ellegrrrrl / Comments

  • =] throwing fruit should be a form of therapy xD especially if you throw it at people you dislike, i reckon it would do wonders xD

    Schools going ok so far, really dont understand chem but thats my own stupid fault for taking it xD or maybe its coz i fall asleep in lessons coz i dont seem to be sleeping very wellat home.. im just not sure xD

    apparently some of my 'best friends' hate me as well... which is always a fun situation to be in when your all in a big group of mates at school and you cant really hang around with anyone else without looking like aloner xD

    But apart from that im good, especially since my mum just bought me a ticket to the kerrang relentless tour! =DD

    hows your life atm? x
    October 7th, 2009 at 07:26pm
  • Yeah, I think books explain everything much better also. =]
    Oh, I haven't read "The Vampire Diaries," but I've read the first four-five books about the t.v series of "Tru Blood." I've been dying(sp?) to somehow buy "The Vampire Diaries" books already, so hopefully, I'll see.
    Do you recommend any other book series?
    October 6th, 2009 at 07:28pm
  • Aw, thanks. XD
    Oh, my goodness, lucky you! I can never force myself to sleep, it just makes me wake up even more! ^^ Although, I can't wait to fall asleep tonight; but I've just ate pizza so ... y'know, gonna have to wait a bit, hihi. XD
    Yeah, I think the show's kind of good actually. :) But I think it's just too lovey-dovey for my taste.
    The Vampire and the girl fall for each other almost [i]instantly[/i], which I don't like very much. Don't know why. Just a thought. But other than that, it's good! I haven't read the book series, which people say are better. I wouldn't be surprised though; I find all the book series, of almost every series, better than the actual movie series. ( Anyway, yeah. :)
    OH! Have you heard of Tru Blood then?
    If not; which other shows do think might be better? o.0
    October 5th, 2009 at 12:55am
  • Haha, aww, it's the other way around for me. :P
    I dunno, every Simpsons episode is different for me. But Southpark is a lot, and sometimes the only thing, about sex and swearin really. *shrug* And what's with Kenny always getting killed in every episode I've ever seen...?
    Oh, so which character is your fave from Southpark? ^_^
    Plus ... why are we still talking about fictional characters...?
    God, I'm so sleepy and it's only half nine (pm). Don't you hate it when someone keeps moving in their sleep and you cannot got to sleep? Uff.
    Anyway, sorry about that mini rant.
    How're you doing today?
    Uff. Seen me ... asking the starter at the ending. XD
    God, I'm babbling today ... ¬_¬
    Oh! Do you like The Vampire Diaries show? =D
    October 4th, 2009 at 10:30pm
  • Hi!
    Thank you for welcoming me onto the site, I joined in January and forgot all about my account here.
    My name is Amy, it's nice to meet you ^__^
    September 22nd, 2009 at 03:29pm
  • haha yea..
    so wats up?
    September 17th, 2009 at 03:59am
  • Hehe, yeah I was watching Southpark last night. Kyle was scored as the ugliest boy in school, it was kinda sad on his part, haha. I don't really watch this show much. I used to love watching it all the time over a couple of years ago, but I'd rather watch the Simpsons still.

    Yeah Family Guy is ok, as well. =]

    Ooooh chocolate! *drools* Which is your fave? Mine's Dairy Milk, and Picnic. Although all chocolates are yummy, but still. ^^
    September 15th, 2009 at 06:33pm
  • Cool sounds like fun =] festivals are always better with mates =D

    and yea my mum told me not to but i got it done anyway xD i think my entire family hates it but tbh i dont care what they think =)

    Eurghh i have waay too much homework already this year its actually stupid. i should really start doing it in my frees instead of throwing apples at people xD
    September 15th, 2009 at 06:25pm
  • Yeah, exactly! ^^
    Aww, well, good good. =3
    My day's been ok so far, just boring with nothing specific to do. Just reading Mibbian's stories these days, I dunno, the day's just been ... not interesting really, hihi.
    And I am eating delicious bread and kebabs. Yum. *gives some*
    I have some ideas about another Vampire story, but I've still already quite a few of incomplete Vampire stories! XD I gotta do something about them. *shrug*
    Aw. I feel like watching Simpsonsssss. I miss Homer. :P
    Do you like watching the Simpsons?
    September 14th, 2009 at 08:46pm
  • i know its shit =[ but were keeping in touch by email and hes coming back up 4 a bit in 2 weeks so that should be fun =D

    oooh which festival did you go to? any good bands?

    And i got my lip pierced! =DDDD its awsome even though my mum wasnt very happy about it xD
    September 14th, 2009 at 06:43pm
  • you definetly do pay for it. haha
    September 14th, 2009 at 02:35am
  • Thanks.not a lot of people are on my side. but theres this one kid that i used to be friends with and he just started talking too me recentlly. im like uhm? and like he didnt really think i was pregnant so i got up and showed him my stomach and he was like holy shit you really are pregnant. and now when i standup or something he lookes at my stomach. its like wtf i get it. im getting bigger. dont stare:[
    September 8th, 2009 at 10:31pm
  • Haha, yeah, most of my stories have Vampires. XD
    I tried to write about a Werewolf story once, but since I don't really know and feel comfortable writing about tham because they're not so interesting to write about, no offence to anyone, I gave up. XP Maybe I'm the one who's not good in writing or something because many people have wrote excellent Werewolf stories! =]

    So how was your day today, deary?
    September 7th, 2009 at 09:53pm
  • yea i have phases where i actually like my family but most of the tiem i pretend they dont exist xD

    Started 6th form properably today. Wooo... xD we were supposed to have general studies fisrt but the teacher had no idea what they we doing so she let us have a free period =D lol is it possible to fail chemistry before youve started taking it? xD i think i have

    man im kinda sad today =[ one of my best mates is moving down south for collage tmorro so i had to say bye today ,i dunnpo if im even gonna see him anymore :'(
    September 7th, 2009 at 06:14pm
  • That's good to hear! (No-one in my family or friends outside of the internet like supernatural stories and such, hihi.) XD Anyway, I like Vampire ones better, as well, not much of a fan of Werewolves, no offence. And I'd rather [i]watch[/i] than read about ghost-stories, and all that. :P I don't mind other supernatural stories, but yeah, that's all for now. ^-^
    September 7th, 2009 at 01:45am
  • Haha, I know. XD Me as well.
    So do you write any supernatural stories, or are you more into writing none-supernatural ones?
    September 7th, 2009 at 01:33am
  • Yea they're adorable :) shes only 10 weeks old and she gets well jealous when you pick lilly up ^.^ her bark is so small xD

    eurgghhh my sister is pissing me off=@ she expects me to just let her copy my hw coz she cba doing it and shes so 2 faced.. but whatever i usually just ignore her xD
    September 6th, 2009 at 11:11pm
  • Aww! ^-^
    Well, at least you'll get to go on a holiday; I haven't been in years, haha! XD
    Have fun; you never know, something even good might happen?
    God. I've been trying to find something remotely interesting to on t.v, but no such luck. XD
    September 6th, 2009 at 10:04pm
  • Yea im really pregnant.
    almost 5 months,

    the school is like annoying about it..
    they like forgot to tell th guidence. so i went down to the nurse thinking she new by now. and she was confused. and like i had to go to the office to like tell them since like no one new. and now they have to tell all the teachers that im pregnant. and like i dont want them to judge me. like i can handle the kids in my school but i cant handle teachers. i dont want them to look at me differently. like yes i had sex and yes i got pregnant. but it was a mistake to get pregnant. but im not going to make my baby suffer for my mistakes. and im not going to get rid of it either because then again it was my mistake and my kid deserves to know its real parents and plus i dont think i would be able to give my baby away. but its what ever. my boyfriend and i broke up but he still isnt gunna leave me which is good. i just wish it wasnt so hard...you know?
    September 6th, 2009 at 10:04pm
  • Ayye theres nothing better than starting off a proper good mosh pit xD

    Omg i came back to my dads house after leeds fest to find out that they'd sold one of the pugs and got a new puppy instead! im a bit upset that ella's gone now but Ruby is soo cute ^.^ shes a lil king charles spaniel &shes only 10 weeks old =D
    September 6th, 2009 at 01:31pm