Hello again

I haven't been on in a while; as you can see. I have been through a couple things, and haven't gotten any notification around here. Attention, I guess. Well, I'm back and ready to submit new stories! I have been practicing lately; anyway. I hope you like. Besides that, I guess I've been pretty good! :D Smile like you mean it, come on! D:< Fine then, be that way! Anywaaaay, OH WOW! I totally...
December 26th, 2007 at 02:15pm


Anyway,So I was eating food right and this baby squid cam out.I was all like, "AWW YOU SO CUTE!I call you squishy!" And I did that because I remembered the Nemo movie and then I poked it and his little head jiggled and then then I laughed and then he sprayed me with water I was all like, "Agh!!!!!!" but then I looked into his little beady eyes and I was all like. "Awww I can't stay mad at you !"...
April 28th, 2007 at 02:48am


You know what?Guess?Run out of guesses?Yes?Okay good...Umm....I don't have any topics to talk about....Um...Wait yes I do!RANDOM TIME!Okay this one time I walked down the street right?Then I saw a ninja and we gave eachother the crazy eye.So then I say."We shall engage in combat!" but my mouth didn't move the smae time I talked,like in those cheesy chineese movies.So then he said. "Hwa!" and I was...
April 28th, 2007 at 01:50am