Loor / Comments

  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    haha it's alright (: take your time. i'm determined to update the sequel sometime.. 'cause my co-writer wants to update... but it's not her turn yet! haha.

    you're welcome (: and ohh yay. i shall read that later (:
    what do you need to unlock the mystic grill?

    my power is still on! if you want to see the pics of the snow here in Maine, I put some up on facebook a little while ago!
    October 30th, 2011 at 07:49pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    ohh. did you ever finish reading my deleon co-write?

    we got like a dusting of snow last night. but it melted pretty quick. thank God.

    sent you the invites (:
    October 28th, 2011 at 07:22pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    ohh, i'm 5'5" but i'm like 195 or 200. i hope i can get myself back down to 150 sooner or later. i was like 165 or 170 during my senior year... then after i graduated my weight went up haha, lame.

    i'm fine with there being snow on Christmas... 'cause it's like something you want to see then. but otherwise than that, i don't want the snow at all.

    what invites do you need? i have like a lot of them. you'd just have to put them in your wishlist for me to give you them.
    October 27th, 2011 at 11:29pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    aww, well I hope your back feels better soon!

    haha i'm addicted to that game. i'm as far as i can go right now though.. since they have to make more challenges and stuff. so i'm just waitinggggg lol.
    you weigh so much less than I do. I'd LOVE to be 137 lbs xD
    and i'm doing pretty good. it's supposed to snow tonight though ): so i'm not amused haha. and i'm making my first pot roast today! i hope it tastes good haha. it smells good.
    October 27th, 2011 at 09:41pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    i'll read your update soon (: i have a huge headache today and i'm super tired.. so yeah.
    how are you?
    October 26th, 2011 at 02:14am
  • TiredOfCountingSheep

    TiredOfCountingSheep (100)

    United States
    I haven't even started reading the second one! I MUST!

    They are metal, but no masks. A band I started to like thanks to my dad. They were just opening up for two bands I really like who are really good live.
    Well that is good you have the digital. In school today at an assembly there was a video and Spotlight started playing. I screamed. haha. That is kinda creepy, the whole ocean floor part of the train. I have been on a subway and a normal train before but that is it. You need a blacklight? That is crazy! When I came home from work I had a union suit waiting for me. I am being one of the guys from the parade scene in nine in the afternoon. Yeah, her name is Marie and she is really pretty. They are super cute together. Oohh, I haven't heard of patrick making it up. I might just look that up.
    I have the first three Muse CD's. My ex boyfriend gave me them in 9th grade. You just compared the tickets to two bands I hate...lmao. But that is okay, just not my cup of tea. I like Muse, just am not an insane fan over them.

    You will love this then, my backpack last year said Beatles and had the Revelover picture all over it. It was so beautiful. My least favorite is Let It Be. I just really do not like that album at all. Aww. That was like the time I could have seen Paul. But I had already bought Blink-182, Panic at the Disco, Fall Out Boy tickets for the same day three months early. At least you had a good day. I did, somewhat minus PATD. That was the day Brendon was drunk.

    Red is a very nice color. I like it. I love my walls. They make me so happy.
    There will be a new album up Saturday/Sunday of the PATD show! haha. And Probably tomorrow because I am dying my hair dark brown.
    How was that trip? That seems like it would be a beautiful place to visit.

    I wasn't into her music until I met her. It was mostly because I really really hated her then when we met she was nice so I actually listened to her stuff. I sorta hissed at her because Ryan was hugging me and she jumped on him and I growled "Hi Z" and was pretty pissed.

    He should be on your list of people to meet. Haha.
    October 25th, 2011 at 02:27am
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    lol niice. i haven't gone to a concert without a parent. we actually i have.. but that's 'cause ani's parents drove us xD

    ooo, yay (:
    October 24th, 2011 at 09:25pm
  • TiredOfCountingSheep

    TiredOfCountingSheep (100)

    United States
    This is a perfect start haha.

    That does suck when you are a huge band and then the band sucks live. Sometimes you can tell what bands will suck live though. Just by the way they sing. Like I saw Megadeth and I knew they were going to be awful live and they were. haha. But I don't really care for them anyway.
    Are you flying or driving to London? Because if it does come before that then you can so jam out to it in the car! haha. That would be awesome. He is opening up for Panic on their new tour now and the date I am going to he isn't going...it is so sad. But I think Joe is getting married that day and that is why Patrick isn't doing my show. If that is true, all the best wishes to Joe and his wife.
    I will have to check it out then. I have heard they put on good shows. They rarely tour in America though. And like, I am pretty sure their tickets are expensive so I don't think my dad would fly with that. Matt has kind of a magical voice I think.

    Those are all good choices though. Sgt Peppers is how I got into the Beatles so it is my favorite but I really love Help! and A Hard Day's Night. They are just a perfect band and I wish John and George were still alive. I got to see Ringo a few years back. It was amazing. He is so energetic and little.
    That couch sounds amazing and I love grey walls. Your room sounds really nice. The idea of Red and Black does sounds really nice too. Kind of vampiric, but I love vampires so to me that is cool. haha.
    I will go add you now! Uh, the album is called "24 Hour Renovation." I have a ton of albums...just ignore them, haha. I am kind of a camwhore, well when i was younger I was. I don't really take as many pictures now.

    That is what I am worried about most with reading the book. I feel like she probably exaggerated a little with the whole "Dreamer" chapter. And I don't think she needed to blog about it either. Ryan fucked up, so what. I actually love Z Berg so to me I didn't care so much but that was bad for him to have cheated.

    Yeah, haha. His hair is always messy when his hair is long. He like never brushes it. Well, he has a good personality. He is really shy though and needs a drink in him in order to actually talk to you but he is nice. And anyone compared to Brendon has a terrible voice. I do like Ryan's. I find it cute and it just makes me smile. I am just a total Ross fan. No shame at all.
    I own Pete's book. It is odd but good. It is only like 20 pages but it is definitely Pete. I think you would like it if you like his lyrics.

    Ah! You are making me want to go even more just by listing the things. I want to check out the caticomes (spelling?) and the graveyard with Jim Morrison for sure. Can you even pick a favorite thing you saw there?
    That is so cool! My family on my dad's side is from Canada.
    I think I hate it so much because I like Boston. I would rather walk around Boston than Time Square. So you must see Boston. There are parts that are really pretty like this one park that has a lake with swam boats and a giant fountain little kids play in.
    October 22nd, 2011 at 03:48pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    haha yeah i'd be more willing to let my kids (whenever I have any xD) go to a Jonas Brothers concert by themselves instead of a punk band.

    haha i can't watch horror movies either. and it's hard for me to watch thrillers too!
    October 20th, 2011 at 08:28pm
  • TiredOfCountingSheep

    TiredOfCountingSheep (100)

    United States
    Not on as big of one as you. I tried to write as much as you did. Now, I don't think I will. You left me a mini novel. Its great!

    A lot of bands now suck live. It is so depressing. I think Fun. is awful live but then again I am not really into them. I don't think I would even go to see You Me At Six live to be honest. Yeah, I feel like festivals wear someone out more. Fall Out Boy is fun to see live. Patrick's voice isn't so pleasant. I saw FOB twice, but I saw Patrick solo in August. He sang his solo stuff much better than he did the times I saw him with FOB. He is just amazing. I love him. He is truly a hero of mine. I have yet to hear his new album. That is so cool! I check out the video on your tumblr. They sounded really good. Blink's new album is different. I really like Up All Night but their older stuff is so much better. Who has your favorite been to see?

    That is such a perfect sign! I want it and to live it! Music is so beautiful and powerful. That is really awesome. I don't really listen to them but that is a good reason for it to be your favorite on vinyl. That is so cool. Mine would have to be Sgt Peppers. Its my favorite record of theirs and hearing it through a vinyl is incredible. I could listen to A Day In The Life on repeat all day long. Was it hard taking down the pictures? It was like an emotional thing for me and took me all day! haha. I had to wash my walls too from all the tape. Do you have a facebook? I have a whole album from back when I redid my room. It doesn't have the pretty off on my wall but if you look at my main picture on my tumblr you can see it. What colors did you paint your room? Mine are teal, grey and black. I also like how basically only worthy people can gain excess onto your walls. ahah. She wouldn't be so bad if she just stopped bringing up Ryan. TO me she acts like she just wants to be famous and it gets annoying. That is my opinion. I would like to read the book. I love reading.

    Alex kind of seems like a pedo at times. haha. Then there are times he comes off as rude and stuck up but he isn't I don't know. That is like how people think Ryan is just some jerk when he is actually the sweetest person. I cannot wait to hear. I am on my toes waiting. I bet the new songs Ryan puts out will be great. I just love his voice. I think Ryan should write a little book like Pete did. That would be awesome.

    I would love to travel to Paris. Mostly to really bring out the French in me. When I can, I plan to move to Canada though. And not to give NYC a bad name but I went once, hated it, way to crowded and got strep throat. It was so awful but seeing a broadway play and going to the HardRock cafe is great. You must go to Hardrock. There are so much Beatles things in there.

    Yes! Then you look funny with a red nose and everything. I use to have really dry lips in the winter and would lick them like crazy so my upper lip became so red and it was pretty much red up to my nose. It was so awful and painful. I have learned to keep chapstick on me. haha.
    October 20th, 2011 at 01:30am
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    lol you make me laugh. Jonas Brothers concerts are not calm! xD i went to one back in 2008. i was a few months short from 16 for my first concert haha. i wouldn't like concerts/shows like the one you just described. nope.

    i'm scared wickedly easy too! i hate it haha.
    October 19th, 2011 at 08:24pm
  • faithsmadechanges

    faithsmadechanges (100)

    United States
    I am! Every time someone follows me I look at their blog, and I was like "Someone from Belgium? I know who this is!" ahahaaa.

    And I'm hoping to learn some more French! I took Spanish for a few years, but I didn't really pay much attention. So now I can pretty much count to ten, and that's about it. ahaha. I have a friend whose getting a masters degree in Japanese, which is really cool, but I've always been not-so-good at learning new languages. ahaha.

    And you said you were a scientist? in which field? :D
    October 19th, 2011 at 09:23am
  • TiredOfCountingSheep

    TiredOfCountingSheep (100)

    United States
    Jeez, you wrote so much! ahaha

    I actually would much rather listen to older bands. I don't know, it takes a lot for me to get into new bands. I think the only "new" band I am into is You Me At Six. I don't even know when they started so they may not even be new, haha. Fall Out Boy is such a beautiful thing though. If they are like blink-182 I will love them. That is kinda funny that they broke up and made a new album this year just because blink did too! I saw blink in August. I will definitely check your tumblr!

    You are so lucky! I have to go to my friend Ally's house to listen to records. But I could sit in a room all day and do it. I love it. And that is amazing to do. I do the same. Going to yard sales, even art festivals to try and find records. I went to a music garage sale at this little club and picked up Sgt Peppers in perfect condition and Led Zeppelin II, but that one won't play. Its worn out. What is your favorite record to hear?
    My walls use to be covered with posters but I redid it. Well, it still is. I have a giant Pretty. Odd. that is beautiful, a little Beatles corner, the rolling stones cover of Panic and FOB, a Foxy Shazam cardstock and TYV cardstock, and then this thing I put tickets on and a postcard Ryan Ross sent me. I am not really a fan of Kelties...I'm sorry. But that is still cool you have that.

    That is completely fine. I don't think many people actually like Alex. Poor guy. His lyrics are horrible. I really want one of his shirts though. The black v-neck that says "I support Jon Walker" I think its cute. Well, it is hard to compete with Ryan. He should be a writer. His lyrics are just beautiful and tell stories. Brendon's are good too, though I'd rather hear Ryan's.

    You will have to take a Beatles' like picture! haha. Oh! Take a picture with one of those old phone booths. That would be cute. You are lucky though, you can visit European countries. America sucks. Starbucks is really good just over priced. I hope you have an amazing time!

    I am the same. I love being in the water too, just not the ocean. I hate salt water. The cold just sucks completely. It always feels like my nose will fall off. haha.
    October 18th, 2011 at 10:06pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    lol yeah. it is young. but idk. i MIGHT let my kids (whenever I have them) go at that age. if they wouldn't get hurt haha. and if i went with them.

    omg that's so weird.. i haven't had that happen to me. but the people that work there tried to get me into the haunted house part of it. and it was like "lol no. screw you."
    October 18th, 2011 at 09:28pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    haha yeah. most shows i go to, the majority of the age group is like 13 to 16. i hate shows like that xD Hanson shows are always like 19 and above. you rarely see anybody younger. so it's nice.

    at least you don't drink and drive (: it's the responsible thing to do haha.

    ohh, i went to the Madam Tussauds in NYC. it was kind of creepy! most of them looked so real haha.
    October 17th, 2011 at 09:31pm
  • TiredOfCountingSheep

    TiredOfCountingSheep (100)

    United States
    My days aren't complete unless i hear at least one song. ahaha. Do you mind me asking what Get Up Kids is? I have a feeling once you do I will feel stupid, but yeah. I love vinyls. I don't have a record player but own quiet a few records. I want them on my wall but I only have Take a Vacation framed and up. Mostly because it is signed by every member.

    Oh my god! ahaha. He is so weird! He jumped on top of me once. Alex is a nice guy though. Funny too. And yeah. I love Jon singing his three songs on Take a Vacation but his own stuff is just awful. It seems like he needs Ryan to actually teach him how to sing or something. I dunno. I will want to see pictures of this London trip. That beats meeting PATD. ahah. You are so lucky! Have you ever been before that?

    Aw, I'm sorry. I guess we are just different from each other. I can handle sun, like Spring is my favorite season. I don't really like the winter, it is too cold. I just think the summers are too hot. I guess I am weird, ahaha.
    October 17th, 2011 at 08:36pm
  • faithsmadechanges

    faithsmadechanges (100)

    United States
    Oh, wow! Well, speaking to you on the internet, I could never tell! I've been trying to learn French, but I've only taken a year of it, so I can pretty much say my name, where I live, and if need be, order steak fries at a restaurant. ahaha.

    and I do have a tumblr! And I'm on there WAY more often than I am on here. ahaha. it's http://www.thatsummerneverended.tumblr.com :D what's yours? I'll follow you back! ahaha.
    October 17th, 2011 at 09:07am
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    yeah, i've only met people that i've somewhat become friends with are at Hanson shows. girls are just kind of nicer at those! well most of them are xD
    yeah, i don't drink or smoke or anything. i'm the good girl xD
    yeah, they're sick. poor taylor looked like he was going to pass out! and he could barely talk.

    i like sleeping in. like if i have to get up early, i can. but i get super cranky xD if somebody is up before i am, and they're in the kitchen when i get up in the morning (even if i sleep until 10 am) and they're all like "good morning".. all they get is a weird noise from me xD
    that's cool that you were able to convince your mum to go there (:
    October 16th, 2011 at 11:27pm
  • TiredOfCountingSheep

    TiredOfCountingSheep (100)

    United States
    I sort of do too. I have it on CD and vinyl. I can not get enough of it. I can actually play Maybe I Will, Maybe I Won't, Everyone But You and Nothing Matters But You on guitar. Its great! I want Ryan and Alex Greenwald to make a band. Also add Michael Runion to that. I am excited to see what happens. I actually hate Jon's solo. It seems like he can't carry his voice correctly. I don't know...

    Yeah. I can't let Brendon bring me down and just hate the whole band. Spencer keeps my hope up! Once it happens, I will give you the details. I am very excited.

    That's great! Now who doesn't love when dinner is all ready for you, right? haha. Its like, you may have to drive a long ways to work, but the whole coming home part is great!
    Oh la la! haha. I would be so jealous if he moved there. Summer here was rainy too. And...we get way too much snow. I would rather have cloudy rainy summer though. I hate the sun so, its better when there is none.
    October 16th, 2011 at 09:40pm
  • TiredOfCountingSheep

    TiredOfCountingSheep (100)

    United States
    She really is. And so pretty! ahaha. I love her style and everything. Yes, ahaha.

    I am too but I love The Young Veins. Not many people do, but they are amazing live. And...I love Ryan. Exactly! Its like every FBR band something happens. It all started with Cash, and then Ian leaving the Cab. I stayed in my room for a week crying. I wouldn't leave. It was awful. I never met Brendon. Just Ryan and Jon. But I might be meeting him at the 29th. He was drunk and high on stage. It was so horrible. It was the third and like, the first two were so amazing so it killed it for me and I was mad at Brendon up until I saw them in May.

    Somehow I have yet to look up Gold Motel. I really should. So, that is on my list! ahah.

    Well, when you still can live at home I would always use that in my advantage. I don't blame you for staying.
    I did a project in French class a few years back and I got Belgium. I had to research a bunch of things and make a fake family. Ryan was my husband. But yeah, it just seems so beautiful and the weather seems to be what I like.
    October 13th, 2011 at 11:17pm