take-my-hand / Comments

  • LOL . . . Hey there Lauren! I'm Margareth! I'm great! Well, school just started, so I'm having difficulties getting the hang of it. But, oh well. It'll pass. How about you?
    June 21st, 2009 at 04:30pm
  • Hey! Saw your comment on my journal entry . . . And you're really right. About the offer, I don't think I can refuse something as good as that. LOL Just kidding. Anyway, I hope we can become friends!
    June 21st, 2009 at 09:18am
  • Over here we usually call "fish and chips", "fish and fries" or "fish and French fries." Yeah, we call fries "FRENCH fries", but a lot of people just say fries instead of "French" fries. We're odd people, what can I say? xD
    June 21st, 2009 at 05:37am
  • LOL. The only English slang I know is "fish and chips". Pathetic, yes, but that's about all I know, I think. xD I think that's English, anyway...
    June 19th, 2009 at 08:54pm
  • I may be a man! *pauses and laughs* (Utada's song; You Make Me Want To Be A Man just came on as I was writing this! XD ) *continues* But at least I look boyish! :) ... Kinda........ Maybe.....? I don't care.. whatever. It is fun being older and looking younger. 'Cause then you get carded for certain things and its hilarious when they find out your age. lol

    June 19th, 2009 at 09:18am
  • HAHAHA!! You're right: British accents are huge over here. But there's really no such thing as an "American" accent. Over here, you have the Southern "folks" who talk with this hillbilly, or twangy, accent; the Midwest "folks" who say "Wisconsin" like "Wis-GAHN-sin"; the West Coasters who talk completely different than the rest of us, and so on. We're a very diverse people. >.>
    June 18th, 2009 at 03:53am
  • Wow. Considering people in England and America speak the same language, we sure do have different school systems. o_o How weird!
    June 15th, 2009 at 07:27pm
  • What is a "sixth form"? Do you guys, instead of having elementary, middle and high school, go by "forms"? I ask because I've never had that term presented to me regarding school.

    Oh man, you had to read Romeo and Juliet too, huh? I had to study that at fourteen as well. I too thought it was a wee bit early. Shakespeare is just so darned hard to understand sometimes. And it seems like every year I have to read some type of Shakespeare story. 9th grade it was Romeo and Juliet, and last year for the 10th grade it was Julius Caesar.

    Ah, that's what everyone says--they'd miss their friends if they were homeschooled. However, I don't miss them because there's not a difference for me now than there was back in public/private school. I was one of the good kids who never talked during class, so I never got to "socialize" with my friends till after school and during lunch, anyway. xD And that's pretty much what I do now. So it's not bad for me at all. :)
    June 15th, 2009 at 12:30am
  • I'm sorry to here about your aunt.. My condolences.
    16 is boy age, most deff! Heck! I consider myself still a boy; and at my age, that's probably not a good idea. (Unsure as to why, though.)
    Anyway, I have to consider Anthony a man. I mean, he's turning 23 in October! :D


    P.S. Thanks for returning the love! ^_^
    June 14th, 2009 at 09:23am
  • You know, if I'm gonna be completely honest, the terms "sophomore", "junior", "freshman", and "senior" confused me to death until I was halfway through my freshman (9th grade) year. xD I like had no idea I would be a sophomore the year after that, and I'm not entirely sure I knew I was a freshman when I was indeed a freshman. xD I have no clue where the terms originated from, but seriously...being a "junior" and "senior" makes no sense. I mean, it seems like you'd be a "junior" FIRST, and then a freshman and sophomore and then a senior. But hey...I didn't come up with it!

    Wow! 11 years old is pretty early to start high school. Back when my mom went to school, you weren't considered a high schooler until 10th grade (which is when you're generally 15 years old). 11 years old is pretty darned early if you ask me. >.> Then again, I will forever believe that American children mature slower than children of any other country.

    Yeah, homeschooling is extremely popular throughout the United States, probably due to our crappy schooling structure. I think there are so many millions of children each year who sign up to be homeschooled and drop out or completely neglect public school. That should say something about the schools here for sure.

    Wow, a boarding school 700 miles away from home! That's incredible. Are your parents happy about that wish? xP
    June 14th, 2009 at 04:52am
  • It smells like boys?? lol I don't know what boys smell like!!! I smell men now... :D
    He had fun! ^_^ He might be coming up this weekend again.. But he might be stopped by his mom, because of his aunt.. She's visiting for a while, and I don't wanna stand in the way of family. So if he can't make it, it won't be a big deal. (Don't ask why I told you all that... Call it a spur of the moment!)
    Wait... Who's Ashley?? ... I should know this right...? *looks at pictures* OH!!! The "pink" kid!!!!!! ;D Gotcha!! *sticks out thumb; meanwhile looks like dork*




    HUG WAR!

    Pass this hug to all of
    your friends and back
    to me, see how many
    you get back!

    1-5 HUGS....Your on
    someones mind!

    5-10 HUGS...Someone
    likes you!

    10-15 HUGS..Someone
    wants to be with you!

    15-20 HUGS..WOW! you're really loved
    June 13th, 2009 at 08:22am
  • Thanks for your journal comment regarding my boy dilemma. See, I'm not thinking this way about K out of sympathy, which is why this is so hard for me. All the cancer did that was good was give me a reason to talk to him more. I don't have a clue in the world what to do, because I love them both. I was going to end it with D and go to K, but then D just send me a message saying he loves me (again), and my defenses dropped. I know you can't really help me make the choice, but answer me one thing. Should I be accepting these gifts K gives me? Or is that wrong, considering I have a boyfriend?
    June 13th, 2009 at 04:18am
  • (Be prepared for a really long comment...)

    Well my personal school situation is complicated. I used to go to public school and a privately-owned school, but now, I'm homeschooled. I'm not sure if homeschooling exists in England, so just incase it doesn't, I'll explain a little about it. Where I live, the high school is notorious for drugs (they do them right inside the school and outside on school grounds), rapes, and just downright bad stuff, so I elected to be educated at home. I have a curriculum I follow just like anyone else in school, but the only difference is that I do it at home. Some kids homeschool because they can't get to school due to disabilities or other obstacles, but the majority of kids homeschool because their school system does not offer a quality education like the one you can get at home. That's why I'm homeschooled--because the high schoolers over here learn nothing because they're too busy doing drugs.

    Anyway, though I'm homeschooled, I still follow the grade system public schoolers do. For instance, I'm sixteen years old and will be seventeen next May. Therefore, in this school term, I will be ages sixteen and seventeen. Following the normal progression of a standard school child (meaning they didn't get held back or double promoted), I will be in the eleventh grade this coming school term (also known as a junior in high school). Here's a little chart that demonstrates the ages of grades in schools in America...

    Elementary School
    Kindergarten: 5-6 years old
    First Grade: 6-7 years old
    Second Grade: 7-8 years old
    Third Grade: 8-9 years old
    Fourth Grade: 9-10 years old

    Middle School
    Fifth Grade: 10-11 years old
    Sixth Grade: 11-12 years old
    Seventh Grade: 12-13 years old
    Eighth Grade: 13-14 years old

    High School
    Ninth Grade (freshman): 14-15 years old
    Tenth Grade (sophomore): 15-16 years old
    Eleventh Grade (junior): 16-17 years old
    Twelfth Grade (senior): 17-18 years old

    Therefore, if you're fourteen now, but will be fifteen in November, you would be in the ninth grade--a freshman in high school!

    I hope that helped, and I apologize for making that so long. I like making things complicated. xD
    June 12th, 2009 at 07:01pm
  • wow - that really is creepy - I just came up with a load of random names :D Thanxs for reading 'this is so not me'!
    June 12th, 2009 at 05:45pm
  • You guys graduate by the time 11th grade comes? Lucky you! We ding dongs in America are stuck in school until 12th grade (which is 13 total years in school since we go to kindergarten before 1st grade), but when you reach the age of 16, you can legally drop out of school.

    The public schools over here go usually from either the middle or last of August to the first part of June, and then summer vacation goes from June to August. I'm not in public school, so I started my summer break May 5, which was great. =) I worked like a dog this year though, lol.
    June 11th, 2009 at 10:03pm
  • thanxs for the journal comment!!! :)
    June 11th, 2009 at 09:52pm
  • Really?!!???! You're the only girl? Then you've gotta show these boys what you're made of!!! 0_# (bruised face) lol Sorry... getting hyper.....
    I'm stoked! Anthony's comin' over tomorrow!! XD Well... Its like 3am... so ... Today..? Nevermind....
    What does Joop smell like??

    June 11th, 2009 at 09:14am
  • Ah yes, I agree, politics are boring and corrupt for the most part. (For the all part).

    So, what's been happening with you? Are you English kids out for summer...or how does that work over there?
    June 11th, 2009 at 04:49am
  • Yeah, Bush was just a gigantic joke. He's gone, but America is in shambles. We're in a terrible recession because of that moron sending our money where it wasn't needed...but he wouldn't know the first thing about money because his dad was also president, and he's never had to do without.

    Rant over! xD
    June 9th, 2009 at 02:31am
  • Thanks! That's my boyfriend! Love bragging about him! XD he's so cute!!!!
    .......... (huff huff) Moving on....
    I don't know if I could do that! mean, I love to climb over things and feel like a ninja, but......... my feet are too big....... I'd fall on my face... lol

    June 8th, 2009 at 10:02pm