Restive Sleep
genre: fantasy | chapters: seven | status: active
Slender Hope
genre: short story | chapters: one | status: complete
The Speculation of Adventures
genre: fantasy | chapters: four | status: meh..
the rain will make us what we are.

Lenora [Leh-noor-uh] noun

A bizarre, angst-y thing that has a slight case of Peter Pan syndrome. Cryptozoologists theorize that this creature spends most of it's time doing nothing of particular interest, which is why no one knows if a Lenora really exists. Lenora is sometimes described as a bookworm or a very angst filled writer, but more often is described as a loud sound that appears in a room when there is nothing left to say.

January 22, 2013

I hate that the one relationship I've had took away all my words.