Walking.Oxymoron / Comments

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    Tons of people over here have similar phones too - all touch screens, well, obviously not all in a school of 1,400, but a lot of them.

    Pianos are just beautiful, just.. brilliant :)

    hmm... it might help to give it characteristics, or about what it looks like or what it does... my laptop's a girl, Pixalan. I just get all weird about the fact that the images are made of pixels, and aren't actually just something real in front of me... So... many... pixels...
    You shout at your computer? I know tons of people who yell at their TV's and computers, but I don't do anything like that. People are really surprised that I've never even once sung in the shower...

    I hope you have fun with that ;D
    May 18th, 2011 at 06:12pm
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    Oh, ok then...

    Ah, right. Mine's samsung, but old.

    Ooh! I've always wanted to play piano, I just love them :D

    AHAHAH! That's brillliant :D

    Right ;D

    Today, I was talking with Kristina about how I give things genders and names, and we decided to do it for my watch. It's a gold and silver, fairly expensive wristwatch, and it had these little triangles around on the circular bit so it looks like the sun. Whenever I look at the sun, I don't think it's a girl (I think of this because of Lord of the Rings saying it was to hobbits) but my watch is too feminine, so now my watch is just genderless. I'm calling it Timesus. Long story short, I had an imaginary friend with that name, I'll not bore you with the detail.
    I was extremely bored :)
    May 17th, 2011 at 08:40pm
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    I just thought I'd pick up the Mibba conversation again! :D

    I'm really looking forward to the Skype :) If you could give me any idea of when you and Seth are going to maybe Skype me I'd be very happy :)

    I didn't ask, what type of phone did you get.

    And I was meaning to ask a while ago, do you play any instruments (if I've asked before then I can't remember)
    I play the clarinet. My first one broke, and I like to give things names/genders so he was Claza, who is now dead, and my current one is a girl called Clenit. If I get another, I'll make it a boy called Clefastren. :P I'm weird.
    May 16th, 2011 at 10:59pm
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    N'awww :(

    Yay :D

    No, I would love that idea. To be honest, when I asked what iPod you had I was in hopes for a 4th gen iPod touch so you'd have FaceTime, but y'know, Skype is still good :D Love the idea, and seeing as it was Dakota's idea she could come 'round my house. It just so happens that Dakota's mum's AND dad's house are pretty close to mine
    I'm a little bold on camera, depending on how the light hit me. Sometimes I'll look fine, and I'll muck about, but when I think I don't look nice enough to see me, I'll be half trying to cover myself up, so yeah :P

    Jesus. Just.... still speechless....

    Yeah, I bet you do :P I have the most out-dated phone in my house. My sister has this cool Samsung thing, my mum has in iPhone 3G, my dad has an iPhone 4, and my brother recently got this new phone over Amazon. I feel so old.
    May 14th, 2011 at 01:52pm
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    And yeah, you can spell.

    I forgot, Ruth is SuperRubell on YouTube, and Kristina is Kristinalii and her videos are damn cool. Sam is powerforce94 as well, and there are way more, but they're not as close to me.
    May 13th, 2011 at 11:05pm
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    OHH, but still, it would be sucky if you died. and very tragic :(
    A few versions of the play?

    Oh, my friends are mainly people I met in set 1 and tutor, as well as some of their friends. There's Kristina, Dakota, Ruth, Ellie, Juliana, Kate, Katherine, Calvin, Sam, and then I have more that I see less. We usually hang around in the non-fiction library.
    Dakota's on YouTube, did you know? She used to be angelxxangel, and she had like 15 videos that she had to delete because her brother found out that she was on YouTube, and he would have told her dad. Now she's "DakiTalks" and she only has like 2 videos.
    Calvin is Calikmira, and he does gameplay videos, and he's very weird. He has like, 100 odd videos, and he's quite entertaining. He doesn't edit out his mistakes, which is both funny and annoying.


    HOLY S***! Did you do those drawings/paintings? Holy... wow. I knew you would be good, but THAT good, I mean.. just.... GAAH! Normally I would have compliments and things to say. Speechless, just... ahhh......
    May 13th, 2011 at 11:02pm
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    Yeah, but it'd save time on like, currency changes and all that kind of stuff.

    I don't want your character to die! BOO! and that is insane ;D

    I feel so sorry for Caleb. Your friends are really cool though, from what you've told me about them all, I REALLY REALLY like them :D don't get me wrong I love my friends, there're insane and brilliant, but y'know... epicness...
    May 13th, 2011 at 10:32pm
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    Ah ok, it's weird, isn't it? I think we all ought to have just one currency and the same systems. Life would be so much easier.

    Yeah :DD good for you. At first I thought you meant because it was going badly and you were sad.

    Yay :D
    I won't mind if he does
    May 13th, 2011 at 07:06pm
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    I'm sure you would.

    That's weird. It's just like with spoons in our house.

    Well ok :)
    I'm not sure how to compare our year groups to your grades, but over here, we start in Reception, which is when you're 4 and you turn 5 during that year. That's primary school, from reception to Year 6 (10/11) and then high school starts Year 7 and you're 11/12. Sixth-form is what you go into after you've done your GCSE's and you do AS levels in sixth-form. It's Year 12/13 and if you compare it to Harry Potter, sixth/seventh year. Sixth-formers have privilliges, like their own center, they don't have to wear uniform (but they have to dress smart) and they get to cut in front of the lunch line. They do however gets god knows how much homework and course work, and recently they've had to do lunch duty, like making sure kids don't leave the canteen until they're dressed smartly, and sweeping up the floors and so on.
    Bit much...

    Yay! Did it go ok? did all the mystical powers that I gave you help?

    that's good for the shirts. We'll have to talk addresses soon.

    Also, did you tell Seth about his cookies and awesome points? :P
    May 13th, 2011 at 06:47pm
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    Also, just thought I'd ask, how's it coming along with the t-shirts?

    and you said you had 2 iPods, what type. If they're nano then what colour, because I always ask people that :P
    I have 2 iPods, a nano (green) an a touch (4th gen) :DD
    May 13th, 2011 at 05:31pm
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    :sigh: I didn't go enough into it. I actually really want to do foreign exchange, it actually kills me how much i want to do it. My parents wouldn't much like it, but I still really want to. Never going to... I can just tell.

    School in the UK isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's not as interesting as American school, and compared to your school, the people there would kill your they're so unawesome.

    Stealing forks? ;D
    That reminds me of when my friend Becca last year, apparently, felt like a vicious spoon, and she wanted to eat a girl called Kristina's nose.

    Balla is an Acer school. Only sixth-formers can bring laptops in, and you only ever seen Acer in the library.
    May 12th, 2011 at 11:56pm
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    That's cool. I have some sort of Norweigan relative somewhere, which really confuses me.

    Oh I'd love that so much. One thing I've always wanted to do is to do a foreign exchange programme, it'd be so brilliant. It'd suck if it were just talk, because you could meet some really interesting people. We had a french boy come over twice a few years ago, and it was so weird.

    Right. People do weird things around here, like you'd be surprised how quickly you can lose people when you're chasing them, so people take other people's bags then run off.

    I wish we had a fairy maid. We have a fariy BRIDGE where the fairies live under, but no maids as far as I'm aware.

    Mine's fine, just filthy. I can't open my mum's MacBook either.
    My mum is a crazy consumer of Apple products, I mean, she has like 2 or 3 iPods (videos, touches, etc) and iPhone, and iPad, and a Macbook Air...
    May 12th, 2011 at 11:29pm
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    Did you read my most recent about section? The only people out of 20+ of my family that are alive that AREN'T Scottish are me, and my brother and sister (they were born in Basingstoke in Engalnd) and there are like 1 or 2 like, second cousins that I barely know of that I think are English. The Scottish goes backs centuries, and then I go down a slight English line and then that comes down to Irish, and it's confusing.

    Yeah, I'd go if I could, but what with me being Manx and all...

    I don't quite understand the skirt rule, finders?
    I really wish I went to your school. It sounds so awesome there and it's not full of the... word I don't want to say... kids that go to my school. I hate so many of them.

    Do they do like little prank things at your school. We have swotknots, which is when you pull REALLY hard on someone's tie until the knot becomes so thin it takes forever to take off, and cabbaging (I hate the name) which is when someone leaves a bag unattended and kids take in, take out all the stuff, turn the bag inside out and then put it all back in. Really annoying. I have so much junk in my bag that no-one's bothered to try cabbage me.

    I think someone once cabbaged a teacher.

    Speaking of things that happened with teachers, when my sister was like, in Year 10, some kids in her class broke the teachers laptop. :S
    May 12th, 2011 at 09:50pm
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    Yeah, it's kinda evil though.

    yeah ;D

    Sometimes I'll imitate my grandparents or aunts/uncles and I have no idea whether or not it's good ;D I thin it's half decent

    right ok :)


    I think most of them won't go, like, most of the kids at my school wouldn't go.

    So, do you have uniform or not? do the public school? we do. Navy blazers, navy jumpers (optional) white polo shirts, navy tie (with coloured stripe depending on what house you're in) and black/grey shirt/trousers, and we have to wear black smart shoes, and we have all these little rules like only a few braclets, top button done up and shirt tucked in and tie done up properly. There's also like no crazy hair colours, no like, skinny jeans (obviously) no crazy earrings and so on... it's really annoying.
    We also have PE uniform.
    May 12th, 2011 at 09:25pm
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    Yeah, I'd hate it if, say my dad were to do that and I came home to find a ton of my possessions gone.

    Yeah, but British shows can be weird too sometimes.

    Right that sounds... disturbing...

    I remember when my brother was in high school and he was in a performance and he had to play a scottish famer (he was born in England and has a really posh accent) and well, despite the fact he knows what perfect scottish accents sound like, he couldn't pull one off at all D:
    Why does everyone talk like Seth?

    Just thinking, I owe Seth something for saying 'he loved me' ;D tell him that I give him +35 awesome points and a box of imaginary cookies. And tell him enjoy.

    It is a few too many, isn't it?
    May 12th, 2011 at 08:51pm
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    I would think so.. poor you.

    Yeah, I can imagine you having a lot of clutter, it just feels like you would have it. :P

    American TV sounds weird...

    could you maybe tell me a bit more about the performance show thing you're doing?
    May 12th, 2011 at 08:10pm
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    That sounds horrible, all that on one day, but it's good that you can get it all done in one day and not have to worry about it much for a week.
    And I hope that you don't get that :)

    Don't die, that wouldn't be fun.
    I'm generally quite organized, but I have clutter, like I stack things up and wrap scarves and put hats on bedposts. I also keep braclets on the circular handles of my chest of drawers.

    No idea what that show is... sounds kind of weird. We might have, and I might just be oblivious to the fact that we have it, but y'know..
    May 12th, 2011 at 07:29pm
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    :D yayness!

    right... :(

    D: sounds awful. Hope that never happens again :(

    So how's life going?
    May 12th, 2011 at 06:20pm
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    Ah that sucks! D: sadface

    Ahaha, your dad sounds so cool. My mum just gets me like, something good, like DW-ey, but not THAT good.

    Ok then, have some sneakiness too! :gives:
    And YAAAAY!

    I think while I'm at it, I'll give you some dragon flight abilities, just because they're fun to have :D

    No, your names are really good :)
    I don't quite understand how that happens, suddenly just hating people who were your friends. Not as weird as some things though:

    Ruth (I've told you about her) went to primary school with this horrible girl who bullies tons of people (mainly us) and they've hated each other for years, but somehow, 2 years ago, they were best friends for a week, even though they'd hated each other so long. A) I think it's impossible to like her, B) How did that happen, and C) It's weirder because later that same year when the girl was being nasty to Ruth, Ruth punched her in the face, so the dislike grew even stronger despite the fact that they'd once been friends.


    Oh well, imma change my name now :) Yay!
    See you on the other side... of the thing that I apparently go to in order to change my Mibba name..
    May 12th, 2011 at 05:58pm
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    sneakiness? I meant skills!! Haha, I'm silly.
    May 12th, 2011 at 05:34pm