insomniac_schwam / Comments

  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    It's stupid. Why would it be like that? Just to piss us off? It's rude.

    Haha, crazy woman. You're seriously going to become a vampire, just from lack of sleep. hahaha.
    Yeah, I don't keep up with the news either.. Just check kill your stereo (homepage) once a day and that's about it. Haha, i was never into them... the singer drove me a lil crazy at times with his voice, honestly. haha. But i'm sad that you were sad... =[

    I've never had sushi.. I've just never tried it. But i figure if i'm not big on cooked seafood, I can't imagine i'll like it raw. haha. But yay! You got your ticket.. that's good! Haha, it's okay.. I forgive you for the lameness = p

    Haha, I got mine literally the day after I turned 18. I had been waiting for it. haha. I got a star on right wrist that my brother had designed, the a year later i went back and got one on my other wrist. I want more... but yeah, they're expensive and i'm too indecisive about where i want them.

    Haha, if you miss the character.. I say start writing that story again soon = p I miss the whole thing!
    Haha, i've noticed the Kanye West thing... haha. I've never really listened to his stuff, though. I couldnt even tell you a song by him... hahaha.

    You should post the playlist at the end of the story... that would be cool to see what you were listening to when you wrote it. I'd find it interesting, at least. haha.

    Yes.. down with the sociology paper and up with the story!! Yeah, i'm not a good influence when it comes to school work.. so I won't argue. hahaha.

    But do not die when you hit the bed.. sleep by all means, but no dying. I would be very pissed if I never got the end of Sleepwalking Past Hope and Jigsaw Falling Into Place. haha. Plus i'd miss you.. haha.
    November 19th, 2008 at 08:46am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    ARGH! I just wrote out nearly my whole comment.. and I accidentally clicked my cursor out of the box and lost it all.. STUPID THING!!

    Don't worry about the spelling.. as long as I can decipher it, it's all good = p

    Hopefully by this point you're in bed sleeping.. finally! I'm never really up on the music news.. haha. I have an Aussie music news site as my homepage and I find out stuff from there.. but it's based on stuff involving bands coming here and the major news.. which is probably why I don't know of some of the bands you mention.

    I hope you got to see your band.. but at least your trip wasn't a waste if you didnt get in. I've always thought about getting my nose pierced.. but I probably wont ever get around to it. I got a beauty spot instead.. haha. I still remember the first tattoo I ever got and what my dad said about it. He was like, "Fine, get a tattoo, but no peircings!" I never did grasp the logic in that.. seeing as I can take a peircing out, but I can't exactly rub a tattoo off.. haha.

    Aww.. I'm sorry to hear about your guinea pigs =[ That would be strange if you're used to hearing them when you wake up.

    Funnily enough, We'rewolf is my favourite songs of the ones I d/l. haha. They are quite good, I must agree =] Oh.. I'm the same. I have some of the most random music in my collection. I like some pop songs, because yes, some are very catchy.. such as most of Pink's stuff. haha. And that Bleeding Love song by Leona Lewis.. Oh, and The Way I Are by Timberland.. I love the beat of that song for some reason.. haha. Plus i have a love for some 50's and 60's songs, such as 'All I have to do is dream' by Buddy Holly and 'The End Of The World' by Skeeter Davis. Oh, and L-O-V-E by Nat King Cole. Plus my obsession with random 80's songs.. hahaha.

    Haha, funnily enough, I'm listening to My Curse as I write this.. haha. They're two of my favourite songs as well.. Rose Of Sharyn is probably my ultimate favourite.. it actually inspired Amends a little. That's not lame.. well, i hope it isnt, coz i do the same thing. I have a playlist set up for one of my stories.. coz there's club scenes and I picked out songs specifically for it. haha. Plus there's just certain music that goes with the tone of the story...

    Hope you're feeling rested now!
    November 19th, 2008 at 05:46am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Haha, yes, but I did miss our conversations. Haha. Nobody rambles with me like you do = p

    haha, good to know.. Should I ever need to know any spanish, i'm coming to you = p And yeah.. unfortunately the day probably will drag on for days.. Keep your mind busy with random thoughts, that should help a little. haha. OR pretend you're an Aussie, then voila! The day's already over = p

    Yeah, that must suck! Especially seeing as you're 20.. so freaking close. haha. I'm really glad we don't have to worry about that.. not that it would matter, being that i'm 22 and all.. but still. haha, I only ever had a problem with their not being many AA shows when I was under 18... that sucked.

    Thanks. Yeah, I believe they have a soul too. If they can have unique personalities and traits, then they can have a soul. I take comfort in the thought of him in heaven annoying my Nan & Pa.. haha. Coz he would be.. probably forcing them to play ball. haha. I'll be alright.. It's just an adjustment getting used to not having him around.

    I'd never heard of them.. seriously. haha. Then while I was reading the story, I was like.. "hmm.. I should give them a listen." So I d/l a few songs.. which turned into like seven songs.. haha. They're pretty good =]
    I miss that story! It was quite funny at times.. Especially the bit with her and Gerard singing the Maroon 5/Rihanna song (which I also d/l.. coz i didnt know it). I can't wait til you return to it =]

    Dammit! You say that.. and I want to hear the song to try and see what's gonna happen.. and my damn music d/l program is being a bitch and wont load properly. haha.

    I have two music obsessions at the moment.. Killswitch Engage and All That Remains. I dunno why.. I've just been listening to both of them heaps lately. I love 'Arms Of Sorrow' by Killswitch and 'Two Weeks' by All That Remains. Great songs =]
    November 18th, 2008 at 03:49pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Yeah, that would be bothersome.. But at least you know you're submitting your best work, even if you're an editing fanatic = p And your partners suck majorly! Way to leave it til the last second.. buttheads = p

    I have too.. I've kept myself busy.. but it's just not the same without you.. haha.

    Double YAY to you! Woo! I can't wait for it! And I love it when it's long.. haha.

    Well, that's good at least. Maybe you can actually get some sleep now.. haha. But the tests suck.. Maths.. urgh.. *shudders* I really hate maths. Definitely not a strong point for me. haha. I'm not surprised you're not exactly ready.. you're bouncing off the walls and got a pysch mindset at the moment. haha. And i think by the time you get to the test.. You'll have sleepy mindset. haha. Just wing it.. hahahaha.

    Nope, nothing awesome has happened of late. I had a pretty bad day yesterday, though. We had to have our family dog, Fender, put to sleep and I didnt handle it too well. We'd had him for 16 years... ever since I was six years old and he was an awesome dog... But he was really ill with a musculor distrophy disease and he was suffering, so we had to end his pain. So we did the right thing by him... but still feels crappy =[

    But on a happier note.. Guess what I was thinking about today? Standing On The Edge Of Summer. Random.. but I was listening to Everytime I Die (The New Black) and it made me think of it.. haha. I'd never actually heard of those guys til I read your story, so thanks for getting me into them, btw! haha.
    November 18th, 2008 at 02:45pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    CONGRATULATIONS! *Throws two handfulls of confetti at you*

    Just the words "Psych Paper" instill me with a sense of fear... So seriously, good work! hahaha.

    I'm so glad to hear you've returned! You were greatly missed in your absence, however I highly enjoyed your updates! Especially 'Sleepwalking Past Hope'... I got so excited over the last chapter. haha.

    Have you got a break from papers now?
    November 18th, 2008 at 02:12pm
  • brucepayne

    brucepayne (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    You're welcome.
    I simply love the story :D
    November 14th, 2008 at 07:20pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Aww.. Poor thing! I don't blame you for being exhausted... I hope you get through it all and get the well deserved rest once they're done.

    Don't stress about your stories.. It's completely understandable. Just take your time and try not to stress out too much. Good luck with the papers :D

    Talk to you when you return :D
    November 13th, 2008 at 09:17am
  • Brian Haner Jr

    Brian Haner Jr (100)

    hello again.
    just letting you know, DOUBLE POST!
    thats right :D
    i double posted.
    so there are two new chapters of "Whats that saying about life and a box of chocolates?"
    Chapters: One Step Closer and Now Or Never.
    Hope you enjoy them.
    Let me know what you think.
    just a warning too, now or never is quite sad, so you may need tissues.

    November 13th, 2008 at 04:00am
  • Brian Haner Jr

    Brian Haner Jr (100)

    hahaha with any luck it should be later today XD
    glad you liked it
    November 13th, 2008 at 12:37am
  • Brian Haner Jr

    Brian Haner Jr (100)

    hey, just letting you know ive updated.
    "What's that saying about life and a box of chocolates."
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Read the disclaimer before the chapter though.
    i dont know how you are with sex scenes haha.
    Tell me what you think.
    November 13th, 2008 at 12:14am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    I have never been able to see Rise Against. The last time they came, they were on Big Day Out which had a crap line up (aside from them) so I wasn't gonna pay $110 for one band. Which sucks, coz I wanted to see them. But I have seen Alkaline Trio (funnily enough, my dad went with me = p) and that was an awesome show =]

    Haha, you got in a punch up? Awesome!! I'm proud! hahaha. Hell, if your spot is in jeopardy, you do whatever you gotta do to keep it =]

    Yeah, it really is. But yeah, I do the same.. have a little time to remember them then I feel better. Yeah, it is a shame.. and it takes a long time to fully come to terms with it.

    That is a good philosphy =] Yeah, I get crushed up the front too. It really depends on the band whether I go for the barrier, mosh or stay up the back. Last show I went to was No Use For A Name and Strung Out and for No Use I was up the back watching (mind you, i'd seen them both the night before as well) but for Strung Out I was right up against the barrier singing and jumping around. haha. That was one of the best nights.. I got awesome photos =]

    For Avenged, I was right up the back in the stands, sitting down. That was hell! Do you know how hard it is to watch Avenged whilst sitting down? hahaha. Plus we had these annoying girls behind us that were constantly screaming the guys names... mind you, the room was freaking HUGE, there was over 3000 people in there and so I had no idea why they were screaming. I can't wait to see them again.. I'll be up the front next time for sure!

    Ooh, NIN.. nice! They're coming here early next year as part of Soundwave (festival) and I'm still undecided as to whether I'm going. It's kind of expensive.. so i'll have to see.

    Oh! 11 years?! That sucks! But hopefully you get to see them soon! I have seen four of my top five bands... Strung Out, Avenged Sevenfold, A.F.I, The Vandals and I need to see now is Rancid. They haven't been here in 12 years. Buttheads.

    Well, yes, i find you interesting. My life is very boring, too. Seriously. I write.. watch random movies... hang with friends... and yeah, that's about it. haha. I rarely go out these days.. Maybe a 2 or 3 times a month. See? Not exciting at all. haha.
    November 11th, 2008 at 06:26am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Oh.. yeah.. you suck. I love Alkaline Trio and Rise Against! =[ Was it good? Tell me all!

    Yes.. that would be a lil disturbing for your family.. Especially if there's grandkids there and what not... it might scare them. haha.
    Yeah, it's better when it's a bit more light hearted, it makes it easier to get through.

    I go through the same thing occasionally with my Nan. I always have moments where i think "oh, should call her and tell her about that" then yeah, realise i cant. Yes, it's great you have some good memories of them and you'll always have them. That's the most important thing.

    I'm sure it will. It'll probably happen and you wont even realise. haha. At least the stories dont actually depress the reader, well, this one anyways. hehe.

    Hahaha, moshing, I take it? I stay out of the mosh pits and usually try to find somewhere high to stand, coz i'm short. haha. I like to be able to watch the band play. Only time I mosh is when i'm seeing the band more than once on a tour, coz then I get to do both. haha.

    hahaha, you're not boring. You're quite interesting. I love talking to you =] So shush. haha.
    November 10th, 2008 at 10:23am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Haha, I just thought you got bored with my ramblings.. hahaha
    Oh.. On holidays?? Nice! No sleep? That doesnt surprise me.. haha. Oh, I go insane when I lose my net.. it is torture.. so I feel your pain =[ But you found it now, so it's all good! =]

    Yeah, it was. One of his friends put together a slideshow of photos and it was such a nice touch... though it made it lil tougher because there was so many pics of him just goofing around, so it was hard to see that and know that he's really gone. But yeah, it was a nice service and it wasn't over the top as some funerals can be. The wake was nice too, everyone sharing happy stories about his life and the silly things he'd get up to with my brother and his brothers. My face was sore from laughing by the time we left. hehe.

    Oh... that's so horrible. I'm so sorry to hear that. I wanted to hug you then.. I couldn't imagine losing two people that were close to me so near each other.

    I understand why you're writing would turn a lil more morbid. But it's to be expected, seeing as writing really does stem from your emotions and state of mind. It's a good way to work out personal issues and emotions, so its actually healthy. It's definitely something that will take time for you to work through, but you're right, you will get there =]

    I've been good =] Not a lot has happened.. haha. Same old same old. How about you? And yes, I have been chatting to others in your absence... But i'm glad you've returned my partner in lameness! = p I love our rambling sessions.. they're fun =]
    November 9th, 2008 at 04:49pm
  • Brian Haner Jr

    Brian Haner Jr (100)

    hey, me again haha.
    Just letting you know ive up dated "Whats that saying about life and a box of chocolates."
    It's a pretty long update, 16 pages in word.
    I hope you like it, and please let me know what you think.
    November 9th, 2008 at 02:26am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Oh, yeah. My favourite of all the bourbons. Has to be Jack = p

    It was my brothers cousin (we have different dads) and so I wasn't that close to him, but in a way, I was. I barely know my cousins, so him and his brothers were sort of my "adopted" cousins. It was a pretty emotional day.. I feel kind of deflated at the moment. I was a lot more upset than I thought I would be (I mostly went for my bro.. coz he was very close to him) and watching his poor family try to get through it was horrible.

    Oh really? That's so sad. I'm sorry about your friend. That must have been so difficult to continue the story. You're very strong to have been able to do it.. I don't i'd be able to manage it.

    Oh, yeah. He really does. haha. I think by the time he gets his Learners, I'll be able to teach him.. hahaha. That will be amusing. haha.
    Yep, i'm exactly the same. I couldn't handle not having my car.. it'd drive me insane if I couldnt just jump in it and drive around whenever I wanted. haha.

    Well, then count me in. Awesomely Lame inc. Nice ring to it, don't ya think? = p
    November 7th, 2008 at 01:06pm
  • greenleather

    greenleather (100)

    United States
    ooh yeah, roberts perfect! and yep yep, im also way inlove with Maynard James Keenans voice, but he's like forty something, so im too young, lol. Well, last time i was on i wasnt able to read the last few chapters, so Talk to you later :)
    November 7th, 2008 at 01:42am
  • Brian Haner Jr

    Brian Haner Jr (100)

    hahahaha thanks.
    knowing me, i'll probably have another update out today XD
    i'll write it in class or something XD
    November 6th, 2008 at 10:12pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Nice! Jack Daniels is definitely a worthy prize = p

    Judging by just what you've said so far, it sounds very intriguing and look forward to finding out about them = p That'd be kind of fun coming up with that stuff.. but probably a lil difficult, too. haha.

    Jeez.. four hours sleep? But as long as you were super productive! = p Well, i'll probably get about the same, if i'm lucky. I have to get up early tomorrow to go to a funeral and as it is, it's 4am.. so yeah. haha.

    Yeah, he just doesnt want to get his license. Always gotten around fine with public transport and I give him lifts to places when I can, so he hasn't really cared. Though he's about to become a daddy, so he'll have to get it very soon.

    Oh, me too! I love driving.. my car is my favourite place. It's my baby. It's nothing special or fancy, I just love it coz it's my haven. =]

    Oh, yeah, definitely. It'd become a big club.. haha. But we'd be the presidents = p
    November 6th, 2008 at 06:25pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Yep. That's it.. I officially think you suck.. = p I want to do my scavenger hunt so bad.. cept I wont be participating, i'll be running it. I'm gonna have it broken up into teams and have each person pay a fee to play and the winning team at the end gets all the money = ]

    Oh, yeah.. it's near impossible to come up with a completely original for any plotline these days, because everything has been done before in someway. Vampire stories, I imagine, would be even more difficult because of all the movies and such based on them and the general rules everyone seems to follow (i.e sunlight, crosses etc). However, you havent followed those, you've made it your own.. so you've succeeded in making it orginial =]

    Haha, well, if the ideas are flowing then you should go with it =] That's nice of you to do that for your friend.. My best friend is kind of the same. Cept she can read them on the computer, she just prefers hard copies.

    I'll probably be on all night doing the same, aside from a couple hours while I drive my brother to his dad's house (27yrs old and he still needs his lil sister to drive him around. hahaha), then i'll come back and write, as I do most nights.

    Ah, that's fair enough. And even though its long, having worked out that much of you characters personalities and backgrounds makes for a well detailed story. It's the best way to do it =]

    Hahaha! Yes, I agree. We're awesomely sad = p
    November 6th, 2008 at 09:02am
  • Brian Haner Jr

    Brian Haner Jr (100)

    haha hey, you must know what this message is about XD
    yes thats right i've up dated again.
    "Whats that saying about life and a box of chocolates?"
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Let me know what you think.
    November 6th, 2008 at 07:21am