ALICEonCLOUDnine / Comments

  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    No! That's fine! What classes are you gonna be taking? :D

    OH MY GOD, you don't even understand. It's a brainsplosion, and the rest of the story is killing me haha. I just want to be all 'SPOILERS BLARGH'. But, aw, dont' go sayin' that! I love your characters. You portray them in such a refreshing manner, that I can't help but love them, even when some of them are bein' asses :)

    And yes, yes, yes. Grace is so talented! The videos of her playing her own songs are beautiful. Like seriously she's only like 11? how does she not implode under the weight of her own talent?

    Oh man, I can't wait either, but my writers block has turned to cockblock and I'm stuck in the middle of a 'pivotal' scene. bahh, I just want to update already haha.
    September 17th, 2011 at 11:11am
  • FLsweetgirl

    FLsweetgirl (100)

    United States
    Thank you so much for your comment on my story "This Magic Moment" :) I'm debating on keeping it rolling but I didn't know if it'd be too many chapters or not. I may have to re-open it now :)
    September 17th, 2011 at 08:23am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    Oh my gosh Alice I am so sorry!! I've been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO busy with school, I'm an awful friend. I need to add you on Facebook, if you have it, because I'm on that regularly. How have things been going for you?
    September 16th, 2011 at 04:11am
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    THANKYOU! <3 The last part of that chapter has been sitting in my files since 2010, before I even started properly writing TVB. So chuffed that it's been such a hit :D I want a kid like that too. Honestly, Grace Jeanette was the cutest thing ever in those video clips, and her character looks like the most badassed kid to ever live. want want want.

    See, this is why I love mibba. I get to enjoy writing and reading chapters with awesome people all over the world <3
    September 8th, 2011 at 10:10am
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    Oh man, don't even worry about it! Haha, I totally get the need to just disappear for a while... and the pissing off the parents part too.

    Oh gosh, I love giving positive feed back too, especially when it's more than just 'Your story is so great!'. yeah, that doesn't give anyone much to work with. And I'm excited too! I just... wish I had more time to write. Jury duty and my cousin coming up to play some gigs has totally messed with any schedule I might have had. The cousin part, I'm totally thrilled about... the jury part, I can safely say I'm glad it's almost over.

    but aww, I love youu! You're not a sad bastard :3 I get excited when I see new chapters to Johnny and Jenny too <3
    September 5th, 2011 at 12:36pm
  • EmmyTheStrange7

    EmmyTheStrange7 (100)

    United States
    Hey! Thanks for commenting! It really helped me. The chapter I just posted is probably my favorite so far because of your suggestion! It seems better. lol But sorry it took me so long to reply. After reading your comment, I went straight to writing a new chapter. It took me a couple days, but I finally did it! hahaha :)
    August 28th, 2011 at 11:45pm
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    Yiikes, late reply much? My bad!

    Thankyou for your feeback though! It's too awesome when I write a chapter I like and everyone else agrees with me! :3 It's definitely going to start snowballing and everythings just going to be happening fast now. I've been planning these chapters for months! :D

    Now if only I wasn't going to be so busy for the next two weeks I'd be able to just work on it and post it and share it with everyone rather than just letting it stew in my brain-pot ;__; (actually, brain-pot sounds kinda gross, but idk what to replace it with)
    August 28th, 2011 at 07:08am
  • doctor-optimus

    doctor-optimus (100)

    United States
    Alrighty. (-: Thank you! <3
    August 26th, 2011 at 06:52pm
  • doctor-optimus

    doctor-optimus (100)

    United States
    Well, I appreciated it! I just added two more chapters (if you haven't already checked them out) (-: Anytime down the road you think something would be better of a certain way, do tell! <3
    August 26th, 2011 at 06:45pm
  • doctor-optimus

    doctor-optimus (100)

    United States
    Thank you for the story comment, and subscription! Any suggestions would be wonderful! (-:
    August 26th, 2011 at 05:36pm
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    You're more than welcome! The feeling of 'omg where is the quality?' is one I'm all too familiar with, and I'm glad I'm helping out, even if it's in small ways :)

    Can't wait for the next chapter x
    August 19th, 2011 at 10:20am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    I AM SO SORRY IT'S TAKEN ME SO LONG TO RESPOND!! I'm a horrible person. School is eating my life at the moment. I am REALLY glad to hear you're alright though, I got worried for a second. Your chapter was really really really really really awesome!!!!! I loved it. I can feel the romance starting already :D I hope I'll have time to update soon, but I'm not sure. My classes are at awkward times, but at least I'm done by like 2 PM every day. I'm relaxing tonight with my roommates and watching Tangled ^_^

    I hope the new co-write goes well! We haven't started yet, but it's in the works. As soon as I get back into the swing of things I'll be able to start writing. I really hope you get into uni too!! I love school, even though I have a lot of work (my Spanish class is going to be the death of me...possibly). At least I sort of have a new man-interest :D We'll see how that goes! So how is every thing going for you?!
    August 19th, 2011 at 04:42am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    I'm really glad you're okay! I haven't been up to much haha just getting ready for school and all that. I hope your vacation was fun :) I believe brigeisfalling and I are about to start a cowrite :D Be on the lookout teehee
    August 10th, 2011 at 05:40am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    I know you're out of town right now but I just heard about what's going on over there and I really hope you're okay!
    August 9th, 2011 at 03:14am
  • AxelRoxSox

    AxelRoxSox (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    No worries, it was my pleasure :3

    It's fine with me, some people don't seem to realise that you hav a life past the internet, take as long as you like. I should probably be doing school-work instead of reading fics anyway ^^"
    July 27th, 2011 at 03:44pm
  • EmmyTheStrange7

    EmmyTheStrange7 (100)

    United States
    Hahaha. Yeah. At least they all have each other though. :)
    July 23rd, 2011 at 01:31am
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    Haha, I'm by no means an expert on life or advice either. I tend to watch and listen to people and take bits and pieces from what they do to kinda give me an idea of what the best choice to make is. idk if that makes me a creep or just really observant lol.

    Lol, noo, no pressure! I just need to make up my mind over whether or not I'm going to put a new character in for good, or kill them off super fast. It's a tricky desicion because I know one path is going to make people cranky with me haha. (*hinthint*the next chapter has a big fat obvious clue in it*hinthint*) ;D

    I know, and I'm glad you're not fussy about it. I just feel like if I give a short response I look lazy, and I don't like being lazy about my replies haha :)
    July 22nd, 2011 at 08:13am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    Thanks, on both counts :) I'm really starting to miss him...I know I shouldn't but I can't help it. Today has been a little rough, I must say. I had an okay cry to my mom over the phone but I could really use a hug :(

    I knooooooow what you mean. My parents are nice and pay for my gas because I got good scholarship money for college and because they don't want me to HAVE to work during school (even though I want to). I'm hanging on to my savings so I might be able to go on a trip for spring break this year. Can you say, "Harry Potter World?!" haha

    My problem is is that I don't want me time...I should, but I don't. I would seriously give anything to fix the problems we were having, that he so graciously did not tell me about (insert sarcasm here), because I really care about him a lot. But, like my mom said earlier, I have to trust that if it's meant to be it will work itself out and if it's not then something better will come along. That's what I have on repeat in my brain anyway.

    It's really nice to have a break. I didn't work all summer right after I graduated high school either. It was a very welcome break because I'd worked my ass off for two years. I'm back at the same place now, because they give me good hours because I know what I'm doing haha. Ah! You'll be getting back right around the time I move back to school! I will miss our nice long rambly conversations. I don't know what I'll do with myself. It sounds like a nice vacation though, Harry Potter marathons are extremely necessary and Mario Kart for Wii is about the best game in the WORLD! Yay more Johnny and Jenny!!!!!!! Oooh and a new story? Very cool. I have not been inspired AT ALL to write recently... I guess I'm to emotionally screwed to produce anything worth trying to read. Not that I've tried :/

    I'm excited about it too. I've always liked little kids, for the most part, some are just evil. I started as English for high school and my parents were all like why are you doing that? You should be doing elementary...So I eventually realized that they were right haha. I think my relationship with my mom is really improving. I'm having a lot easier of a time talking to her about stuff recently than I have before. I hope it stays that way. Those background checks are good! I don't think we have anything like that where I live, at least not for babysitters. It would be cool if we did.

    Yeah, this summer has been some not-so-good ways though :( Sorry I'm a bit whiny :(

    It's weird, because Tuesday, after it happened, I was fine...maybe I was just in shock. Then, yesterday, I was still okay because I was excited for this road trip and everything. Today....has been bad. I have been on the verge of tears all day, and then finally after eating dinner, I got some alone time to call my mom and I just cried. Not like...horrible sobbing or anything but I felt better. I'm feeling less lost as of right now, but who knows how I'll feel when I wake up in the morning? Urgh...this is the last way I wanted to be spending my vacation and my summer...I really wish he'd talked to me instead of every other person in the universe...Oh well...

    Thanks, I'm really glad all of my subscribers are being patient, I'll definitely put a nice explanation. Not too detailed, but at least something to explain the absence. Haha anyone could just come over and read our comments to see what's been going on with me. I doubt I have any super stalkers for subscribers though!

    We aren't actually going to the baths because it costs too much! $64 for the basic package is WAAAAAAAAAAAY out of my price range. I'd like to visit Bath though, it's in all the Jane Austen novels haha. I'm lame, I know, I know. I've never been to California but I really want to go there. I just really want to travel haha. It was completely on accident to give you that idea, but you're welcome anyway!

    That's good! No, I like you're long comments. They're good distractions from my mean brain that makes me think about things I don't want to. I'm glad you had a good day :) I got a hair cut at a beauty college doesn't look bad but her instructor had to come fix it because my right was a good half an inch longer than the left! I was like....ooooooooooooooh Gooooooooooood. And I got my nails and toes done and they look pretty :) Sorry it took me all day to respond!
    July 22nd, 2011 at 05:05am
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    Anytime, seriously I'm here to talk whenever need be :)

    And as for TVB, I am working up to a really big scene. I wanna talk about it so bad, but I can't because then I'll give everything away haha!

    Sorry about such a short reply btw ^_^" I'll be sure my next comments to you are far meatier <3
    July 21st, 2011 at 07:10am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    Aaww thanks :) I appreciate having someone who is a bit unbiased about the situation to talk to. It's all pretty stupid though. You're not a jobless bum, it's the summertime, I should not have to work as much as I do. It's the perfect time for being lazy haha. I will be awaiting your long rambly comment :)
    July 21st, 2011 at 12:42am