ALICEonCLOUDnine / Comments

  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    Yeah no problem love. It's great to have you updating again and you kick that writer's block's ass. Keep it up. I loved the action and yeah just fiddle around with the layout. I think it was just the picture didn't mesh with the yellow lettering and thus was hard to read. But I cannot wait for the next update! I should probably update mine too >.>
    July 12th, 2011 at 12:14am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    You look so pretty in your picture!! I sound like a mom dear God. I'm alright, it's not been the best week, that's why there hasn't been any updates of any kind. Working a lot and all that crap ha. Ooooh dear, sound like you've got some stories! And sleeping with your bff? tsktsktsk what shall we do with you? Haha just kidding. It sounds like you had a seriously fun night, I think I need to come visit you! My life is so boring. But I'm not going to whine about that right now haha.

    JOHNNY AND JENNY WAS SOO GOOOOODD!!! Gah. I might have to go read it again here in a second. It was more than worth the wait, seriously. And what are you doing giving me another shout out?! Unnecessary but extremely appreciated, love ^__^ As soon as I get my ass in gear and write something worth reading for Acid Angel, I'll return the favor :D

    I have been working working working! I finally got to have some fun with my friends last night, which was great. We played hide and seek in my friend's house like five year olds but it was awesome. It was kind of scary hide and seek since my guy friends kept trying to scare us... One of them popped out of the closet and grabbed me and I thought that was the end of my existence hahaha. My summer class is almost over, so yay! I'm excited for the end of that so I can sleep in on Mondays again.... :P

    How's life now that you've dried out? hahaha
    July 11th, 2011 at 04:29am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    Sorry it took me a bit to get back to you! Yeah, I'm okay, I'm not sure that I didn't actually catch something. I dunno what but I'm still feeling a little blah. I think we are alright though. I hope so ha :) Thanks :)

    I really hope I get to see it! My senior dress was over the top but I loved it (and I only paid $40 for it!) I'm glad you're not splotchy anymore, I definitely know that sucks. Proms are stressful haha. People remember that night for a loooooong time. I can't help looking back at other people's pictures sometimes on Facebook. It's fun haha :D

    Clothes are way too expensive! I love to shop and now I just get depressed because I'll find something wonderful and can't afford it. What is this Barbie outfit for? That sounds fun haha. I would looooooooooove to go to the beach. I am going to a lake with one of my best friends in a couple of weeks though, and I hope I get really tan :D

    Bad brain! Keep focused!! I'm trying to figure out where I want Acid Angel to go right now...I have a lot of options so I don't know! Right now I'm just too excited for Harry Potter. I have another WEEK to wait and you lucky English people get to see it now!! I'm so excited I can't wait a week!
    July 7th, 2011 at 10:24pm
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    I totally understand! I had a huge fight with my boyfriend last night about my writing and weird MCR obsession :( so I didn't sleep AT ALL so of course now I'm sick. We're okay but it was awful :( Good God, 24 hours?! You must have really been exhausted! I understand what you mean. I definitely have a planner too, I would go insane without it. It stays in my purse at all times.

    You should put a picture up! That sounds awesome. Our proms were extremely lame. I definitely had two over the top-ish dresses though! I was cheap and bought them way on sale haha :) Oooh I love orange. And shoes. Orange shoes must be beautiful! I have definitely experienced bad fake tan...I was tired of being pale so I bought some spray on for myself...Yeah didn't go so well.

    We don't do it too often either because now we're not 16 and tiny...Clothes shopping can be very damaging now hahaha. We tend to drive around and sing loudly and terribly XD

    You're welcome! I love your story, really. Yaaaaaaaay Johnny and Jenny!! I can't wait to read more :D
    July 6th, 2011 at 03:18am
  • realtalkproject

    realtalkproject (100)

    United States
    Thank you for the comment! (:
    July 6th, 2011 at 02:20am
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    Ahh, thankyou for the comment on my last chapter :3 Wasn't easy to write to be honest haha

    I'm going to try and squeeze some more Mikey and Violet into the next chapter :3
    July 5th, 2011 at 08:58am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    Giiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrl your story deserves as much attention as it can get! I hope some of my readers went and checked it out :D I completely understand, the summer after high school I felt the same way. I had zero responsibilities and it kinda freaked me out haha. You are not a moron lol. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I wish I could go dress shopping with you! Sometimes my friends and I get bored and just go try on dresses. Especially really ugly ones and take pictures teehee....You'll have to upload a pic of the one you pick out :)
    July 2nd, 2011 at 11:11pm
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    Oh no, I hope you're alright! If you ever need somebody to talk to, I'm always around :) I know what you mean though, sometimes you just need a good cry. I'm glad to be back too :) I hope you have a good night and I'm hoping to have at least one update tonight, if not two :)
    July 1st, 2011 at 03:42am
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    You're more than welcome!

    I'm a little bit in love with Good Time and Party Poison too haha, it's fantastiiic :D

    Oh god I know how that feels. I don't think I understood the concept of sober for a week after my final year 12 exams ^_^" Enjoy yourself! :D

    And I'm thrilled you're enjoying TVB, I'm hoping I can keep things building up so when the 'real climax' of the story happens it's going to have the impact it should. :3
    June 30th, 2011 at 02:07am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States

    Okay. Sorry for the rant. I got my computer back today, YAAAAAAAAY!!! So I'm back now. I do have to download all of my stuff back on here but whatever, it doesn't have a billion viruses anymore so I don't care haha.

    I definitely do not blame you for partying! It sounds like your exams were a lot harder than mine...or maybe I just don't take school as seriously as you haha. It's probably both. I would have partied with you!! You must have had a looooot of fun haha.

    That is THE BEST nickname EVER. I'm stealing it. Just so you know. I can't believe you can't go to the midnight showing! I love going to those. My friends and I are going :) We may or may not be getting Harry Potter robe themed snuggies....Maybe. I'm going to cry too!! It's the official end of my childhood...even if I don't act that way haha. I can't wait to see it but I kind of don't want it to get here because then it's completely over...

    Special needs kids are really sweet :) I'm looking forward to that class, I think it will be REALLY interesting. Your life is WAY more exciting than mine! I promise. I am a COD-watching expert too. I've been yelled at more than once for making my boyfriend die...Because, y'know...Call of Duty is real. *le dramatic eye roll*

    I definitely don't blame him for being angry about it...I wouldn't want my kids on the internet either.

    You are supposed to go to these things and then tell me about them!! Urgh, I guess it's okay. A trip with friends is fun too, I wish I was going to Aruba with one of mine, but her trip is a family thing. I'd love to go somewhere tropical for a while. I have got to come to England like now. I want to go to the iTunes festival! I have the app on my phone, I'm going to be watching concerts furiously for the next month. We don't have anything awesome over here...The only music festival we have is Lollapalooza and it's not a big deal anymore. Maybe I'll just move to Europe...Hmmm

    Well you've got me beat because my building abilities are very lacking. I can hurt myself doing just about anything. It's a wonder I haven't sliced my fingers off while cooking....and now I've jinxed myself because I'm making dinner tonight! Yay!

    Well post that on up here! I need to read this! I will miss Johnny and Jenny though...I need to know what happens!! Summer is wonderful, I like not having many responsibilities for a while.

    I'm going to be updating Acid Angel tonight, I promise!! I'm downloading Evernote now so I can. I've got to make sure I make time to write when school starts up again, it definitely helps me manage stress. Don't worry about disappearing, it's all gooood :D
    June 29th, 2011 at 11:16pm
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    Oh my God I am so angry right now. I want to respond to your super long comment but my computer is FUCKED. Hopefully I can get on my dad's tonight so I can respond. I am SO SORRY! :(
    June 27th, 2011 at 11:02pm
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    ASKDJFAOIEJFLKJASDKJ I cannot wait to see Deathly Hallows Pt. 2!!!!!! I'm definitely going at midnight...Although there is this rumor that they are showing Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 together...If they do it would be awesome, but I can't sit still for 4+ hours. I can never make it through an entire movie without having to go to the bathroom once. It never fails. I am always the person that has to get up. I'm going to have to look into those books though, I like scary-nonTwilight vampires haha. You should read "Sunshine" by Robin McKinley

    Thanks :) It's about special education kids being in regular classrooms...Kind of boring haha. AWK take me with you. I'm going stir crazy!! I really just want to go party. I dunno why, I've never been much of a partier. I think I'm jealous of your exciting life haha :D

    I mean, I like to see them, because let's face it - babies are fucking adorable. But I saw that Frank didn't want them all over the internet and stuff, so I respect that and I don't know what they look like because I'm not a creep. I know what Bandit looks like and she's absolutely adorable, but I didn't go looking for her. I don't want to know what Cherry and Lily look like because Frank doesn't want us to. Sorry, I just get really bothered when people disrespect other's privacy.

    THEY FREAKING BETTER! They've got Honda Civic tour in the U.S. and Canada starting in a couple of weeks...I hope they tour again after that...It's been like...FIVE YEARS since they put out an album, I don't want them to go on tour again in five years when I have a kid of my own and can't go :( I wish I lived in Europe...I keep seeing stuff about the Reading festival and stuff and I'm like...AMERICA Y U NO HAVE CONCERT FESTIVALS?!

    Elementary school is about 5 - 11. I like the itty-bitty ones best ^__^ AW that's awesome! Elementary and primary are the same, I think. I want to have a reading corner in my room haha :) I loved books when I was little. Well, I still do but... That's awesome though! I want one!

    AH! Please do! I just can't wait to read it. I'm probably going to write some Acid Angel soon. There's going to be a major twist coming up soon. Well, maybe not a twist but something very unexpected (I hope). It may not be in the next chapter, but it should be within the next 2 :D

    Any pasta is yummy. I make a mean marinara sauce :) I'm the official pasta maker in my family. I wish I could make homemade noodles, but that's very time consuming and I am not a patient person - if you haven't noticed haha. I wish I was cool and had a Scottish dad...Well I think we are...I dunno, my family hails from England/Scotland somewhere.

    You totally deserve it! You're awesome ^__^ Besides it would be kind of evil of me to gush over your story and not whore it out on mine. And we have long rambly comments haha. Johnny and Jenny is too awesome not to get some lovin' :P
    June 22nd, 2011 at 04:50am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    I know what you mean. It's kind of backwards that I didn't like the Gossip Girl books but whatever. I've never watched Trueblood but I've heard it's good. Maybe I'll check out the books though, I can always use a new series to get caught up with :)

    It's fine!! School's important, I understand. I have to give a speech tomorrow...and I have to write it tonight. All I really want to do is write another chapter for Acid Angel, but I guess my persuasive speech will have to take precedence. YAAAAAAAAY!!!!!! ONLY ONE LEFT! It will be awesome once you have all sorts of free time :)

    I replied to a tweet today, but not about that. He posted about how people were posting pictures of his kids and commenting on them and I think it's stupid. People shouldn't do that. It is ridiculous! I wish they'd come to Nashville, I mean, that's 2.5 hours but it's a much nicer easier drive. Driving through Illinois is just endless and shitty.

    I feel the need to get my party on, hopefully we can this weekend :D

    That sounds awesome!! I'm really crappy at art and stuff but I still enjoy it. I get to take an art class for my major, elementary ed, and I hope that'll be fun! Elementary school art class was always a blast haha. So what was your year long project? I can't imagine working on something for that long. I would stress out so bad.

    I love to write too, it's awesome. I stiiiiiiiiiill can't wait to read more Johnny and Jenny! I know you're working on exams though. Still excited about it though. I wanna see where it's going.

    Oh my...I like ketchup a bit too much but I've never had it as a sandwich. I did have a big sloppy hamburger last night though, OMG. I'm such a fatty, hamburgers are my favorite. Bacon is delicious, your dad is a very good man for feeding you bacon. And mac and cheese mmmm. I'm weird and only really like the fake boxed kind haha.

    Yaaaaaaaay for the comment! It was awesome! I'm excited that so many people like it because I really like writing it :) Oh, and it's really no problem about mentioning your story. It deserves to be read, it's lovely :D
    June 22nd, 2011 at 01:14am
  • AxelRoxSox

    AxelRoxSox (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Aha, thank you. Yeah, I'm seventeen in a month, I have a really late birthday so I'm one of the youngest in my year -.- I should have a new one out soon (:
    June 21st, 2011 at 10:24pm
  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    Ahh thanks for the story comment on the sassy Gee co-write! Totally appreciate it! Hopefully my co-author will have another chapter up soon! ^_^
    June 21st, 2011 at 07:26am
  • AxelRoxSox

    AxelRoxSox (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Sorry I took ages to reply D:

    Thank you for your commmment. Yeah, I'm taking my AS levels I've got my last one in the next week! Then I should be able to start upadating again, albeit slowly, as I have to work as well >.<

    Thanks again for your comment! :3
    June 20th, 2011 at 11:28pm
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    I only ever started to read one book and I didn't like it...I was like, NO SERENA DID NOT DO THAT WTF?! I couldn't get past it haha. I have to make time for my TV shows or I will go crazy. I watch Gossip Girl and Glee religiously haha. I just can't help myself :P

    Yeah, most authors are like yeah, I'm gonna screw this character over because he's like my ex and then he's gonna get over it in five seconds. Because that's realistic. I'd rather read a really long story that pays attention to detail than one that's fast-paced and short. That sucks, I'm sorry! I know how that is, one of my best friends, a girl, is now too busy to get a lot of her shit done because she's so far up her boyfriend's butt. It drives me crazy.

    UUUUUUGH I want to go SOOO BADD!! I'm going to pester my mom about it because my roommate would totally go with me. My parents just have something against the city...I dunno why really. I want to see Gerard sexy dance so bad! I've seen videos too and I'm just like WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY can't I see him do that in person?!

    I love adventuring :) I need to get out and do something. My boyfriend is coming in next weekend, so hopefully we'll have a good time ^__^

    What do you do for that class? I wish I was creative and cool haha. Writing is about all of the creativeness in my body. I can't draw worth crap or anything else. Ketchup sandwich? Is that what I think it is? I don't think I could do that... I just had a peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich and some soup :) Mah tummy is happeh.

    Have a good night! I'm 99% sure that I will have an update up tonight, I really want to. It may be a little bit of a filler sort of...Not sure yet. We'll see where it takes me haha :D Good night!
    June 20th, 2011 at 03:14am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    It's one of my favorite shows :) You definitely should watch it all sometime, it's so dramatic. It's impossible not to keep watching it. The characters are all really good too, very well written.

    Yeah, I don't like love triangles either, somebody always gets hurt. It makes me sad :( So writing one is generally a no. I may have tried it in one of the stories that I never finished haha I don't really remember.

    I'm up for an English trip! OH MAN I'M SO JEALOUS! I've never seen them live and it makes me depressed. I want to so bad and they're coming sort of close to me, about 3 hours away, and I'm not sure I can go. I've been wanting to reply to some tweet of Frank's and ask if they'll ever come to Nashville, because I could definitely go to that. Frank usually responds to a lot of fan tweets so I've noticed but I'm kind of scared to...I really don't know the protocol on that haha. I am afraid they'll go on break after the Honda Civic Tour, but I really hope not :/

    Aw thanks ^__^ I came up with Madame Monstre when trying to make a Tumblr URL haha. I like it though so I decided to start using it. HAHAHA I seriously think we need to have adventures. You have so much fun! I feel like a stick in the mud haha.


    Me too! I'm sure you're going to be fine. It sounds like you've studied quite a bit, so I'm sure you're going to do very well. I wish I had something to make tonight, I'm getting hungry haha. Sunday is always crappy dinner day for me...I wish I had one of those pasties right now! My mouth is watering just thinking about it :P

    The only original story I have going right now is "Finding Rosie," and I haven't updated it in a minute. I like it, I'm just much more inspired to write Acid Angel and I wasn't getting much feedback on the other one. I really am a comment whore haha! I don't want to know! I mean, I do, but I want to read it! I'd love to spill the beans on the next few chapters of Acid Angel, but I won't. I'm actually working on one right now, hopefully I'll have it up within a couple of hours, I'm distracted by TV right now haha. ^__^
    June 20th, 2011 at 01:47am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    I definitely will not make fun of you because I'm in the same boat! I got home from school and was lost...I had NOTHING to do at all. Then I watched the season finale of Gossip Girl (have you heard of that? It's a seriously addictive, awesome show, if you haven't.) and was inspired to write again and here I am haha.

    Ah I'm so glad you liked it!! It was fun to write and I know what you mean about going dancing. I'm hoping me and a few friends are going to make a weekend trip to Nashville for one of their birthdays and get a little crazy haha. I haven't done anything like that in forever and I really want to! I did think about her having a bit of a moment with Frank, but then I was like, noooo I don't want to have to write sad Frank because sad Frank is just depressing.

    Well you definitely should. We've got all the American craziness right here haha.

    That's awesome! My parents are overprotective so I'm kind of spreading my wings now haha. Lady Gaga concert was a big step for them. I wish I had an awesome nickname like that! I mean...My real name is Katherine and I'm called Katy, but 'George' is just AWESOME. I need a nickname. I'm jealous.

    That's not good! I'm sure you're going to do fine :) Migraines are not allowed here. It must go away NOW!

    Exam time food is always bad. I ate like an elephant while I was studying for mine. I was so sure I was going to COMPLETELY fail my Educational Psychology final....I didn't, but it had me stressed out for weeks. Instant mashed potatoes are supposed to be easy! But then I make a mean chicken picatta that I made my own recipe for completely fine. I think I might stick to making all homemade things from now on haha

    Hahaha! You definitely are going to have to get your hands on some Kentucy Fried Chicken then. KFC is so good....Man I want some now! Since it's Sunday, I'll be having popcorn for dinner...or Ramen Noodles. We'll see when about 7:30 rolls around haha.

    You definitely should! I may rewrite that one sometime, make it a little longer and better. Right now I'm focused on Acid Angel thought :) It's my new baby! I will definitely keep pestering you because I love Johnny and Jenny! I can't wait to see what happens! I don't know what I'd do without my long comments about English food haha and the amazing story comments that make me squeal with joy ^__^
    June 19th, 2011 at 11:51pm
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    You are quite welcome, you should expect one to accompany every new chapter from now on :) I'm currently working on a new update that is going to cause quite a ruckus from my readers, I believe. My Evernote (what I use to type them up on) is currently frozen, so I'm giving it a minute and responding to you! I loved the Gaga reference, by the way. Forgot to mention that, I think.

    You definitely should! It would be quite fun, although New York City and L.A. are WAY better cities than anything near me. I've only been to NYC though, but I loved it.

    Haha flirting for coupons, I like it. I totally would. Gotta use what your mama gave you right? haha

    I know, I gotta have my caffeine. I have to have a good cup of coffee in the morning to get me going or I'm just out of it all day. I can't do super spicy, it makes my eyes water and stuff. It's not pretty haha.

    I will definitely be trying now! I'm excited about it. I like trying new recipes, it's always fun. Although the first time I tried to make instant mashed potatoes did not go well....That's just an embarrassing story :P Oooooooooooooooh cottoncandy. Haha. I'm obviously mentally challenged. I very seriously doubt you are 300 pounds, anyone who can flirt their way into a coupon with a little black dress on canNOT be 300 pounds.

    FRESH STRAWBERRIES WOULD BE AWESOME! I need to figure out how to MAKE fried cheesecake and try that now! That is a wonderful idea. That would be super delicious. We Kentuckians like to put plenty of fatty things on a stick. If you can deep fry it and put a stick in it, we've got it.

    That's just priceless. I might pay to do that, no joke.

    I'm bad at finishing them too, I think I only ever finished one. It was my favorite/love child haha. I will definitely make sure you keep going! I love it, I will pester you to no end. Well, since you are probably asleep by now, by the time you read this there will hopefully be an update up! I'm looking forward to seeing what you think :)
    June 19th, 2011 at 05:42am