Loor / Comments

  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    haha yeah. it's really hard to put down books! last night i was reading sisterhood of the traveling pants: the second summer... and i got to the part where there was only like 50 pages left.. but it was 1 am.. so i decided to go to bed haha. even though i wanted to finish it!

    yep. it's a mess though! there's 2 huge cabinets full of stuff! then there's like bins, a table, a bookcase and more full of stuff. it's crazy!
    i can give you the recipe for the reindeer cookies! just in case you want to make them for your friends Christmas party. here's the link: http://buddingbaketress.blogspot.com/2010/12/peanut-butter-reindeer-cookies.html

    yeah. i never make a Christmas list. most everybody knows that i just want money for Christmas haha. my brother always complains each year that i'm super hard to buy for xD

    mmkay. i'll have to go out and get them soon. gotta find where to get them! xD i'll probably send them in a Christmas card, so that they'll be cheaper to send. i will send you my address as soon as i'm done writing you back (:

    haha i shouldn't find him attractive xD considering he's married haha. i love british/english accents too. i think this dude is cute.. you probably won't xD but please ignore that he's shirtless! i just think it best showcases his face lol. from his tweets, he and i seem a lot alike.. it's kind of weird xD

    oh! and how close are you to Atomium in Belgium?
    November 28th, 2011 at 10:39pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    yeah. well i don't have a job or anything.. so i just go to bed when i get tired. i usually read some of a book for like an hour before I go to bed.
    yep. we still have a craft room. but nothing really ever happens in there xD my mum has her sewing machine in there. i LOVE baking! i'm making coffee cake, along with peanut butter cookies that look like cute little reindeer for Christmas. since my family found out I can bake well... they make me make the sweets for get togethers xD
    yeah. i want a lot of different books. but i'm hoping people just send me Amazon gift cards so that i can get them haha.
    nope, i don't have one from Belgium yet! i'd love one. i can send you one from Maine and New Hampshire?

    aww, well i hope it goes by fast for you!

    lol niice. i just got done watching Thor. it was such a wonderful movie! and Chris Hemsworth (dude that plays Thor) is so good looking. and he has an australian accent :D

    yay, you agree! almost everybody agrees with me that she should've played Bella haha.
    November 27th, 2011 at 10:37pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    haha aww. i usually sleep until 10 am every day. but i go to bed around 1 am haha. i LOVE crafting! but i also grew up with a crafting mum haha. she used to do craft fairs (where a bunch of crafters go and sell their stuff), and i'd go and help her out. i don't make lists. i usually just tell people to send/give me money xD i'm a better shopper for myself, than other's are xD i'm complicated to buy for.
    i collect postcards though haha. my friend that's studying abroad in Italy just sent me one from there. made me totally stoked haha.

    yay, i hope you can find it online and find the time to watch it (:

    yes, i loved that episode! haha yeah, i hate explaining the show to other people. it's kind of just like "watch it! i can't explain it!". yeah, i'm just going to keep my opinion down with you about elena/damon and ian/nina. 'cause i'll get into this long speech and it won't end up pretty xD so we shall agree to disagree.

    haha i can't narrow the type of guys i find attractive down to one specific type.

    you should definitely watch Sucker Punch out of the two movies. she normally has brown hair, but her hair in that is like.. white xD

    haha yeah. never really been a fan of Keltie.
    November 24th, 2011 at 08:06pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    haha aww. that sucks. i'd just catch up on sleep. i'm a fan of sleep haha. i'm not going Christmas shopping this year! i'm making gifts haha. well i bought stuff for my nephew.. but that's 'cause he's not a girl xD i can't exactly make him something.. since the things i make are for girls xD

    i LOVE The Amazing Race. mostly 'cause it something feeds my wanderlust. but it also makes it worse! xD you might bee able to find it online to watch. i don't know.

    i hope you get the trees soon too. i had most of those given to me.
    ugh, i know! i think it comes back on like January 5th for me. i miss Lexi so much though. i was so happy when she came back as a ghost. then i got all sad when they took her away ): i was kind of iffy of Caroline when she was human. but i LOVE her as a vampire! see i'm a fan of Damon/Elena xD always will be. but i'm not a fan of Ian/Nina haha.

    haha niice. i don't really think Darren Criss is attractive. but i think he's a cool guy.

    i love the Harry Potter movies. i've never read the books for those. i don't know if i ever will.
    Emily Browning played Babydoll in Sucker Punch.. don't know if you've seen that movie or not. and she also played in that Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events movie too.
    yeah, i heard Jar of Hearts on So You Think You Can Dance. this choreographer used her song to do a dance to when Christina wasn't famous at all. i LOVE her song Arms also. such a lovely song.
    November 23rd, 2011 at 07:46pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    haha it's alright! i figured you'd gotten busy.

    The Amazing Race is a reality show haha. teams travel around the world and do challenges and stuff. and by the end it gets down to like 2 or 3 teams. then whoever crosses the finish line first gets 1 million dollars (at least i think it's that much haha).

    yeah. i'm pretty good at just scanning over the questions and knowing the answer like 1 or 2 seconds in. yeah. i check my gifts section every day to see if there's anything i can send people. and i also love whenever Damon pops up (: it's lovely haha.

    i never really liked Lindsay's character lol. haven't liked anything she's played in. when she was killed off on vampire diaries, i was kind of happy haha. since she also tortured caroline ): caroline's my fave girl on vampire diaries! then lexi.

    ugh, that Sebastian guy on Glee makes me gag. he needs to go away.

    yeah. the Breaking Dawn movie was actually really good. definitely not better than the books, but i wasn't as disappointed as I was with the other movies. I LOVE CHRISTINA PERRI'S SONG FOR THE MOVIE OMG. it just fits perfectly.. and her voice is lovely haha.
    actually Kristin's acting just sucks in some movies.. she was good in SPEAK and Catch That Kid.. and like one other movie I saw her in..
    Bella would've been much better being played by Emily Browning haha.. i'm so opinionated on who should play who in those movies xD
    November 22nd, 2011 at 09:11pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    haha yeah. i started getting extreme wanderlust a few months ago. the amazing race always kicks it in like crazy though.

    yeah, those are the best gifts days on the check in days. i just like trivia 'cause i know all the answers and i get the stuff in need easier in that game.. 'cause i can get more points xD i have like the pine tree and the palm tree, that you could have if you need them. 'cause i don't anymore. and i know! who would want to do that? sit on your bed and think, i mean.. jeez xD

    i liked season 3 and 4 peyton.. and when she somewhat discovered Mia. after that she just got.. annoying. glad Leyton got their happy ending. but i've always been more of a Brooke fan. along with a Haley fan. but especially Brooke. more so after high school, but still haha.
    i'm LOVE the show One Tree Hill. so it's still hard for me to think it's ending in 13 more episodes ):
    yeah, I follow Sophia on twitter and man, she just seems like a selfless and wonderful person. would definitely love to meet her one day.

    haha yeah! it's kind of cool. considering i was 5 when it came out xD totally watched it on VHS then though lol. i get so emotional just listening the music score. i'm so lame haha. i don't cry though, just get teary-eyed. i don't like crying.

    and even though you won't see this.. to amuse myself.. i wrote this in a document on a different site and wrote it in Edward's handwriting from the Twilight series. i LOVE it.
    November 19th, 2011 at 05:25pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    haha yeah. if i lived that close, i'd probably demand my dad to drive me to it haha. well ask him nicely xD

    haha yeah. i just hate that you can't get your stamina back fast enough! or that they keep giving you the same things over and over haha. the only game that i like playing to get things on it is Mystic Trivia xD i'm really good at that haha. and no problem! i have multiples of things, so i just give 'em to the people that need them! i still need that stupid black candle to do my next task D:

    yeah, with online friends.. you basically just become friends with people that have stuff in common with you. like the girl i co-write my The Cab story with, we're so similar and so synced.. it's kind of creepy! xD she's definitely one of my besties.

    yeah.. i never paid attention during that stuff that much though.. 'cause i kind of stopped paying much attention to peyton/lucas.. 'cause peyton's character kind of got boring and flat after awhile haha.. and the jerk move that the dude that plays Lucas did to the one that plays Brooke in real life. ugh.

    they're re-releasing Titanic.. i'm hoping some theaters don't have the 3D.. 'cause i don't like 3D movies haha. i just realllly wanna see Titanic on big screen. i'm in love with that movie. the trailer that they released for it's re-release and i got so emotional! gah, such a tear-jerker haha.
    November 17th, 2011 at 10:05pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    ohh okay. well if i ever travel with my friends, we'll visit you and we can go there? haha. ohh okay. well i'll have to do some research on the concentration camps to see where all of 'em are.

    yeah, i wish they told you where to look like they did in the beginning! it's like ugh.

    yeah, i just have more in common with my online friends, most of the time.

    you're welcome (: I KNEW THAT THING WAS FROM OTH. well basically did. i knew it was super familiar haha.
    November 16th, 2011 at 08:33pm
  • TiredOfCountingSheep

    TiredOfCountingSheep (100)

    United States
    It must have smelled pretty bad though, huh? But isn't Belgium like known for fisherman? That is weird to ask, ahaha. Being in Europe must just over all be hard to communicate sometimes. You at least know English and maybe others from other countries do. I'd love to learn Dutch.
    Well that is awesome. Congrats with everything. I think it is really cool you are going for you phd. In the end the drive just won't matter and it will all be worth it.

    I can't wait to read about it! I love that song. That is so awesome you got to see the Darkness. I personally love the cover of Carry On my Wayward Son by Kansas. I saw them do that in May. And I love Karma Police by Radiohead. Ryan's backup is so cute. He sand The Darkness really well. I recorded with my phone because my camera died. But it was great.
    November 16th, 2011 at 02:07am
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    how far are you from Amsterdam? jw. i've always wanted to visit there 'cause of the concentration camps and the annex Anne Frank hid out in.

    oh goodness, i hated unlocking stefan's room! warning: as soon as you do and you complete that task, you'll have to gather trees to unlock the salvatore woods. i'm now at another stand still.. 'cause i need the black candle to unlock damon's room! lol.

    well the friends i made in high school, weren't that great.. besides jerrica and ani haha. like ones that i actually went to high school with. i've basically kept my online friendships xD i'm really good at that lol.

    oohh, i shall go read that summary :D yayy, i love the sequel also. can't wait for you to read it. holly and i are already planning on doing a third installment! xD we're crazy.
    November 15th, 2011 at 08:11pm
  • TiredOfCountingSheep

    TiredOfCountingSheep (100)

    United States
    Six years? Oh god, I could never. I pretty much hate people so being around them all day makes me want to die. Its awful, especially since at my store its mostly people that barely speak English. I hate it. Like, I can't understand anyone.
    Well I am guessing you want to do what you do, right? Like you went to school for it? I don't know. But most jobs keep you away from home for long periods of time during the day.

    Well it sounds like you had a good time. That is just great!
    Uh, well. The guys are incredibly nice. Zack was cracking some jokes and it was pretty funny. Spencer stared right in my eyes and it was like the whole world just stopped, it was beautiful. I gave him a letter, ninja turtle plush I made and a bracelet I made. He said it was like christmas and Dallon was all interested in what me and Spencer were doing. When I gave Spence my pretty odd to sign he looked at Jon and Ryan's signatures and said "I recognize those signatures." and I said "Yeah, they are really nice guys." And then with Dallon he signed my ticket and loved the fox I made him and enjoyed that I made the bracelet to symbolize his kids. Then Brendon...he was so happy it was insane. I had on part of my halloween costume so a marching band hat and a pretty odd sash. He freaked. He thought the hat was the greatest thing ever and told me I looked cute. He liked the bear and bracelet I made him. ANd when I gave him my pretty odd to sign he was like "I am the only one missing!" And then with Ian...oh my god...I told him I made him something I thought he would love. Then I gave him the Yoda I made him. He screamed like a little girl then talked like yoda. He was so happy. It was so cute. ANd he signed my Stamps cd and he liked that I gave him it to sign. THen when we were taking picture Brendon was still fangirling over my hat so I asked if he wanted to wear it and he took it. And he was happy I wanted to do the cancan. He enjoyed it. Ian was all cute and pulled me close to him. Then me and Ian were talking and I showed him my arm that had the Led Zeppelin symbols and he was like "I would show you mine by I am covered" and he was all ready to get undressed. He liked my shirt too. It was a led zeppelin shirt. He didnt want to stop talking to me and was holding onto my arm. It was amazing. FASTFORWARD!!!!!!!!!!! Uh, when Ian was on stage he kept waving and smiling at me. It was great. THey covered "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" by The Darkness. I love that song. Brendon didnt strip at all. It was snowing also. Uh...hmmm...It was just really fun. All the pics are on facebook and I havent uploaded any videos.

    That's good though. I fell the same way towards my stories. Deleon is just great.
    November 14th, 2011 at 11:36pm
  • Be Wonderful

    Be Wonderful (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the story comments Lore, if I go back and edit them I'll be sure to check the grammar.
    November 14th, 2011 at 10:04pm
  • faithsmadechanges

    faithsmadechanges (100)

    United States
    That's amazing! That must be tons of fun. I, as unambitious as it sounds, want to go to cosmetology school. I really want to be a novelist, and I'm getting my degree in English, but there's not much I can do with that. So I'm trying to save up 20something thousand dollars to eventually become a cosmetologist, so I can do something I enjoy while working towards being even a mildly successful writer. ahaha.

    And sorry this took so long to reply to! I kind of forgot mibba existed for a little while. ahaha.
    November 12th, 2011 at 09:38pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    the only part of Asia that i'm interested in is Thailand haha. yep, i can get to like.. massachusetts (if you look on a map, you'll see where it is) in like 3 hours.

    lol it's alright. i'll just accept it. maybe you'll need that bunny later (:

    yeah, i only hang out with jerrica.. 'cause my best friend lives in south carolina. and jerrica is the only friend i continued to stay friends with after high school (besides my best friend).

    haha alright (:
    November 11th, 2011 at 05:05pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    my cousin Kealy just went on vacation there. she just got done teaching for a year over in South Korea. and went on a little vacation to Phuket, Thailand before coming home to the US! i've been looking at her pictures and it's like.. ugh i wanna go there sooo badly. it looks so beautiful! also one of my friends Ruth went there and she bought me a bracelet in one of the street markets (:
    you've traveled so much! wish i was that lucky. i've never left the country.

    yeah, i had trouble finding the grimoires when i was at that part too. i'm now stuck again 'cause i need freakin' trees to unlock the salvatore woods! gah haha.

    the only person i hang out with around here is Jerrica. my dad usually picks her up and then brings her back here if we want to hang out haha.

    oh okay (: well i hope you do get to come up to maine. it'd be awesome haha.

    yayy (: i think i might update again today. i don't know. depends on whether i can think of something to update with.
    November 10th, 2011 at 09:22pm
  • TiredOfCountingSheep

    TiredOfCountingSheep (100)

    United States
    I just work at a store. I cried my second day because I held back bitching at a lady. But.your work must be more intense. It seems it.

    Sweet! Was it as great as it comes off to be? I still need yo explain my patd nighg. I didnt via tumblr because people were bitches.

    I will have to do that and be all prepared. It shows you put a lot of thought and care into it. Thats good.
    November 10th, 2011 at 09:03pm
  • TiredOfCountingSheep

    TiredOfCountingSheep (100)

    United States
    I am so sorry I haven't responded to anything you have sent me. I feel awful but I got a job and it has consumed my whole life. Plus school too. I am happy you enjoyed London, I would love to hear about it!!

    I will have to check out the second story and of course the third. I hope I have time too because I am really eager to read it.
    November 9th, 2011 at 09:30pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    Phuket, Thailand is very high on my list. that place looks soooo beautiful. then there's like.. Paris.. Monte Carlo.. Barcelona.. London.. some more haha.

    you're welcome! i just sent you one of the grimoires you needed (: never played farmville or cityville.. for those main reasons xD i like that you can mostly play this vampire diaries game by yourself haha. just posts something on my wall. don't get anything from it haha. so you don't have to press the thanks button (:

    i think it's about 65 here today. which is nice. yeah.. i don't have a license, so i never really make plans.. ever.
    have you talked to your mum about coming up to maine for a couple days when you go to nyc next year? jw.

    no problem (: i'm hoping holly updates soon. i'm so in love with the story xD which is weird.. 'cause i'm a co-writer of it xD
    November 9th, 2011 at 09:02pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    london is on my list of places to visit! which is a really long place haha. i want to travel the world. i have wanderlust so much. but nowhere to get rid of it... 'cause i have no money! lol.

    you're welcome (: what flowers do you need to unlock the graves? i need the vervain amulet to unlock stefan's room so i can do my next task haha. the game is addicting haha! it's my favorite game on facebook.

    cold is definitely yuck! it was like 70 degrees here earlier though. crazy. but it's supposed to get colder as the week goes ): i have an open house party for my grandma to go to on saturday.. but that's all my plans so far.. doubt i'll have any after that haha.

    oh and i updated Learn You Inside out! it's the sequel to The Future Will Be Just As Bright. holly might be updating it soon (:
    November 8th, 2011 at 09:57pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    haha it's alright! london is a good excuse! never been, but want to someday.

    yay, i'm glad you unlocked the mystic grill (: make sure you check your gifts section (next to the collections every day).. sometimes they have things that i need! (:

    yeah, it's gonna be warm for today and tomorrow. but after that it's supposed to get cold again ):
    November 7th, 2011 at 09:18pm