Falling in hatred

So, yeah i HATE you more.okay, let me go back to the beginning...Love? Laughs? and all the nice things?... more like broken hearts and hatred.The world isn't always as much of a nice place as i'd like it to be, i'm sure you agree?Do you ever listen to a song that explains your life and then think, wow i'm so morbid? |:I do.How could i let myself fall in love, then fall straight into hatred?I'll...
July 3rd, 2010 at 01:10am

EMO DYKE?!?!? HELP?!?!?!?!

so at school, i guess i'm known as the emo, well i know i am, as people shout down the corridoor 'EMO.'I really don't care about that, it's when people decide to shout 'DYKE' at me, it's like, i'm bisexual, not a fucking animal, so stop treating me like this...And also a dyke is like a ditch thing... NOT A PERSON!!seriously, if ANYONE on here has a way to ignore/face the people...HELP?!?!?!...
July 22nd, 2009 at 01:57pm

I came out to my brother... HELP!?!?!?!

So, i'm bisexual and i haven't told my family, well apart from my brother, and i'm 15, i have been in a relationship for 14 months nearly, and i know people say, your to young to know what love is... BULL S**T!Anyway, i was walking down tesco, as you do.. and my brother knew i was bi, but didn't know i had been in a relationship for nearly 14 months, with my Best Friend.. he was completely cool...
July 22nd, 2009 at 01:02am