xhiimalex / Comments

  • Thank you for the comment on "I Thought This Only Happened in the Movies." I love that you paid attention to the way I write as well, even though it's a...lol..."diary." Some people would get a little lax when doing this, but I still want it to sound good.

    And YES, I'm such an idiot. I didn't even think about it when I posted the links. Lol. I have them set to "Friends Only" on Facebook. I'm about to go back and just paste the photos into the author's notes. :) I had to have that privacy setting on my Facebook because some friends of Cody (Lynam's new bassist) wouldn't get off my stuff, telling me how hot he is. Uh, hi? I'm not blind. :)
    January 14th, 2013 at 08:00am
  • Thank you so much for the comment on the last chapter of Scream Me a Dream, it was a oddly fun chapter to write. I think the fact that I got you to react to the chapter is what makes me happy lol. Thank you so much for the comment again you have no idea what they mean to me!

    I have to preview for the next chapter up on my tumblr, but I'm nearly done with the next so it should be up soon. If you want the previews, here's the link: http://kmruvalcaba.tumblr.com/

    Thank you again!!! - Kassandra
    November 1st, 2011 at 12:08am
  • Ah! Thank you so much for the link, i totally love the dress, I really haven't been able to figure out what way Soya would go with her dress, if she'd get a more modern looking dress or more traditional, or one that's a bit of both. I'll try and add it to the Polyvore I'm making so people can go and vote for the dress, (David's bridal is dumb and won't let me clip to polyvore lol) Thank you for the comment! And don't forget to go vote for Aida's flower girl dress!!
    August 14th, 2011 at 10:11pm
  • OMG Alex.......what have you done to yourself?

    I swear i'll drive down to Florida and slap the taste out of your mouth! If I keep missing you ima just text message a bitch up! I'll do it! I will!

    Now i'm gonna take a shower and get ready for work.... 2 to 10 shift......sucks major ass.....::sighs::
    May 30th, 2009 at 06:55pm