There's Always A Reason For Cheer

Those of you who have read my many failed attempts at stories will know that regardless of my love for writing, where novels are concerned, I can't get it quite right.To not be able to write well at all would be an awful thing for me, especially as I wish to become a Journalist later in life.I've just started a new blog, with the hope of bringing a little cheer to people's day, and show that...
July 30th, 2011 at 12:06am

Ever wanted to change the world?

So this is just the ramblings of a teenage girl, but noone said those ramblings didn't matter, right?This is going to sound awful, but I hate how the world is right now. I sit and watch the news, hearing about all of the awful things happening, and it really saddens me. Its awful how there is so much hate in the world and I don't understand why there is. We only live once, who really wants to...
May 28th, 2009 at 02:39pm

Anybody fancy helping me out?

I've just made a new layout for my story, and it has a picture in the bottom right corner which looks good, already, but I want it to stick, so even if I scroll down, it's still there.Does anyone know how to do this?Comments would be much appreciated!Thanks xAnd now, I'm going to waste some space, cause this journal is too short otherwise, but I really need somebody's help so I'm not going to...
March 14th, 2009 at 11:16am

Joint story

Seeing as I'm in a routine and settled with my story, I think I can manage writing another one, only this time, I thought it might be fun to do one joint, with someone else.What does anyone think? I wanna do an original story, of that I am sure, but other than that, I don't mind what it is about.Oh wait, no, scrap that. Not vampires, or the supernatural. I have NOTHING against them, but I like...
March 1st, 2009 at 01:41pm


And you guys really don't need to know about this, particularly, but journals are for blogging events and thoughts, etc., and that's what I'm doing XDBut yea, I wanna start a band, real bad, apart from noone round here will join me, apart from Kaytee, who wants to be merch girl. Typical! LMAO. She'll just sit around, doing f*ck all, and then bask in the glory if anything big happens! XDThe name of...
March 1st, 2009 at 01:02am

An omen?

I'd like to know - how many of you believe in omens?If something bad (or good) happens, just before new year, or at the beginning of something, say, what are the chances that it's a symbol of what is yet to come?I've never believed in omens, but I suppose that's just cause I've never really thought about it.A couple of days ago, my parents split up. It's happened before, but this time they've said...
December 31st, 2008 at 07:18pm

New Year, New Start, what a disappointment.

I think, the title of this journal says it all, really.There's a lot of people, including myself, who make new years resolutions, year after year, hoping to feel a sense of achievement, or to notice, a few months in to the year that this resolution has made a difference.Every year, I'm disappointed, however, not this year.Instead of making a new years resolution this year, I'm setting myself a...
December 27th, 2008 at 08:09pm