Thoughts on stories and such

I'm happy. I raised my grade in English Honors 1 from a D to a C! Yay! No, I am not stupid...I got into school four weeks after it started. I'll tell you guys all about it later. Anyways, I'm back at home with my folks so stop bothering me already! It's getting really annoying and I'm seriously getting pissed off!...On another note, I'm thinking of making my short story "The Heartbroken Prince"...
October 23rd, 2008 at 03:38am

Parents suck

Yes, you heard me. Parents suck! So original I know. But seriously, my parents suck ass. They think I am drugs. Me! I have an extreme fear of needles and swallowing pills(how I swallow my prescribed medication is a mystery). I also cannot breathe when there is even a little smoke around.Grrr, they even kicked me out of the house and did not give me anything to eat. I only had five dollars on me....
October 4th, 2008 at 05:02pm