just so much. Maybe something from Demolition Lovers since it's been my favorite song of all time from any artist since the first time I heard it, but idk. It's gonna take me awhile to formulate this one.
    September 9th, 2017 at 05:38am
  • @ Miss Stroup
    AO3 as we call it is pretty active. The MCR fandom as a whole has died off some though. I'm here: MizErie. I'm pretty sure AO3 is a top fanfiction site now. If you want to join, let me know and I'll PM you a join code.

    I'm barely older than Frank, so I discovered them in my early 20s. I'm an old fan. Haha. I have anxiety issues that had taken me too long to overcome, so I didn't go to my first concert until my 30th birthday, which of course was a MCR show. It was literally on my birthday.

    Gerard and I talked about writing for about five minutes. It was my anniversary, so he wished my husband and I a happy anniversary. It was amazing! I want to meet Frank, but he doesn't do meet and greets hardly at all. I saw him recently in Atlanta for a really small show, but he didn't come out afterwards. (Although I did talk to Cara for a while, hugged her, and thanked her for taking care of "our boys", meaning Frank and the Patience.)

    Maybe you can get something that means something significant to you to represent the band. That's what I did. I'm also having a line from Light Behind Your Eyes inked over my cutting scars hopefully soon.
    September 9th, 2017 at 05:01am
  • @ Miz Erie
    No, I've never heard of it. I guess I'll have to explore there! I've been looking into other fan fiction sites because I've been wanting to get back into writing it, but Mibba just seems kinda dead. I know they made their own MCR dedicated offshoot but that doesn't seem too active either...

    When I was younger (I found MyChem when I was in 8th grade) I was totally a I'M MRS. WAY FUCK YOU ALL girl but as I grew up, my adoration changed into seeing the whole band as like older brothers and now I'm just like "let's be friends, I'm cool I swearrrrr."

    I met them all during TBP at a meet and greet so it was just a quick down the line hand shake thing. I wish I had the chance to talk to any of them for a few minutes. So lucky! Oh but I do have all of their signatures.

    I wanna get an MCR tattoo but idk what. I kind of want something that encapsulates all of their albums but I can't draw for shit nor can I picture what I would really want so idk.
    September 9th, 2017 at 04:37am
  • Are you on Archiveofourown.org? That's where I spend most of my free time now. I posted a light BDSM fic over there called Payback and a Microphone. Basically Frank uses a microphone to tie Gerard up.

    (quick edit: if you Google Payback and a Microphone, you'll find it.)

    I'm totally a Gerard girl. I've never called myself Mrs Way or anything, but I don't like him in a sexual way. I really want to be in his circle of friends, able to rub elbows and share in the creativity. He's just my inspiration. I have Merci Pour Le Venin tattooed on my wrist in his handwriting. And I met him, talked to him a few minutes and got my comics signed at a con a few years ago. Oh, and he tweeted me six times! *gasps* I still can't believe it.

    I don't practice the really heavy BDSM, but I've studied it. What I like about it is the trust required to make it work. And the control. I'd love to own a dungeon.
    September 9th, 2017 at 03:25am
  • Hahaha. No, you don't have to go back and reread any of them. I was just curious. So to reply to a few things. In Punishment, the catheter was my own "fun addition" to the cock cage. I tend to write very kinky or very dark shit. I'm not worthy of story or the month kind of things because my stuff is practically triple X rated. Oh well.

    Priest!Gerard... I wanted something different in a priest/altar boy story that I couldn't find, so I wrote my own.

    Leather Bound Love is my fantasy of a perfect scene. I wanted to show a true to life snapshot of a loving, BDSM-practicing couple. It's not all pain, and I wrote this after an incident with someone calling me a freak. I'm not a freak, and there's more to it than people understand. Oh, and the "spacing out" is a real thing called subspace; it's basically a high on natural hormones your body produces.

    Ah, Sing, Pretty. That story needs so much work before I can publish it, but I absolutely love it for a hundred reasons. I know a lot about Frank's ink. I'm totally a stalker! Haha. Didn't you know before you read it? I thought his tooth was pretty common. Now knowing which grandmother was which side is the family... Mr. Green Twisted Evil

    Mail order Frank is a tragic train wreck of a story. The prequel was supposed to be light, but it's so dark and heavy, I have a difficult time worrying it anymore. I agree; it needed more falling. If you want a long courtship, read Frank's journal. There's like 23 chapters before they even kiss.

    I'm skipping Fill Me Up. Just, no.

    Black Blood, oh yeah. There is a whole world beyond that one shot. This is my favorite Gerard to write. There's a method to his madness, and he doesn't actually kill any of them. He has three personalities, and he's teaching each victim a different lesson, from humility to modesty and more. I've renamed the characters and am writing a novel about him. I might get it done and published in another decade.

    Oh my god, thank you so, so much for the wonderful comments! I'd personally love to know what you think of Frank's journal and anything else you want to read.

    My love to you!
    xo Miz
    September 8th, 2017 at 05:19am
  • Thank you so much! That means a lot to me. I'm not very active on this site anymore; I was a mod and magazine editor at one point. I've been giving serious thought to leaving Mibba. I just don't get any feedback anymore.

    That being said, I'd love to know which stories you read and what you thought of them, both good and bad. I have like 20 on here. My current story is Frank's journal (aka Hello? Journal? It's Me, Frank.), but I'm working on novels for publishing now, so I don't get to write in it very often. That probably lends to my declining feedback.

    Thanks again!
    xo Miz
    September 4th, 2017 at 09:37pm
  • Hello.
    September 2nd, 2017 at 09:20pm
  • Hey, just thought I'd let you know I finally updated The Pros and Cons series! Enjoy, and let me know if you want more updates! :)
    December 22nd, 2009 at 07:25am

    also, I got a new cell number, designed to keep away all bad influences. I think I still have yours, so I'll text you.
    August 7th, 2009 at 07:48pm
  • you.

    [i tired to only type that, but for some reason it wouldn't let me submit it. a window kept popping up harassing me to PLEASE ENTER MY COMMENT when i ALREADY DID ENTER MY COMMENT. much what the fuckery and this explanation ensued]
    July 25th, 2009 at 09:33pm
  • It's good that he did. That's right. I'm the same way with things like that. I can be a little more fragile than how I would like to.

    I know that saying. I said it a few nights ago. Hah.
    June 25th, 2009 at 07:46pm
  • I'm sorry. I hope you feel better. Has he apolgized to you?
    June 24th, 2009 at 11:51pm
  • What's wrong if you don't mind me asking?
    I'm okay. School's over, so I guess I'm happy for summer.
    June 24th, 2009 at 05:22pm
  • Wow. That's freaking lame. I'm sorry. Maybe you'll be able to meet them again.
    How are you today?
    June 24th, 2009 at 12:04am
  • Aw. They seem like such sweethearts and down to earth guys. Did you give them hugs? :)
    Ugh. That must've sucked. Frank was super nice when I met him.
    June 23rd, 2009 at 12:47pm
  • They're pretty good. My mom is seeing them with my aunt in August.

    Whoa. That's amazing. What was it like meeting them? I've only met Frank at LeATHERMOUTH's record release show. Hey, that's good enough for me, but I'd love to meet the rest of them.
    I hope you get to go. I wish I could go without my dad. Haha.
    June 22nd, 2009 at 12:49pm
  • Haha. Aw. It's the thought that counts.
    Oh, I've actually heard of those bands. My mom told me that I could definitely see MCR for my birthday when they come back. It could be my birthday present. All I said to her was, "Okay, Mom. You heard yourself say it. Remember that. Don't tell me I can't go when I ask to buy tickets."
    June 20th, 2009 at 03:53am
  • Gah. Yes, we did. I'm sorry. I feel stupid.
    I have memory problems :/
    June 18th, 2009 at 12:47pm
  • Nice. For right now, I just work with my dad on some days in the summer.
    Who doesn't? Hah. Do you have any upcoming concerts you'll be attending?
    June 18th, 2009 at 01:59am