
United States
Joined date
September 25th, 2008

how I miss those innocent days that held no promise.

hey people. im libby

Im not going to do a long one of these dealys. they are a pain in the ass and just make me feel bad about myself. so anywhoooo... some things you should know about me...

one. i love the office. I have no idea why thats the first thing on this list, but it is. I know about everything there is to know. go ahead, quiz me!

two. i like wearing hats. not stupid baseball caps, but snow caps and long achristmasstory hats. they are the sexiest way to cover up a bad hair day!

three. i should have made this number one. i want to be in a band. that would just be the shit. the only thing im in right now is the school band (lame!) but im a work in progress!!!!

four. its my lifes ambition to meet and have at least a 20 minute conversation with william beckett. you can call me a teenie, but i just think he seems like a fascinating person to talk to.

five. i really enjoy peanut butter. i dont care what all of the FDA dumbasses say about salhoweveryouspellit. im going to eat it anyways!

six. i have a dog named molly. i call her pookis. shes a yorkie and shes pretty much awesome!

seven. i like reading, but i dont do that much anymore... probably because i have a vendetta against our public library so i cant go there any more. its a long story....

eight. this list is coming off as really defensive... like everything ive said so far sounds really hard core in my head... haha

nine. i have about the greatest friendies in the whole world. they may be small in number, but they kick ass.

ten. welp i thought i might mention (for all of you who havent realized it yet) that i like to write. mostly poems/lyrics. im not claiming to be good. thats for you to decide!

eleven. last but certainly not least, i have accepted each and every one of my faults. instead of trying to compensate or become defensive, i just realize that nobodys perfect, and try to enjoy being a bitch on occasion. i do try to make that to be only every once in a while though.

welp i hope that cleared up a few things! the only other things i can tell you are the really deep uninteresting crap. i generally dont like to go there with strangers... sorry!


"nightmare? no i wouldn't call it a nightmare. that implies that you wake up. this is more of an unrelenting daymare. a never-ending dreamscape of horror" - toby flenderson