Unlawfultears / Comments

  • Frankie's not gonna play a major role, I guess.

    Thank you so much (:
    I'm seriously really grateful that you took the time and helped me.
    Thank you (:
    August 28th, 2009 at 04:55am
  • The piano part will be explained in the chapter of her mother's death. Nick isn't her friend or foe. He's there to help her. He's like her angel. But he doesn't want to be friends with her because well... I need to figure that part out haha.

    Um any other questions? And what do you think? (:
    August 28th, 2009 at 12:05am
  • Well, this story is kind of dark. It’s different than most Jonas stories you see on here. Kevin’s personality is actually really caring and soft but I exaggerated a bit. Joe isn’t moody but (I don’t know if you’re a fan or not, ha-ha), he has changed ever since Camilla came in his life. Like in real life, not the story. So I used his changes and put them into the story. Nick Jonas is a complex person. So that’s how I portrayed him in the story.

    Alex’s mom dies. Her father kills her. In the next chapter, I was going to do a whole police investigation scene and Alex would see her mother dead on and her father passed out drunk. Nick and Joe would go to the crime scene and grab Alex before anything stupid happens.

    That would be one chapter. Then the sixth chapter, I think?, would be something like this.

    [i]Everything had passed in a blur. She sat on the bed, looking at the documents in her hand. She was a part of the Jonas family now. She was now an attachment to their family. She would never be fully accepted though. She was foreign, alien. Denise and Paul Jonas had taken custody of her for the time being. It was too much to process. [/i]

    That would be chapter six. That would be the ending of part one of the story.

    Part two is where Nick comes in.

    Nick is really big in this story. He’s not a friend of Alex’s but he’s also not an enemy. He helps her find light again and her light is Joseph. Have you heard the song Black Keys? Nick grabs her one night and sits her down at the piano and orders her to play. And as she plays, Nick sings verses that come to mind.

    That would be one or two chapters ^.^

    And then the last part of the song is “don’t let em get inside your head.”

    That’s when Joe comes in the room one night and adds that line. There’s a whole scene to that too.

    Alex then realizes that Joe’s her light in her darkness and she’s also the one who can help Joe find himself back
    August 27th, 2009 at 11:16pm
  • I see where you're coming from. But um... can I explain my vision for this story? It contains spoilers...
    August 27th, 2009 at 10:59pm
  • AHH!
    Thank you so much for your comment!
    It's the best comment I've gotten so far! (:

    And really? I was thinking it's going to slow.
    August 27th, 2009 at 10:13pm
  • WTF...
    August 16th, 2009 at 09:11pm
  • Meep! ><" Thanks that makes me so giddy. Teehee. :3

    Hehe the next update will be Tuesday around 4 (EST) :]

    A7X live. It was amazing. They came for the concert that is hosted byt my radio station each year called The Next Big Thing and it was amazing. I cant even describe it live. I was lost for words and not caring if it was 45 degrees out. And when Syn did his guitar solo he had controll of the entire place. It was amazing. When someone yelled 'F you' he smirked, laughed, and flicked him off and kept playing. The only downer was it that it wasn't a full concert. There was 13 bands that day and they only had a 40 min time frame to play, so that was the only downer.

    But if you can ever find a way to go, I say go. =]

    Oh and thanks I appreciate you stopping by and commenting my profile, telling me how much you enjoy my story ;3
    August 16th, 2009 at 05:00pm
  • lol, thanks for the comment, sorry it takes so long to update all the time if you really can't wait for the next ones to come out you could always check it out on quizilla, you don't have to have an account to go on it and on there there are a lot more chapters. Once again thanks for the comment. :)
    August 4th, 2009 at 07:11pm
  • gah, you're right. bite off a piece of my internal soul, why don't ya?
    sorry!! again!!
    guess Violet Skies sorta went on its own hiatus? i just realized I'd had a writers block at the little piece I'd stopped up. But let me go see if I have another chapter to upload...
    found it! I'd just started on the next chapter. SO i'll be getting off this computer and onto mine own after i check all my other comments and the like. my own computer has everything written saved [no internet though] and its up on it right now, plus i wrote in pen on my hand so today, i'm gonna do my best to write another chapter- hopefully two, actually. if i get them up today, i will try but if i cant they will go up tomrrow. i mean it this time!

    seee? told you. your mean. and evil and scary. lol ;D
    August 3rd, 2009 at 12:16am
  • Hey, just wanted to let you know that Chasing The Night was updated this morning! Hope you like it.

    Im enjoying my ice cream sundae and magical cherries now lol
    August 2nd, 2009 at 10:04pm
  • hey there!
    just wanted to say thanks for your threat, and i'm currently terrified of you.
    and i apologize for not updating better with the story or anything, Violet Skies. I get caught up w/ life and my other stories, and this isn't the biggest one of mine, so i sort of forgot about it. but i do still love it, so thanks for the reminder.
    however at the moment, my personal computer, with the story saved on it, isn't working at the moment. but i'm going to do my best and try to update sometime tomorrow, okay? if i don't, threaten me again even worse. ;D
    thanks again!
    August 1st, 2009 at 07:10am
  • Man, your comments always make me laugh, they make my day !! But thank you, I'm glad you like it so much!!

    Sorry about the epic fail when it came to getting updates out this week. Been sorta a mess of crazy here for the last few days but I am back to workign on them and they should all be updated tonight or early tomorrrow!!!

    Yay for magical nonallergetic cherries! lol!

    July 29th, 2009 at 05:31am
  • As Kourtney said, thanks soo much for commenting. A lot of people don't realize how much it really makes a writer's day when they comment. We're glad you like it.

    By the way, that did sound really good. I was about to make it on friday but I was too sleepy to try lol. <3
    July 28th, 2009 at 12:52am
  • Hey!
    Your comment on Chasing the Night absolutly made my day!
    I will be updating as soon as I get done eating dinner!
    Thanks for your interest in the story ! It means a lot to me.


    P.S. I'm allergic to cherries lol!
    July 27th, 2009 at 01:15am
  • thank you so much for your comment
    it definitely put a smile on my face and thats just what I needed
    I got in a fight with mu BFF today
    anyways, I only have one more day of school left so after tomorrow I will continue to write
    June 2nd, 2009 at 02:55am
  • oh and thanks so much by the way :]
    May 9th, 2009 at 06:45am
  • haha aww don't have a cerebral hemorrhage
    i'll update soon.. promise :]
    May 9th, 2009 at 06:45am
  • haha, you're welcome :]

    [i]Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired[/i]

    I love that.
    March 30th, 2009 at 02:53am
  • haha well, it's possible that Rydon is actually real. There's tons and tons of proof. >.> But unfortunately, the boys keep denying it, and one of them has a girlfriend. So, most likely, no, it's not real. We can only hope now.
    But that sure doesn't stop people from writing wonderful fanfics does it? haha :D
    March 21st, 2009 at 12:43am
  • i might just be doing that on porpose!!! *laughs evily*
    February 18th, 2009 at 02:52am