just a little bit about me. this was an email forward i got today..

ARE YOU:1. Perfect?-getting there2. Tall?-uhm, that depends. is 5'7'' a dwarf?3. In your pajamas?pshht please im naked at the moment.... uhm... i mean. no. im fully clothed....4. Left handed?-uhm... im not sure which left hand is the left one...LAST:1. Friend you saw:julian (aka my 5th grade husband :P)3. friend to talk to you on the phone:kim4. Person to say they loved you:my mommy.........
September 26th, 2008 at 03:02am

cutting.... emotional release or popular trend?

go back a few decades, and a person who cut was seriusly mentally unstable and was either hospitilized, put on medications, or both. today, people, especially teens and young adults, pertain cutting to being "emo" or "scene." is it solely for their self image? or is it because there really is something wrong? in my opinion, people who openly admit that they cut themselves are only looking to gain...
September 23rd, 2008 at 12:37am