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  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCY6r_oPJmU&feature=related <-- that's my favorite scene from the series haha. i loveeee his accent :3
    December 26th, 2011 at 08:51pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    i'll be 20 in june! haha. and my sis-in-law Linzi will be 22 in june! my bro (linzi is his wife) will be 28 in september though haha.

    seriously though.. did you listen to benjamin stone's accent? it makes me all sakdfjasdfkjaslfkjaslfkj. like i said before to one of my friends haha.. his accent is like seduction on steroids.
    December 26th, 2011 at 08:26pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    it's only a day less than 6 months haha. if you want quality writing, you don't wanna push one-shots outta me fastly haha.
    ugh, i LOVE british accents. they're one of my weaknesses haha. if i ever go to London, goodness so will i xD

    the roads aren't snowy here haha. 'cause they've plowed those. it's just on the ground. yuck. snow is blah.
    December 26th, 2011 at 08:14pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    haha niice. oh no! xD your birthday is around mine though. so i might just have you write me a birthday one too haha. i'd choose Benjamin over Wilson any day haha. that british accent has me haha.

    yep, it's written/sung by Phantom Planet! (: that's the only song i listen to of their's haha.

    haha yes. babysteps. they're better than nothing.

    you can have the snow! i don't want it anymore xD
    December 26th, 2011 at 12:49am
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    i've read my one-shot twice! i love it :D and i'm glad that you loved your's! i'm glad that you could picture yourself being the girl in the story haha. glad you thought the same thing as darian (: i didn't want to use my name in the story! so i just picked the name emily xD and then wilson ('cause of wilson bethel haha).

    i loved the OC. especially Seth! he's awesome. the show definitely got better like 2nd season and on. i love their theme song too haha.

    haha aww. that's cute! maybe he'll become your boyfriend sooner or later. who knows.

    it's been snowing all day. i don't know whether it's stopped or not.

    yeah, i can't put a book down when it's super interesting either! but i make myself xD

    Merry Christmas to you too! (:
    December 25th, 2011 at 10:00pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    yeah. i started watching it 'cause of Rachel Bilson. she played Summer on the OC. don't know if you ever watched that show when it was on haha. the last and final season of One Tree Hill starts January 11th ):

    yep. darian is the first commenter. then jerrica.. then sarah haha. i'm super stoked to read mine! since i loveee your writing haha.

    yeah. i hate taxes. they're so stupid.

    yeah. i need someone that basically already knows me. the guy i'm pretty sure i like (i'm trying to convince myself i don't.. 'cause i don't wanna jeopardize our friendship either xD).. i've known him for a couple years. not in person though. just online.

    haha niice. then i see why you want there to be no snow by then.

    yeah. i normally just read young adult novels. mostly 'cause they're the ones that catch my attention right away. if i don't find the book interesting from the beginning, it's super hard for me to read it!
    December 21st, 2011 at 05:55pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    well have fun with your searching! i hate searching haha. i like being able to just find things.

    you should check out Hart of Dixie! he plays Wade on that. it's a tv show on the same channel as like One Tree Hill and Vampire Diaries xD and no problem! glad i could help (:
    that took so many hours to write! i'm used to being able to write super fast.. i was getting irritated xD i was sitting there staring at a few sentences for the longest time yesterday. have fun trying to wait! my friend Darian and Jerrica have already read it and said they loved it! apparently i made Darren more adorable than he normally is (according to Darian).
    alright, i'm looking forward to it!
    also, Wilson Bethel is originally from New Hampshire (it's the state right next to Maine). the town he was born in is like.. 2 hours from where i live. apparently he goes there for holidays still.. wish it was closer, so that i could go walk around the town and try and find him xD

    oh wow. that's expensive for cd's! it's rare that i buy a hard copy of a cd.

    i'm grown up for my age, for the most part.. so i need somebody that can be grown up when they need to be. but a kid with me, when i need it.

    yeah. i'm not a huge fan of snow. but it's so weird seeing the ground right now! usually it's covered with lots of snow.. not that i'm complaining that i can see the ground haha. why do you want it gone by january 3rd? xD

    i ordered the 3rd (and last) book in the Queen Geek Social Club series, it's called Prom Queen Geeks.. i'm on the 2nd book in the series right now. and then i ordered the book Forever Summer. it's two books in one.
    there's a lot more books that i want to read.. but they don't come out until sometime next year.. which requires money.. which i don't really have much of lol. people need to give me amazon gift cards for Christmas xD
    i read a lot of like.. young adult novels haha.
    December 20th, 2011 at 08:31pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    http://stories.mibba.com/read/439159/Baby-Its-Cold-Outside/ <-- there ya go. i hope you like it. i apologize if it's kind of short. it looked longer in my word pad thingy.
    December 20th, 2011 at 04:43am
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    haha aww. well i'm sure you'll find some sooner or later! i'll be happy whenever i get them (:

    eek, yay! i'm super excited to read it. one of my other friends is supposed to write me a Wilson Bethel one for a Christmas present haha. super stoked about that one too. he plays Wade Kinsella on the show Hart of Dixie. I NEED TO GET TO WRITING YOUR ONE-SHOT. jeez, Christmas is sneaking up super fast. alright, i'll keep an eye out for the questions haha.

    yeah, i wanted to get like a sticker pack of Paramore's.. but there was no way that I was going to pay $10 shipping. it's ridic. i'm cheap when it comes to buying things haha.

    haha that is kind of weird. usually women date men that are older than them, not the other way around! i don't think i could ever date somebody that is younger than i am.. 'cause well, men mature slower xD
    apparently it's supposed to snow on Christmas Eve here.. which i'm okay with.. as long as it goes away the day after Christmas haha.
    and it's been good. just been tired lately haha. ordered a couple more books for myself.
    December 19th, 2011 at 09:10pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    alright (: and that's good! and alright! i still need to think of an idea. Christmas is a lot closer than i realized xD

    good luck!

    ohhh. i'm not a huge pudding person. so who knows whether i'd like it or not.

    haha it's alright! but yeah, i handmade those headbands. and yeah, i saw the armwarmers! i used to wear them in like middle school, then stopped.

    i've never ordered from Fueled By Ramen before.. basically 'cause their shipping costs are outrageous.

    alright! have fun this weekend (:
    December 14th, 2011 at 10:16pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    yayy! i'm excited to read it. and alright (: i'm usually on fb whenever i'm online.. so yep.

    ohh, i hope you find some! i had tons of trouble too. so we went through the same problems haha.

    yeah. i should probably play around in the fog to get some stuff.

    ohh. what is panna cotta?

    those headbands? those are ones i've made for people! just the Vail's cards are mine haha. i won't be sending them out either.. keeping them for myself xD hopefully you get that cd in the mail soon (:
    December 13th, 2011 at 06:50pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    haha, well in English "Yippie" exists.. which means the same thing. i just use yay instead of it. so i figured that's what it meant, i was just making sure!

    ooo, yay. i'm excited. i still have to come up with an idea. hmm. i'm sure i'll think of one (: i've written plenty Christmas one-shots in the past! so i just can't re-use those ideas. haha alright. i haven't had anybody asks any questions about me in ages xD

    hopefully you can find postcards there! i wish more places still sold them ): they're definitely easier to find during the summer.. 'cause it's tourist season then haha.

    yep, i'm waiting there too! i'm hoping they make new quests soon too. the game entertains me.

    i've never had panna cotta before. i'm still waiting for my presents to come in the mail from my online friends. well at least from the ones that are giving me them haha. i've gotten my ones from my friend Andrea that lives in California. and i got in the mail today some stuff i ordered for myself xD
    December 12th, 2011 at 09:51pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    what does Jippie mean? haha.
    i have that i have to write you a darren criss oneshot written down on a piece of paper so that i don't forget xD

    i didn't go to a gift shop to get your's haha. i got it a gas station/convenience store.

    you're welcome (: yeah, i think you're pretty close to getting done with the quests. have fun (:

    yeah. i just have to bake some cookies.. and a coffee cake. like the day before Christmas.
    December 11th, 2011 at 10:05pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    yay! (: i can most definitely try to do a Darren Criss one.. hopefully i can write him right haha.

    yeah, i love postcards. i probably always will. if you have a gift shop type of thingy around there, that might sell postcards (:

    and you're welcome! alright! i can't wait until they make more quests.. since i'm done with all the ones they've made haha.

    it's alright for being gone a few days! don't apologize for having a life xD
    December 10th, 2011 at 11:40pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    i'm pretty sure i'd be up for that.. as long as your person that you give me is somebody i know slightly xD if it's deleon, no problem. i'm usually good at that. Benjamin Stone, for me? he's the dude i sent you a pic of in a comment on like nov 28th (i just checked haha).
    oh and if you kind of want to get most of his personality.. if you go through my favorited tweets on twitter (you just have to go to my profile on twitter and click on favorites).. his name on twitter is benjstone

    alright! i had to search like.. 5 different places until i found you postcards! they sell them in as many places as they used to. it's lame.

    idk, if you'll see this in enough time. but if you send me the candle, i can send it back to you? i've done that with a few friends haha. 'cause not all the free gifts sections are the same.
    December 10th, 2011 at 05:19pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    i don't know if i could teach myself how to sleep in places other than a bed haha.

    yep. we've been planning it for at least a month haha.. mostly 'cause of what happened somewhere else in the sequel xD and kay. hopefully you enjoy it (: holly and i are proud of our story haha.. and we love it a lot.

    i sent them last thursday! so it didn't even take a full week to get to you haha. glad you loved them! and yeah. around here is beautiful.
    December 6th, 2011 at 09:45pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    i can only sleep in like a bed. anything else is pretty much impossible for me to sleep in.

    holly and i already know what we want our Christmas chapter to be for our Learn You Inside Out story (it's the sequel to that alex deleon story you read).

    ohh okay. normally it takes like 1 week to 1 1/2 weeks to get to Australia. so i figured it would get there soon-ish.
    December 5th, 2011 at 08:47pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    lol yeah. staying up 46 hours is just not ideal. it's horrible haha. i was so happy to see my bed too! there's nothing like the comfort of your own bed... especially since mine is memory foam xD

    i think i also like writing on the computer also... 'cause my hands move as fast as my mind does when i'm typing... but it so doesn't when i'm writing xD

    that's good! i looked up what you said they turned out like... and that's mostly what gingerbread is haha.

    yeah. taylor's wife was pregnant when they got married. so i have no idea. i'm religious.. but it really has no deciding the whole kid thing. like i want kids by the time i'm like 26 or 27. but i do kind of want to be married first haha.

    yeah. i'd have to get a job here first. save up to move and save up for traveling at the same time. and travel before i move out of my parents house.
    alrighty! that's fine (: you should be getting your's in the mail soonish. make sure you let me know when you get them (:

    and you're welcome! hope you find them soon! (:
    December 4th, 2011 at 05:19pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    oh gosh, i definitely know that 4 hours of sleep is not enough. i've run off of less than that before though. i didn't get like any sleep when my senior class (back in 2010, since i graduated then haha) went to NYC for a day. i didn't sleep any for like 46 hours xD

    lol niice. whenever i write, it's just on the computer. 'cause if i wrote in a notebook, it'd end up a shorter chapter than planned xD and because i prefer typing haha.

    ohh, yum-ish. i don't remember if i like gingerbread or not xD kay! hopefully they end up tasing good (:

    i know. it's weird. but taylor's like 28.. he'll be 29 in march. also isaac's older than taylor. so it is about time they have kids.. even though taylor had his first kid when he was like 19.. crazy.
    lol niice. i don't remember that episode all that much xD

    oh that place sounds cool! hopefully i'll be able to someday. if i ever do travel, then i kind of want to do it all in one sweep. like take a month or two and just travel. to like australia, then thailand, then to belgium, and then so on and so forth haha.

    i got like all of mine given to me =/ but i'd just try to the fogs and statues and stuff around the salvatore house.
    December 1st, 2011 at 11:04pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    lol niice. that'd would be around 3 or 4 am... i'd be so tired! that's why i cut myself off of reading at like 1 am or 1:30 am. i'm so excited to read more of that story! (:

    i keep my room pretty clean lol. well mostly clean. can't stand it being a mess!
    and you're welcome the recipe! i'm sure it'd taste good with a sugar cookie also. i haven't looked through that site. just found the recipe on tumblr lol. my friend reblogged the pic and that site the recipe is on was linked to the pic.

    that's me! i usually buy what i want for myself before anybody else does!

    alrighty! (: i sent you a message back saying that i was sending your stuff out tomorrow haha. i still need to get out my friends Christmas presents xD i need to finish 'em first. oops haha.

    haha yeah. like sometimes i find taylor and zac hanson attractive. and taylor's married with 4 kids. and zac's married with like 2 kids, i think.
    yeah, i think he's cute (the dude is sent you a pick of) haha. i normally don't think blondes are cute, but meh. can't control who your brain thinks cute! xD
    and darren isn't that bad looking there. him as blaine though.. yuck.

    yeah, Atomium is in Brussels. the people on The Amazing Race went to it. it was their pit stop on that leg of the race. it was kind of cool seeing Belgium haha.

    you're welcome! and i hated trying to get the candles. good luck (: and i approved of unlocking damon's room too. i love his bed.
    December 1st, 2011 at 01:14am