insomniac_schwam / Comments

  • Yeah,

    So excited for new series :D

    Wonder what the new companion will be like :D
    January 20th, 2010 at 08:33pm
  • Those are the times when I get incredibly jealous of men. They age better and will look better in women's clothing. So uncool.

    I found out that my two best friends are trying to find be a going away present and apparently my friend Crystal wanted to get me a sonic screwdriver pen because she thought it was funny but our friend Greg was like, "She won't want that." When I heard that I yelled at him, "Do you not know anything about me!?!?"

    The worse part for me is that since I am short and stocky, I get to look at my younger brother is tall and lanky. It is so unfair seeing that. And he complains that he has to wear a belt cause his jeans don't fit. That's when I glare at him.

    That was the best part. Being called the master and captain. Nobody but my brother saw the humor in that but it made me a bit sad because I kept thinking about how I was missing DW....oh well, I caught up.

    Ah, Catherine Tate. You make me smile. I loved that sketch that she did with David when he was her english teacher. She just is so amusing. Coldplay is good but I hate viva la vida just because my little brother learned how to play it on the piano and he plays it constantly. It makes me very angry.

    Its on the DVR along with several other things. I really need to catch up on my tv shows but lately, I haven't watched tv just because I am so busy. My parents are getting annoyed with the fact the dvr is filled with my stuff and they don't know how to get rid of it.

    I lived by the Naval Air Station because surprise, my dad was also Navy and he was invovled with Aviation. We lived all over California but after my dad retired, he was like, "We are not living in California anymore!"
    January 18th, 2010 at 10:04pm
  • The Master is a smartical man. I was watching the End of Time part 1 again and my mom decides to watch it with me. At the part where he goes, "There's only the Master race" my mom goes, "He's wearing heels! How does he do that? The man is wearing heels and you can't even do that!"

    Sad thing is its true. I can barely walk in heels.

    I told my friend that I wanted that bag and she goes, "I'm getting that bag for you before you leave." Its going to make me happy walking around with that bag. Ooh....boxes, I like boxes. I have a bunch of boxes. Don't ask why I just do. The Master is just adorable and awesome!

    I get jealous of drag queens. I work out and all but I'm stocky (as my friends say) and I have too much muscle. That makes me a bit sad. When I wear a dress, I'm like, "My arms look fat.....NOT COOL!"

    Ooh, cookies. I like cookies. I may attempt to steal one from the winner but I may fail. I accept that failure. When I was in the Philippines and being the bingo announcer, I got everyone calling me "master" and "captain" it made me happy. I did a little happy dance when someone said, "Yes, master." and when people said, "aye, aye captain."

    And I just watched it. God, that was so freaking hilarious! I laughed so hard and my dad yelled at me to be quiet because he was sleeping. And that hat.......I want to steal. That hat would be the pride and joy of my hat collection.

    I agree, there are some good points in LA but the airport still sucks. I'm in San Diego a lot because my older brother lives there and my uncle lives out in Huntington so I'm there a lot also. I actually used to live in SF but dad then retired from the Navy and moved us to bi-polar Colorado.
    January 16th, 2010 at 07:04am
  • Well, the Master was prepared. The crazy followers of Saxon. Oh! That reminds me, I saw a tote bag that said, "Saxon: Making Evil Sexy." I so wanted it. And yeah, he'd probably do that. It makes life easier. But if I see a hat I like, I'm so taking it. I like hats.

    Men......*sigh* I am utterly jealous. They can wear a dress and it looks fine and dandy. I wear a dress and I think I look like an idiot.

    The winner will get something that will be revealed sometime in the future. Undercover names are awesome. We have those when my cousin, me, and our friends go paintballing or have air soft wars. We don't know why but we do. It makes us feel special so undercover names are awesome in general. And no! The Master will see its us. I shall hide under my hat!

    I haven't seen it! I've been so out of it lately due to the fact that I'm leaving in three months. Shocker! Way too much and Chris, the silly recruiter, now wants to schedule work outs with me. But I'll watch it tonight. I'm tossing my phone under my bed for the night

    LA drivers are so sucky. I prefer San Diego but its not as fun as Huntington Beach. I remember having to go through LA everytime we went somewhere when I visited my older brother. Never fun.
    January 15th, 2010 at 11:50pm
  • I was sooooo expecting Lucy to shoot the Master. You could totally tell as soon as it showed her with a black eye and looking very distant. Those poor convienent stores.....after the Master goes through, there will be nothing left aside from the things you can't eat. We'll have to carry a lot of money....or the Master can just scare the living shit out of everyone. Whatever works.

    I never look good in a dress so seeing David looking great in a dress made me very jealous. I don't know why that happens but guys have another thing they are better at than women: wearing women's clothing. *sad face*

    Hm, the winner should get an unlimited supply of food. I don't know, I'm incredibly hungry right now and I don't know what I want to eat. I hate it when that happens.'s good question. I think since I decided that if I ever decide to have kids, I would name my daughter Alexei-Jordan, so you can pick between the two. I obviously don't have the skills like Ryan and Tatianna do since they came up with Vesper Jacqualine, Hunter Travis, and soon Ianto James. Oh the sadness.....but tea time with the Master. That's happy dance worthy.

    The TARDIS sex chamber? I started laughing when I read that bit. My dogs ran under the bed because it apparently scared them. They so secretly want the TARDIS for their own pleasures and desires.....that just reminded me when David was on the Graham Norton show and Graham put a gay add for David.

    I know! I was like, "Oh god, I can get this for under twenty dollars.....hold on, where's Panda (my nickname for my brother)? He's smartical in math!" And it was still under twenty when my brother did the math for me. I got all giddy and excited. And yes, he totally should get it for you. LA is not fun to begin with too!
    January 15th, 2010 at 10:23pm
  • That would be one of the most pathetic ways for a Time Lord to die: death by car. Its not awesome and they don't go out with a bang. The more snacks the happier the Master would be. And yes, I have seen David in a drag. I kept thinking, "Damn, he has a nice figure......jealous!" I also was wondering if he had a matching purse to go with that.

    That would be the most interesting competition. What does the winner get since we know the loser is bound and gagged.......That just sounds so funny to watch and now I want to see that.

    Totally. I can see John and RTD sitting in a living room with a giant TV and a giant tub of ice cream between them. Actually that sounds a bit fun but then again, I really want ice cream right now.

    Brian's just jealous that's all we can say. I got a silly borders coupon for 33% off and my friend Greg got me a twenty dollar gift card to borders so I figured out the math and I could get the specials for like 13 dollars. I got all happy when I figured it out and it was right.
    January 14th, 2010 at 10:57pm
  • Hopefully !

    I felt the same aswell, something missing...

    Yes ! & Me :D

    I bet she fancies Tennant more tho :P
    January 14th, 2010 at 05:06pm
  • As long as we don't die when the Master's driving, then I'm okay with it. And we'll definately keep cookies for him. We don't want an angry Master. If it was a different color, then that outfit would have worked for him. I so agree, he actually did look good in a frock and pantyhose.

    No one can ignore the power of the Wii! Its far to great and amusing. That's how they'll end arguements and fights: Wii tennis at first but then it will go to bowling and soon archery!

    I just thought of Jack saying, "I can't tell you what I'm thinking right now" when we had the Doctor, the Doctor Donna, and the Half Human Doctor when you mentioned John. It must have been the greatest thing ever when those two were on.

    Brian will always have a special place, even now. He's being silly for no apparent reason. Aside from being the one who helped fine the possible replacement for my car, he's helping me figure out if I should buy the Doctor Who specials.
    January 14th, 2010 at 06:19am
  • That would be so much fun but then I would wonder what if the Master wanted to drive. Would we let him? Does he even have a license? Can Time Lords drive? So many questions. Pink was his color, it totally was. Not that weird beige color dress he was wearing while jumping up and down. It didn't suit him at all.

    The guard is jealous, plain and simple. And a Wii! Those are oodles of fun and you can work out with them! I has one and its the one we use most often because we all play wii bowling. It gets competitive. Now I just thought of the Master and Doctor playing Wii tennis......

    RTD's dream right there! Honestly, they were bound and gagged to chairs......totally kinky right there. And I do bet that he watches the master copies at night, with a nice thing of ice cream.

    Brian will forever be a jealous computer. I checked out one laptop that I'm seriously considering and I think its male so he wouldn't have to worry being replaced by a woman. But he should be happy knowing that he was my first laptop.
    January 14th, 2010 at 04:00am
  • If we have to, we'll shall resort to taking the Master to buffets and whatnot so that he can eat and not be a grumpy cookie. When he was in that dress during the president's speech and jumping up and down, I was like, "Oh wow......that's quite odd." But the pink dress, that was brillent. The Master in a dress, I never thought I'd see the day of that.

    That guard is just totally jealous of not being at the table and my awesome new fedora. Yes, new hate is totally worth being jealous about. And this tea party sounds awesome! I can't wait to see where you go with it.

    RTD totally was digging the whole scenes with the Master and Doctor bound and gagged to a chair. No doubt about it. It must be one of his fantasies late at night. That's what I think.

    Or woman. That would totally be a hit below the belt for Brian. He'd probably spazz out and refuse to turn on if that happened. Technology these days......
    January 13th, 2010 at 08:04pm
  • Hey, sorry it's taken weeks for me to reply. xD
    Hi Julia! How did you find the last episodes of Doctor Who with Tennant?
    I'm good thanks, how're you?
    January 13th, 2010 at 05:10pm
  • He probably does need a hug and KFC. All that constant drumming his head.....poor guy. And KFC because he's so freaking hungry. Hell, I'd take him to IHOP so he could get some of those endless pancakes. I have to say that it was funny seeing him in a dress and pink. That was hilarious.

    And that's when I respond with the, "Why are you in the room? Huh? I'm pretty sure I'm much cooler than you cause I'm sitting at the table with the Master and you're not. You're jealous like Brian!"

    Kinky tea party..........GO FOR IT. I had very odd thoughts seeing both the Master and the Doctor bounded and gagged.

    Brian's a jealous laptop. I have a jealous laptop.....that makes me laugh. He definately should rejoice when I pick my new car and he should be happy that I'm not giving him away to some random person. He gets to stay in the family at least.
    January 13th, 2010 at 11:31am
  • Loonies always make me smile and the Master is no exception. He needs a hug, he really does. The casting people made a smart move when they got picked John Simm as the Master, they really did.

    I'd keep asking that poor guard to ask the Master questions out of pure boredom. And you'll figure out where it starts.....maybe when they have him strapped to the chair. It makes me quite jealous realizing how amazing a Time Lord's metabolism is. The Master probably ate more between the burgers and the turkey seeing as he kept saying how hungry he was.

    Brian should totally be happy for the quest for a new car. My beloved Avalanche got totalled and Brian's helping find a replacement. Ooh, he could be worried that he'll end up destroyed which he won't. Brian could be paranoid.....but we all know he's the jealous type. Most definately
    January 13th, 2010 at 11:05am
  • The Master has an adorable smile. How can I be afraid of someone with an adorable smile? Its like being afraid of a puppy. Its damn near impossible. If I ever saw John Simm on the streets, I'd run up to him, hug him, then run away, announcing that I had hugged the Master.

    It should be the same guard we ask to see if he'd share his turkey with us! And new theory, Time Lords have amazing metabolism. The Master ate all that and he didn't gain any weight.

    Brian should be happy that he gets to be in my bed. That sounds so odd but its true. I lay on my bed with Brian on my stomach so he should be happy for that. But he's not because he doesn't get to go in the car.......but he gets to help me go car hunting. Brian's just confusing but he gets hugs.
    January 13th, 2010 at 10:45am
  • Oh god, that cheeky smirky-smile-thing that he does. Its absolutely adorable. Then there's his hair in The End of Time. I just wanted to play with it so badly. I hope that they have John Simm play the Master just for a little bit more. He was absolutely amazing.

    If I was there, I'd probably ask someone to pass me a cookie, just to break the silence. And the poor Master, food ruined because the Doctor was testing gravity. And that is the best title ever. Its funny yet it goes with the plot fine and dandy.

    Oh jeesum, if Brian is jealous of Matthew, then he'll be incredibly jealous of Zacky the ipod. Zacky goes with me on jogs and when I go work out. Poor Brian, he has to suffer all this because he can't go with me to places that Matthew and Zacky can. He couldn't even go with me to the Philippines when I went but Matthew and Zacky did. He totally is jealous.
    January 13th, 2010 at 10:10am
  • That makes me so happy. The Master can be so evil and yet, we can come up with funny ideas about him.

    And you seriously did? That makes me laugh and smile! It sounds so hilarious because I imagined the Doctor falling through the glass, landing on a table, and the Master has a cracker in his mouth.

    There is a possiblity that Brian is jealous. But he should totally be jealous of the cell phone, Matthew. Matthew gets to go everywhere with me and Brian doesn't. Poor Brian, I feel like I must hug him. I just did.
    January 13th, 2010 at 09:54am
  • Whenever I have a bad day, I just look at the picture and laugh. Hm, I should demand that Greg and/or Crystal send that to me while I'm in boot camp. A tough day of marching and classwork ending with a laugh thanks to Jack, the Doctor, and the Master.

    He probably will. I think Brian should stop whining and be happy that he at least knows where he's going. I'm giving him to my brother which should be fine but no, Brian has to complain and be a jerk.
    January 13th, 2010 at 09:41am
  • This pic:
    I saw it and started cracking up. It makes my day, it really does.

    Well, computers with crazy names work......except for Brian. He probably is spazzing because he knows he's getting replaced. At least I haven't picked out a name yet.......but it would have to be something amusing.
    January 13th, 2010 at 03:49am
  • Ah, the marvels of the internet! Its not just for porn! God, that was a funny pic Tatianna sent me.

    And I don't know if Brian's full name is normal considering its Brian Edward (NO! NOT AFTER EDWARD CULLEN) Cloud. I just say Brian because its easier. And he definately knows he's getting replaced because I saved all the ones I researched and liked.
    January 13th, 2010 at 03:14am
  • thx :) It'll probably be tomorrow but I'll have one out
    January 13th, 2010 at 12:12am