ALICEonCLOUDnine / Comments

  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    Aw! You're sweet haha I LOVED LOVED LOVED Johnny and Jenny. Gah. I ranted about how much I loved it enough in my comment, I won't make you go through it again.

    I never drink energy drinks, I can't find any that I actually like the taste of. Plus I'd probably be kind of scary after drinking one haha. You definitely should! Nashville is super cool, it's got the best of the South plus the vibe of a big city. Great shopping, AMAZING food, and a good music scene. I fully intend to abuse my older brother's connections this coming year haha :) He lives there and works in radio. It's pretty awesome.

    It sounds like their coupon was retarded, definitely not your fault at all! The bartender was probably in a bitchy mood and didn't feel like working. You definitely are NOT one of those customers, I promise!

    It's good, I promise! Well, without the sugar in my opinion, but you might like it :) My dad always brews it pretty strong, I love it. I drink so much tea haha. I don't like being a dragon either! I like a little spicy, but not like I'd rather rip out my tongue than eat it again haha

    I'm determined to try now!! I love pot pies and it sounds really similar. I lovvvvvvee to cook, especially things I've never made before. An adventure into an English dish would be very much fun, I think. We have festivals like that too, we call them either farmer's markets or flea markets. CANDYFLOSS?! What is that madness?? If you can't tell, I kind of have a sweet tooth. It's a miracle that I don't weigh 300 pounds. Really.

    IT'S SO GOOD!!!! Especially with chocolate sauce and some fresh whipped cream....uuuuuuuuuuh I want some now haha. Weirdly, the place that serves it year round, here at least, is a sushi restaurant! The fried cheesecake at the river festival comes on a stick though. We like to put fried food on a stick here in Kentucky, that way you can walk around and be a fatty haha!

    Hahahahahaha that is epic. A conversation with a high hippie would just be awesome. I might die from laughter.

    I am about to start writing! Well, I started it last night but a friend called and distracted me. And then tonight, I went and read your amazingness instead of writing and then I had to go eat dinner! I can't get over Johnny and Jenny. Seriously. It's so just...AH. I love it!
    June 19th, 2011 at 02:55am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    That would be epic!! I completely intend to keep writing, I enjoy it so much. I don't know why I ever stopped.

    I completely understand. That would have been so funny, though! I've never had redbull....Probably not a good idea for me. I have an easy enough time getting hyper without energy drinks ahaha. I wish I lived in Nashville, TN (it's the biggest city closest to me) there are concerts and clubs and all sorts of stuff. it would be awesome.

    They're all like....BUT THEY TOLD ME I CAN USE THESE TWO TOGETHER!!! And I'm like...No. They did not. They would not because they know that the computers won't even do it. Buuuuut they still get angry and sometimes they leave without buying their stuff. That's when I go say really terrible things about them in the back room.

    Sweet tea is a big southern thing. I really hate it, so some people are like, "Well you're not really from the south then!" It's silly. You might like it, a lot of people do. Just make some black tea, stick it in the refrigerator for a couple hours, then mix in some sugar in a glass. That's really all it is haha. UNF SPICY FOOD. I love it. Not stuff that makes me feel like I'm going to breathe fire or anything though...

    OMG THAT THING. It looks so good. It sounds like a pot pie sort of to me. I'm going to need to investigate. I love to cook so I may look up recipes later haha :) I especially love crusts like that. You should come here and I can take you to Barbecue on the River. It's this HUGE festival that covers about five days with all kinds of barbecued everything and stuff like fried cheesecake - you need to have that. Fried cheesecake is so good it should be a sin. It's just not right.

    I will definitely! I want to study abroad so badly!

    Oh my God hippies would be lovely. I don't think I could contain my excitement for meeting them! That would be awesome!!

    YAAAAY I'm going to go read it right now!! I can't wait :D It's going to be wonderful, I can feel it :)

    Sweet, you are wonderful, thank you :) I will be working on it soon :D This chapter is going to be wonderful I'm excited to write it ^__^
    June 19th, 2011 at 01:22am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    Ah I wanna go to Vegas! I love to travel... I think me and some friends are taking a trip to go clubbing for one of my friends' birthdays in August. I really hope so, that would be awesome! I can't wait to turn 21 haha, but I've still got a year and a half :/

    Haha thanks! Although, a drunk comment might have been very entertaining. You definitely had a better night than I did - I sat at home. Stupid small town with nothing to do.

    AGH that would be so frustrating!! Why would they change seats? That's stupid. I don't know that I could handle working in a place like that, it might shave years off my life. I hate when people get mad over stupid things, it's so frustrating. People where I work like to pretend they don't know how our coupons work to try to get more money off.

    Seriously, Dairy Queen is the shit. I love it, more than I should haha. Fried food and tea are pretty much my standards too. Although, you probably mean like hot tea, but I'm more of a iced tea drinker. No sugar though, that's disgusting haha. Well...REAL Mexican is gross. What's awesome is like Tex-Mex, like tacos and enchiladas and what not . I actually make my own salsa now haha, but my last batch was SUPER spicy because of these monster jalapenos. My dad looooves it though..

    OMG WHAT'S A PASTIE?! The only thing I know of called that are the pumpkin pasties in Harry Potter. I NEED THIS ENGLISH FOOD TOUR. I want to go to England badly, I'm hoping to maybe do a study abroad either there or Spain. Those are my top 2 places I want to visit right now haha. Any place that I can dance is awesome in my book. Who cares if somebody throws beer on me?

    Psht they walk around the mall dressed like that! It's a big pet peeve of mine. Yeah, I think rednecks are an exclusively Southern America thing. You're not missing much really.

    My friends and I quote Rebecca Black, it's okay. We're generally making fun of her, but still. :P

    I very seriously doubt you are capable of writing anything that can be classified as "shitty." I can't wait to read it! I'm very impatient.

    We're good now, thanks :) It sucked at the time but we made up. You're awesome though ^__^ I am going to work my butt off to get an update out tonight!
    June 19th, 2011 at 12:18am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    Oh man, could I use a drink. Damn American drinking age. Your comment was lovely, as always, even if you are a bit tipsy haha. I'm a lurker on Tumblr and sort of on Facebook. I'm really starting to hate Facebook...mostly because the people I actually talk to rarely post anything on there and I ACTUALLY speak to them on an almost daily basis.

    Customers can be wonderful or terrible. Generally the old ladies are TERRIBLE. They make me want to stab myself in the eye.

    Oh man, even if you are...The Dairy Queen where my university is is WONDERFUL. It's so much better than any of the other ones. I wish there were good places to eat, but none of the local places are that amazing here. There's a great Mexican place that I can go to when I'm in school, but it's an hour away right now :( I loooove Mexican haha. Any place with a name like "Jake's" has GOT to be wonderful. I want to experience this.

    Haha well you should definitely come check it out! Not really, it's bad. Rednecks walk around with the sides cut out of their tshirts and you can see all of their nastiness. I hate that. I just want to yell, "HEY, I DO NOT NEED TO SEE YOUR ARMPIT HAIR!" It's so gross. I wish I was doing something fun! That dance thing you were talking about earlier sounds like a boatload of fun, I would love to go to something like that.

    No no, I knew that haha! I think it's ridiculous, I can join the army and buy cigarettes but I can't have a drink whenever I like. I wish they would lower the drinking age here. You're not an alcoholic :P

    OH GOD REBECCA BLACK. I swear to God, she's so bad. It's hilarious though haha.

    ALKDJALKSJLKSJALKDJF WE GET MORE OF JOHNNY AND JENNY SOON?!?! Please excuse me, I'm going to go explode from excitement now. I'm sure it's going to be amazingly wonderful :D
    I'll be starting a new chapter in a bit, hopefully I won't have a huge fight with my boyfriend tonight so it will get put up in time!
    June 18th, 2011 at 04:46am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    I've recently gotten addicted to Tumblr. It's kind of ridiculous how much I'm on there. But it's so exciting when people follow me! It's like getting a new comment on a story, I'm like ASLKDJFLAKJSDFKJ OMG SOMEONE LIKES ME hahah

    As soon as I finish up this comment and finish redesigning my Tumblr page (which better not take too long or I'll say fuck it and quit) I will be finishing the update I've been working on and then starting a new one!!

    Hahahaha oh Gerd. He's so fabulous. I'm sure you'll be great at it! I find it's a lot easier at any job if you find someone you can shit talk about customers with after they leave haha.

    HOLY CRAP YOU DON'T HAVE DAIRY QUEEN?! Oh my God I would absolutely die! Dairy Queen is so freaking addictive. If you ever come to the US - FIND A DAIRY QUEEN. Your McDonalds closes at 10??? Most of the ones here "close" at midnight, but their drive-thru's are open most of the night. Agh that's so much better than what I do. My town is supposed to have a great "music scene" but it mostly consists of REALLY bad country singers and some decent bluegrass. Oh Kentucky. How fucking boring you are. A dress and rainboots would be seriously cute! I would do that at school, but I have to walk a freaking mile to get to class and then it's not just raining, it's like a flood and impossible to stay dry.

    Your life is way more exciting than mine haha. I can't wait for you to read it, I want to know what you think!!
    June 17th, 2011 at 09:41pm
  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    OMG thank you for the wonderful story comment! You have made my night!! I actually didn't see the love traingle happening. It just kinda popped out. And yes thank you for noticing the two albums. It actually came pretty easy to write and I'm glad you are liking the story. Next update is gonna be great. Promise! ^_^
    June 17th, 2011 at 05:26am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    It's cool!! I should spend more time doing other things buuuuuuut....Well I have no life.

    I'm trying to get everything written because I have this AMAZINGNESS in my head that I just want to write, but it's further in the story line...maybe like 2-3 chapters down the line and I just want everyone to read it!!!

    That sounds fun! I've never worked at a restaurant, but sometimes I think it sounds way better than retail. It's great they're training you really well :) That makes it a lot easier.

    I have been working and watching TV haha. And seeing friends, like getting ice cream randomly with my roommate last night. But other than that...really nothing. How about yourself? Besides learning your new awesome job haha :)
    June 17th, 2011 at 05:16am
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    You're very welcome! :D

    I try to keep the really heavy gore stuff in short bursts. There should only be a few more occasions left in the story where the violence gets really heavy, but there will always be a warning if it gets to those stages :)

    There will definitely be a bit more on Violet and Mikey's releationship in the next chapter :3 I've just started working on that part.
    June 16th, 2011 at 08:13am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    Oh, this fight is spicy. I'm writing it right now. It's so sassy I don't know what to do about it. hahaha

    I hope your new job isn't too stressful!!
    June 16th, 2011 at 02:26am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    No migraines are allowed in my story. They are EVIL. I hope you feel better today though :)

    That line, and "butthurt meanness" are my favorites from this chapter. And I would also screw Gerard a thousand times a day. He can have it haha. I'd probably screw Frank too :P

    They hate each other! They did not do the dirty last night. You just have to wait and see :) I'm not shy, so you'll know if anybody's doing it hahaha.
    I'm really glad you liked it thought :))
    June 13th, 2011 at 10:51pm
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    It's gonna be in a couple of chapters, I think, because that scene is DYING to go on paper :) Figurative paper haha.
    My boyfriend would think I'm super weird but he'd still love me, thankfully. He doesn't know I have a thing for guys like Gerard and Frank...mmm Frank's tattoos....Heh. The Lady Gaga thing is from an interview she had with David Letterman, have you heard of him? I don't know if he's known outside the US or not... If you want to watch it just google The Late Show with David Letterman, I don't normally like him but sometimes he's funny - like in that interview. It was HILARIOUS. I listen to Born This Way in the shower all the time and sing horribly at the top of my lungs :P My dad yells at me to turn it down. Which song is your favorite? I'm really into Government Hooker right now haha
    That's awesome!! I'm too old too, I'm an ancient almost-twenty-year-old. I know that's not that old but for some reason TWENTY sounds so old to me. I'm like, I can't really almost be TWO DECADES OLD?!?!? It's just really weird haha.
    I will definitely see it soon because everyone is like GO SEE IT IT'S WONDERFUL. I will let you know as soon as I do :)
    My sleeping is weird too. I've been going to sleep around 1:30 AM every morning and then waking up around 3 AM and then not being able to go back to sleep until around 4:30. So during that time I troll mibba and tumblr on my phone.
    That's not cheeky at all! (That's such a good word haha) I would love to read it and let you know what I think :) :) I'm always looking for new stuff to read and since you read my stuff you are 100% qualified to ask me to read something of yours. Plus we've been blowing up each other's comments haha If some random person was like READ MY STORY ADKLJAODISJAF I'd be like...who're you? But no, I will definitely read it soon. Right now, I get to go make dinner for my family :) I love to cook and I'm makin Mexican food!! My fave haha. Alright. I'm rambling now, so I am going to stop ^_^
    June 12th, 2011 at 12:00am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    So...I just had my comment all typed out and it got angry and went away :( So I will try again!

    This scene is going to be awesome, I'll work on it really hard. I've got to make sure I put it in just right. I'm such a perfectionist, it's a wonder that I post updates as often as I do haha. You're going to have to send me a link to a video in which he says that because I think I need to see it! That gif on my profile with Gerard shaking that ass of his all over the place gets me every time :3 It's a little embarrassing. I'm so glad my boyfriend doesn't know about this site...I might die.
    I would love to write a novel someday, but I'm probably not patient enough or good enough to sell one haha
    I really wish that the theater here would do something as awesome as that! The only kind of cheap ticket thing we have, at least in my town, is on Tuesday's tickets are the matinee price all day. My luck is usually that I have things to do and can't go on those days. I will hopefully get to see it soon though, I've heard nothing but good things about it :)
    You should probably go to bed considering you have to get up so early! I'm such a baby about sleep, you have no idea how annoying I would be right now if I were in your position. I'd be crying haha
    June 10th, 2011 at 05:54am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    I definitely know what you mean. I've got a particular scene for Acid Angel already in my head, and it's been there almost since I started writing it. I know you'll love it too, by the way, because it is a really awesome scene between Angel and one of the guys, and that's all I'm going to say about it ^_^
    I totally understand. I feel like my writing gets tedious when I delve into their past right away, so I like to give a little at a time through relationships. I'm trying to make the Angel story feel like a book a little, so I've got to be really careful when it comes to the details. Plus I hate it when I do go back and reread what I've already got and find that I've written something wrong and I have to do it again! It's so frustrating.
    WOW you're up late!! I'd be crying if I wasn't asleep at 3:30 in the morning, but I'm a bit of a baby when it comes to sleep. It's only 10 PM here haha and I somehow managed to sleep until 11 this morning...I never do that.
    Jack Sparrow is awesome! I love those movies. I haven't seen the newest one yet, although my parents have...They went without me :( However, I'm more of a renter than a movie theater person. It's too expensive for my cheapness haha.
    June 10th, 2011 at 04:59am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    Haha I do that a little bit too. That's how I got the weird third person image that I used in the "Scream my lungs out and try to get to you." chapter. I had this image running through my head and I wrote that part like three days before I posted the chapter and I knew it had to be in there. You're the opposite of me, I like to make my girls seem like huge badasses or whatever and then slowly peel back the layers. That's just how I like to do it thought :) I do have to go back and reread what I've already written so I don't have continuity problems and then sometimes I miss things and people are like WHAAAAAAAAT???? Hahaha. Oh, I love the Bourne movies, I should watch them for fight scene inspiration!
    I will definitely let you know if I see anything major then :) I actually like grammar, is that weird?
    YES ACTION! I've never been an action fan, I'm thinking being forced to watch my boyfriend play violent videogames is affecting that...
    Is that a Jack Sparrow reference I see there?
    June 10th, 2011 at 04:15am
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    It's not a problem. Like I said before, I completely understand about the exams and revision :) I'm glad my story is helping though <3

    It's no trouble either. I find a good story, I share it with all my readers :D

    I'll try to have the next chapter up as soon as possible. :)
    June 10th, 2011 at 03:53am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    Stay is a favorite of mine too, I've just gotten stuck. I know where I'm taking it but I'm trying to figure out how to get there at the moment. I'm kind of stuck in my badass frame of mind for Acid Angel and Stay isn't badass. I may try to take a drive an listen to music for inspiration. I get a lot of my ideas for stories from songs. And my extremely overactive imagination.
    I won't Grammar Police anything unless somebody asks me to. It tends to make people mad and I don't like having people angry at me :3

    I CAN'T WAIT FOR MORE JOHNNY AND JENNY!!! I really like it, I like stories where the girls are the major badasses and Jenny seems pretty much awesome :) Eep philosophy - not my thing. I totally would focus on exams too if I were you. I hadn't written in forever and I started around the first week I was home after my semester ended. It feels awesome :)
    June 10th, 2011 at 03:35am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    Thanks for reading my other stories!! I'm trying not to let them fall by the wayside and I definitely need to update I Would Even Wait All Night. I've been so focused on the killjoy one!

    Thanks for the compliment about the voice, I really try to keep my stories different so it doesn't seem I'm writing the same story over again :) Thanks so much for reading them :)
    June 10th, 2011 at 02:46am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    I love when people comment and tell me what they like and don't and especially if people tell me that I've made grave grammar mistakes haha. Ray always does diffuse the tension in most of the stories I've written and read. I wonder why... I've really loved working on this story, I have to tell myself not to just keep working on it constantly. I'll probably start a new update tonight even, I'm itching to work on it even though I just posted the last one.

    That is a really great idea about the fight scenes! I might have to try that. I don't know when my next fight scene will be, seeing how Angel is out of commission but I'll try for soon so it doesn't get boring.

    Thanks for the lovely comments :) Revision sucks, most of the time I skip it x_x
    June 10th, 2011 at 01:34am
  • Madame Monstre

    Madame Monstre (100)

    United States
    Thanks for leaving that awesome comment on my story! I really appreciate it :) I know, fight scenes are really hard to write. I'll spend a whole day on like two paragraphs of fight. It probably doesn't help that I've never been in a real fight haha.

    Good luck on your exams! I know those suck a lot :) I'll be keeping an eye out for updates!
    June 9th, 2011 at 06:15pm
  • ScantilyClad

    ScantilyClad (100)

    Thankyou so much for that! :3 It really means alot, especially given that I've already really loved what I've read of your own writing so far! :D Ah, hopefully I'll have the next chapter finished in a few days... buuut don't quote me on that one :)

    Also; congrats on your driving test! :D
    May 21st, 2011 at 03:53am