Loor / Comments

  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    haha when I go to concerts that are closer to me (that I don't spend the night some place) they're like 1 hour and 15 mins away.

    aha yeah, i always make sure to take pics with the people i meet at concerts. or people that i only see at concerts 'cause they live too far away. the one of me and 3 other girls (mary, julie, and ashley), i met them at my first Hanson concert last summer. they're super awesome! the two other girls i have a pic with are nice, but i don't think i'll ever become close-ish friends with the bigger girl, 'cause she's a little too into drugs and alcohol. i mean, i'm friends with people that do them.. but she's like IN LOVE with them. so yep.
    i have a pic with my friend Jerrica (that lives 15 mins away from me) from that Hanson concert on Tuesday... but I look absolutely horrible in it, so I didn't post it. i still had time to enjoy the concert, plus they're rescheduling it. i'm sure even if they only played one song I would've been happy haha. but they played like 10.

    haha yeah. i finally slept better last night. lol yeah, i get hyped up after things too. it's just normal. i always read before I go to bed. but i hadn't been able to the night before or the night of the concert. 'cause the night before my friend Jerrica was sleeping over and the night of the concert I just got home, got on the computer, then was super tired, so I went to bed haha.
    i'm definitely a nicer person a night for some reason. i'm more not quiet then haha. if that makes any sense. have fun in London! lucky girl.
    October 13th, 2011 at 10:39pm
  • TiredOfCountingSheep

    TiredOfCountingSheep (100)

    United States
    It wasn't really a tour, but it was called,”My Name Is... Tour” juat like,acoustic shows at hot topics. I loce Sierra's voice. Its amazing. And Brendon, well he is a god.

    Ahaha, yeah...

    they are mt most seen band. Twice in 2008, once in 2009 and the next,concert will make twice in 2011. The third time aucked. Exactly a month after breakup...Bren was drunk and a jerk.

    That is an amazing album. I love Greta's voice. Stamps is worth listening to. Their singer Ren is beautiful and talented.

    Well, as long as you love it. It takes a lot to love a job and is hard,to find onw.,i actually just got a job today! But it sucks you have to drive for so long. And this is random but Belgium is on my list of places I want to visit badly.

    Yes! Well I guess to me he is kind of like Alex.is to you. Does that,make sense?
    October 13th, 2011 at 12:41am
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    never seen versaemerge live. mostly 'cause i didn't feel like traveling 3 hours to see them haha. it was the lighting last night that messed up my pics. but i got a really cool one of taylor, that kind of looks like a painting haha. which i didn't upload on fb, 'cause i didn't want somebody to steal it xD

    i got right off as soon as i sent you that comment last night haha. didn't sleep as good as i wanted to though ): hopefully i sleep better whenever i got sleep tonight! it's only 1:06 pm in the afternoon right now, so yep. probably be up for another 12 hours xD that's how i usually am.
    October 12th, 2011 at 07:07pm
  • faithsmadechanges

    faithsmadechanges (100)

    United States
    oh, English isn't your first language? O: Where are you from? Because you seem to speak (or type, rather.) it perfectly! And eloquent is one of my favorite words, too. ahahhaa.
    October 12th, 2011 at 06:51am
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    yeah, i listen to versaemerge too. just not often. you should totally check out Paramore more. i think you may like them (:

    the hanson show was pretty good! there will be more details about it on facebook. along with the crappy pics i got.

    i hope you get to meet beckett one day too. 'cause he's super nice.

    sorry for the long comment. i'm yawning haha.
    October 12th, 2011 at 06:42am
  • TiredOfCountingSheep

    TiredOfCountingSheep (100)

    United States
    I wasn't able to it wss in Hot Topic and when I saw them later thag day my dad held me back. I only have a video of the four signing stuff and Alex making a face at me. If you search my archive you will find it. As long as I can hear Will's voice, I'm happy.

    Oh, well then since he is four years older than me I think he sounds older. Ahaha. Perks of being 17. Lol. I just think everything about him is sexy. He is a gifted man.
    I love watching Ian perform. I've seen him on stage three times and will again oct 29th. Oh god, I love him. I'd sell my soul to play guitar like him. The whole grinding is like...hot damn! Ahaha.
    Yeah! I feel like they mean something. They are important. Uh, Ian left the band. He isnt on the new album. But I kinda talk with the band members, like Bob Morris (old singer of the hush sound) thinks I'm great. He loves my last name and stuff. whoever ordered within an hour of their presale got their name in it. I love their music.

    That is so early! 5 am? I could never. At least you got some extra. I get up at 6:46 am. Its so,random. Ahaha. I am happy it is. Thats awesome!

    Ps. Yeah...ahaha. He looks odd but he is adorable. I just love him. Haha.
    October 11th, 2011 at 09:23pm
  • TiredOfCountingSheep

    TiredOfCountingSheep (100)

    United States
    He really is. I haven't seen TAI either. I've met Will and Sisky, same day i met Alex, but never saw them perform. I wish I could have. Its so sad they aren't together anymore. When I saw the Cab it was back with Ian and Cash and Johnson were in it. It was great. Alex has great stage presence.

    That's funny because I think he sounds so much older in the new album, ahaha. Yeah pretty much. He could sing to me all day long.
    Yeah, Animal is with Ian. That boy has some insane guitar skills. I love it. His little sister is actually now dating Joey Thunder. I think that is kind of funny in a weird way. I am a loser and love reading the thank yous. The band Stamps actually thanked me in their newest album. Its pretty cool.

    I hope you have been getting some sleep! ahaha. And I followed back.
    October 10th, 2011 at 10:24pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    ohh, that's cool. the band i'm a fan of the most that's female fronted is Paramore.

    haha it's alright! and i'm sure i'll have fun. and okay, i will :D

    ohh, that's a good record by fleetwood mac, even though i'm not a huge fan.

    yeah, i'm wondering if he'll go back to that name. it'd be kind of cool if he did! lol. since i live in maine and all. i hope you get to meet him someday.

    and alright. i added you (: you should know who i am by the profile pic (:
    October 9th, 2011 at 10:31pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    yeah, it's hard not having her here in the same town or yet alone state as me haha. but we're still super close and are always there for each other, even if it's only over the phone/internet. what concert are you going to in december?

    the Hanson concert isn't until Tuesday haha. and that's cool (: i love the sound of vinyl. i don't own any though. or a record player to play it on xD

    yep, his name is matthew in real life, i think. i LOVED mike's dance scene! i'm so glad they're expanding his story line. he absolutely deserves it.

    dude, i'm shocked too! hopefully you'll get to see william beckett sometime whenever he tours!

    do you have a facebook?
    October 9th, 2011 at 12:39am
  • TiredOfCountingSheep

    TiredOfCountingSheep (100)

    United States
    You will just love him. I met him back in 2009. I was taking a video and he stuck his tongue out and laughed. He has the cutest laugh. He is really nice. He listened to me ramble away.

    His voice is so sexy in it. Its great. animal is my favorite. Maybe because Ian plays guitar...ahaha. But I think its great. I still need a physical copy. His signature on my CD is like an A with scribbles.

    It takes a lot from me to post. I dont know. I like Stealing the Circus and Isn't This Where you Wanted To Be the Most of the ones I have written.
    October 4th, 2011 at 11:11pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    yes, concert buddies are nice. my best friend Ani used to be my concert buddy, but she lives in South Carolina now.
    my mum doesn't have a license, just my dad has one. what band?

    there's a lot of bands that i want to see live. i couldn't list all the bands i want to see though. my concert is on tuesday!
    i like traveling to concerts.. but i don't. hotels get expensive! and the less time i have to be in a car, the better.

    my dad works for Directv. it's a satellite television company over here haha. so we don't have to pay full price for everything, thank God. i have a VCR player still too haha.
    ohh yeah, dot marie jones is awesome. and yeah, i'm excited to see both of the glee project winners on it!
    October 4th, 2011 at 09:52pm
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    haha yeah. i only have one friend i hang out with here and her name's jerrica. she's basically become my concert buddy. my dad has always been though.. since he's the one with the license and he likes going to concerts. my friend jerrica will basically listen to anything i do haha. probably 'cause she trusts my taste in music.

    yeah, i don't go to that many. not a lot of the bands i like come to my mind. so that's the reason why i don't go to that many. last summer i traveled a lot for the concerts i went to. i traveled around 22 hours all together for all the concerts (i added the time it took to get to and get back from the concerts).

    DVR is such a blessing! we have 3 of them haha. i don't know what i'd do without them. i watch so many shows. yeah, i'm a fan of puck. idk who else at the moment. i'm a fan of blaine too. ryan murphy sucks at storylines. i think he's honestly run out of ideas, so he's just running on fumes.
    October 1st, 2011 at 12:39am
  • TiredOfCountingSheep

    TiredOfCountingSheep (100)

    United States
    Hey, maybe you will. You never know. I did and made a complete idiot out of myself. But it was great. Can I ask you what you think of the Cab's new album? I think its so beautiful.

    I will have to check it out once I finish writing a quick chapter of one of mine. I would say to read one of mine, but I have none of Alex and my stories kind of suck. haha.
    October 1st, 2011 at 12:32am
  • TiredOfCountingSheep

    TiredOfCountingSheep (100)

    United States
    Hey. I just stumbled across your profile while searching stories about The Young Veins. Your profile is beautiful. It literally is just perfect. Alex is just amazing.
    September 30th, 2011 at 04:52pm
  • faithsmadechanges

    faithsmadechanges (100)

    United States
    ahaha, definitely not 13! I'm 18, so you don't have to worry! and I TOTALLY get what you mean. I almost do wish they had fewer fans, because it's really... worrisome how crazy a lot of the fans are. And it's like, everyone goes through that phase, but it's so weird having been done with that for ages to see people do it now! It's funny that like, these little kids are so elitist, and all the old fans are like, "meh. We know who we are and we know we're the best and we don't have to point it out to anyone." ahahaha.
    September 30th, 2011 at 08:52am
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    haha yeah. i've been listening to them since 2005. my best friend introduced their music to me. we kind of went through this stage where we were obsessed with them and would dance around to them xD

    i can totally believe that lol. a lot of people started getting into FOB 'cause of OTH. i haven't listened to them since like 2006 or 2007.

    it's still so weird to think i'm going to a concert! i haven't been to one in an actual venue (even a small one) since august of last year! xD the last one i went to was a small outdoor one at a yearly celebration of the old port. so it kinda hasn't sunk in that i'm going to one yet lol. it probably doesn't help, since this is only the second time i'm seeing Hanson. and i've liked the for 14 years.

    yeah, i've been catching up on the things i've recorded this week. my grandparents were here, so i didn't get to watch everything that i wanted to. so i had them recording on the dvr so that i could watch them once they left. i noticed just how much i actually watch! lol.

    no problem. i believe it opens up in the very beginning of october.
    September 29th, 2011 at 10:14pm
  • faithsmadechanges

    faithsmadechanges (100)

    United States
    Exactly! She seems really nice, and Zack said it best when he said he'd never seen Brendon happier. As much as I had (irrationally) hoped that I'd marry Brendon (ahahahhahaha) I realize that that is delusional, and it's scary that like, half of the fanbase is convinced he is like, their personal sex icon~ or something. ahahaha.
    September 28th, 2011 at 09:11am
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    yeah, it's a lot to explain. so i don't really want to get into it. but thaink you (:

    yeah, concerts tickets usually go on sale at 10 am here. so I just get up a little early to buy the tickets for them.
    aw, don't be jealous that I saw them live. it took me 5 years to! lol.

    i could probably work out to just music. but that's 'cause i usually get really into the music and start singing lol.

    i only discovered One Tree Hill 'cause of Fall Out Boy (whom I don't listen to anymore). i've seen the episode with the nathan-haley bracelet moment though (:

    yep, that song is from Gravity! and yes you do. that album is amazing. yay, i'm glad you actually like the shows i post about haha.
    and yes, i LOVE Pottermore! I got sorted the other day. I'm a Hufflepuff. I'm proud to be one :D
    September 28th, 2011 at 01:16am
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    aww, thanks. -hugs back-. will you pray for my aunt though? she's in the hospital.

    yeah, i just love small shows. lol yeah, Paramore doesn't play in small venues. i wish they did though. that'd be lovely. oh wow, that's fast. when i went to Jonas Brothers back in 2009, it only took 5 minutes to sell out! i was lucky i got tickets lol. ohh, that's cool. i have to keep an eye out for the small shows too. i wouldn't of known about The Academy Is... playing a show to like a crowd of 50 or 75 people, if i wasn't really paying attention to the band.

    yeah, i hated what happened to her. but i admire her for getting through it and doing those scenes that she had to do with him. it seems like they're somewhat okay with each other now though.

    ohh yeah, i remember that episode of Charmed. yeah, staring at a blank wall IS boring. i don't blame you for watching shows while cycling. i've never watched the first 2 seasons of one tree hill. i don't really feel the need to. seems like there was a lot more drama back then! and i've seen some of the episodes from back then.

    yeah, i love those lyrics of her's too. actually, i love most of her lyrics lol. one of my newer favorites of her lyrics is "where i'm laughing is where i'm home". it's from her song "sandcastles". i saw that you followed me back earlier today. okay good! i post a lot of things of shows. i hope you don't mind (:
    September 27th, 2011 at 05:04am
  • show me love

    show me love (100)

    United States
    haha alright. i'm sick right now, so i'm hoping i feel better by fair time. i hope to go on October 4th this year.

    i'm a huge fan of small shows. that's why i haven't been to a lot of big ones. but then again, most of the bands i listen to don't play big venues anyways xD your festivals over there are a lot bigger I think, 'cause of US bands never really coming over there to play for you guys.

    i used to love Peyton.. but then she just got really annoying to me haha. and i'm ehhh about Lucas' character, 'cause of what he did to Sophia Bush (brooke) in real life. yeah, i'd LOVE to meet Sophia Bush. she seems absolutely amazing. i follow her on twitter haha.

    aww, i don't really remember the last episode of Charmed. it's been so long since i've watched it haha.

    your link is kate voegele lyrics! loveee. and you'll regonize my link when i follow you (: it's basically the same as this screenname on here. as long as you don't reblog/post like, water animals (especially killer whales/orcas & sharks) and ghosts/scary crap, then i'll continue to follow you haha.
    September 25th, 2011 at 04:48pm