lightning_210 / Comments

  • :D hey there pretty lady!
    June 11th, 2010 at 09:39pm
  • ermk. ill take your word for it. ;]
    and im gonna be a vet because i couldnt stand to see humans in pain all day. either that or im gonna be a police officer.
    my paretns are friends of the parents of a guy that goes to the university of pitsburg, and he says he really likes it.
    June 5th, 2010 at 02:30am
  • im not really the kind of person that is capable of going with the flow....i tend to go my own way... :D
    *gasp* old person!!! *runs away* heh, kidding. and you're not old.....old people are old, so you're not n old person. i seriously doubt i could ever really find it in my heart to deal with my parents. at all. lol. today they said to me "we're not paying for you to go to college, because you're going to be a veterinarian, and that's expensive, so we're saving up our money to sound your brother to college. heh. i started laughing at them. they werent gonna pay anyways! they were mad cuz they thought id be all shocked and shit. xD
    so your parents are cool with a whole bunch of guys living at your house for four days? they're MUCH more trusting then my parents, lol...
    where are you going (if thats not to personal) i know a people that go to college in pittsburgh. (heh. i know OLD PEOPLE! >:D joking)
    industrials are awesome, because they're really unique, and not many people have them. i would get angel bites, because nobody has them, but the reason nobody has them is the reason im not getting them. there are only a handful of people in this world that can make them look good. im hoping i can talk my parents into letting me get a monroe, but i SERIOUSLY doubt it.

    wonder if you could steam the box open? (if its a box) cuz then they wouldnt know you opened it... >:D i wonder what it is? tell me when you find out....youve aroused my curiosity!!!! lol...
    June 1st, 2010 at 04:40am
  • lol. do you live by yourself? anyways, you are uber lucky!! (lolz...uber....)

    it sucks that you havent seen them in so long, but at least you get to see them now.

    wow. your parents were oblivious... my parents are like nazis. seriously, no makeup, no piercings, no tattoos, no cutting my hair any more than long layering it, no dying it either. no guys over (evern if they are just friends, and a lot of my friends are guys) they are really religious, and force their religion on me. and they want me to dress "modestly" (skirts and tops that cover everything) but that's whwere i drew the line. so i can wear skinny jeans and all that shabang. but still, its pretty bad. plus they are homophobes. so im loking forward to moving out, cuz imma come home, with a bazillion piercings (because i want them, not cuz im rebelling, though that too, and not literally a bazillion) and my hair in a fro-hawk and bright purple (or something like that) tattoo(s) and bring a girlfriend home with me. *evil grin* i cant wait.... heh heh. :)) their faces would be priceless......

    but im pretty good at getting around them, and sneaking around, so its not that bad. they really dont give a damn, as long as i dont "ruin the family name"
    so thats cool.

    but your lucky,'re going to have DAYS DIFFERENCE staying with jeleaous! ;D
    May 30th, 2010 at 10:18pm
  • Heh. ok.
    o, god. my parents think im an angel to! ill be like "can i go to the park please? im going with emma." Emma is one of my besties and one of my partners-in-crime. we both end up skipping the park and walking over to one of our friends houses in the next neighborhood over and starting some kind of trouble (a party, a fight, whatever. we want to be amused, thats the point in going over there.) Its really funny though, because my parents never suspect a thing. XD
    That's good! That means you get to go to the show! lucky! :D
    May 29th, 2010 at 07:04pm
  • WPIALs....yeah, sorry, i have no idea what that is. heh. :))
    that's cool! my "day" started at 1:00 this morning. i couldnt sleep all night. its fucking hilarious how oblivious my parents are. i had my bedroom light on all night and loud music on (like sex pistols-anarchy in the uk, greenday-jesus of suberbia/american idiot, etc. you know, the music that drives them up the walls. hey, gotta be a teenager! :P ). i think they are just tired of dealing with me, heh. :]
    yeah... we've got a really good team. we should have won the whole WPIALs... but for the past three years luck has NEVER been on our side. you wouldn't believe the things that have happened to us, ha.
    so its all cool. but im glad youve had a better day!
    May 28th, 2010 at 03:34pm
  • hey!How's life?I'm finishing school earlier this year..from some unknown reason but yeah...summer break is just soo soo close.And you're graduating! God how do ya feel now? Just a few days from freedom?
    May 28th, 2010 at 01:36pm
  • sorry!
    i hope you make it to state! truthfully though, ive never really been one for sports, i mean ive got some muscle and im not fat cuz i make myself go to the gym every now and then, and i run a LOT because i have a very energetic dog.
    but im glad your day has had SOME happy in it! :)
    May 28th, 2010 at 02:59am
  • That's really cool!!!
    i dont know wether or not to hope your softball team does or doesnt! heh... lol.
    i love Hershey! I've been there a couple times (twice, i think)
    Anyways, thats awsome.
    May 27th, 2010 at 06:22pm
  • did it sound like i said I had? i havnt, im just saying that would be my luck
    same for the shows i go to, but they arent that big, i just am a violent person, lolz.
    im a newDays Differencefan but till, lucky!
    how are you working for them?
    she seems fun, like shed be a cool person but her music kinda annoys me.
    wait, youve talked to them? you KNOW them??? lucky.... :(( heh.:)
    and about the fans, its like, seriously? we paid to hear them sing, not you scream.

    i normally back out of the mosh pit before the show starts, cuz they truthfully scare me just a little bit, i mean, i saw this movie when i was pretty little, cuz my friends older sibling didnt realize we were in the room, and this girl was crushed to death in the mosh pit. sooooo...yes. freaked me out a little. but yes, i have ALWAYS wanted to go crowd surfing!! that would be so fun!
    May 27th, 2010 at 03:32am
  • lol. wow. that would make a hilarious video, it's to bad you couldn't see it! the thing is, i LOVE a whole lot of bands, and their music, but im not willing to pay the price of a) the tickets b) the being stepped on and my anger starting to take swings and c) the fact that, yeah. im on of those people that has the luck to be kicked out before the set i even came to see, because i punched a security guard. XP
    also, i find the whole fan thing a little creepy. i mean, a lot of those girls are in LOVE with those singers/bands/whatever, and are obsessed with them, which truthfully? Scares the hell out of me. and the whole screaming thing? WHAT THE HELL IS THE POINT OF THAT??? i mean, do they think 'let's scream so loud we can't hear the singers singing and/or the band playing?
    i dunno. maybe im just grouchy that i don't get to go to any that i actually want to go to, or whatever. but.......i dunno.
    May 26th, 2010 at 04:28pm
  • course ive only been to two....or is it three? people enjoy dragging me along with them to concerts that i don't particularly want to see.....something about "prottection and amusement" or something like that. idk.
    May 25th, 2010 at 06:32pm
  • hah! apparently all the concerts i go to are boring! yeah, i usually end up punching somebody, but that's just cuz im a violent person, and dont enjoy ginormous people standing on my short self. lol... :D
    May 25th, 2010 at 06:31pm
  • heh. i told my friend (the one who wrtoe the chapter for number 101) that i needed to go to a concert with her, cuz when i go, nothing funny happens. but the youtube video for that is hilarious!
    May 25th, 2010 at 01:13am
  • aw thanx! but can you (pretty please, with a bag of your favorite candy, sprinkles, and a purple gummy bear) go back and re-read the summary. i changed it, and it is really important!
    May 24th, 2010 at 12:36am
  • Lol! Well I hope you don't plan on dismissing this inspiration anytime soon. Your chapters are becoming so lengthy now, and I doubt anyone would disagree with the backbone to that. It's honestly no problem girl, I love giving comments to people with talented stories who deserve it. I truly love your story, and I'm so antsy to see it unfold. It's already getting my panties in a twist. xD
    May 19th, 2010 at 04:35am
  • they are really awesome. it seems guys like them are hard to find these days
    May 13th, 2010 at 03:41pm
  • aww haha.micah is a sweety from what you told me. he seems like a real cool friend.
    May 13th, 2010 at 08:05am
  • oh...than i don't know. you should do what's best for you. i'm sure there are many boys who like you :) however, there are million of boys in the world :)
    May 12th, 2010 at 07:53pm
  • is.well i don't know what to say...if he loves you so much then why is he still with his girlfriend? boys are sometimes veery complicated....and annoying. not even they know what they really want.
    May 10th, 2010 at 06:42pm