Hell Gates / Comments


    I bet your hair is still cool, whatever color it may be. tehe
    July 30th, 2010 at 04:01pm
  • ~Ohhh I would like to go one day. :)
    I hope you can find Nightmare soon! Have you listened to it yet, though? :]
    Ha yeah, love those guys.
    I see what you mean, MUSE is a very easy band to get obsessed with. Telling you from years' experience with them lmao. :D
    So can't blame ya.
    July 29th, 2010 at 09:51pm
  • ~Yeah, there were like 11 copies when I picked Nightmare up. So it was cool. :) Hope you get yours soon!!!
    Where do ya live?
    Ha, you must get to know The Used, they are funny to no end, I mean HILARIOUS. Especially when Dan and Quinn make stupid videos together, so funny. And Bert, don't even get me started. Jepha is more passive but still insane haha. xD
    So, been up to anything lately?
    July 29th, 2010 at 08:57pm
  • OMG! It's Evie/Vendetta from TAM :D Fancy seeing you here. My profile is a-shambles, take no notice... -blush-
    July 28th, 2010 at 12:19am
  • ~Yeah great production as well. Agree 100%. Ah, I must see them live one day. Then my life will be complete. Gotta see them an a few bands that are very dear to me. I have seen many I love but of course there are still some I am dying to see ahhh. :|
    I ran today and picked a copy of Nightmare up at Best Buy. They had many copies so I was like yayyy! lol... and I blasted it in my car immediately. I cried yet again as I went through the cd booklet... the artwork is so touching and the picture of the boys in the booklet. You'll see. :)
    I love The Used, another band I really want to see live. Which song did you have on repeat? They are one of the funniest bands everrr. So hilarious. love them. <3
    Not much is up, got Nightmare and went and did some shopping and got some frozen yogurt. I am addicted to that stuff... like for real lol. So good haha.
    And here, kind of bored now... need to write but I get lazy and leading up to things gets complex bahaha.
    July 28th, 2010 at 12:02am
  • ~Yeah haha.... one of the best live acts around right now. They always manage to sound so strikingly similar to the recording and always add extra touches, just perfection. :)
    So I really hope to see them live one day. Loved them for years and ugh, I think it's about time I see them lmao. xD
    Gonna pick Nightmare up today even though I have listened to it a million times already but I must have the hard copy lol.
    July 27th, 2010 at 05:42pm
  • ~Indeed, best band in the world right now, pretty much. <3
    July 27th, 2010 at 12:16am
  • ~Yeah thanks, same goes for you. :)
    Yeah they wouldn't shut up, omg! So I was like it better be trending since people keep spamming and plaguing timelines with it lmao. But yeah it would indeed be cool to see it trend. <3
    Oh yeah, same here. Pretty much all MUSE songs are great so it's so hard to choose a particular one. But I'll name my top songs; New Born, Map of the Problematique, Showbiz, Sunburn, The Small Print, Butterflies & Hurricanes, Apocalypse Please, Micro Cuts, Plug in Baby, Bliss, Citizen Erased, Hysteria, MK Ultra, Undisclosed Desires.... yeah I might as well list all their songs lmao. I'll stop haha. Ahhhh.
    But yeah ahaha I can't get enough of those boys. <333
    July 27th, 2010 at 12:03am
  • ~Indeed, I always cry. Like it just never goes away and ahhh.
    Pretty much every night I cry for Jimmy.
    Like I make myself cry... ahhhh!!! But crying is good.
    So yeah, ha... I'm a lipstick person lmao. I love it. Random.
    But yeah, what's your favourite MUSE song everrrr?
    I am getting kind of annoyed with all these people trying to make #THEA7XNIGHTMARE trend on twitter.... like they covered my whole timeline with their tweets... I was like stoppp. It's cool to be excited and all but they wouldn't stop. I told one of them they annoyed me a little with that. LOL but they kept going. It better trend then, considering they won't stop lmao.
    Ahhhh... so what's up?
    July 26th, 2010 at 07:29pm
  • ~Yeah, I was like.... you are kidding? I seriously thought it was a joke, then A7X's tweet came to my phone and I was like -_____- .
    I can't tell you how many times I cried and still do.
    But he is in a better place, I always say. <3
    Glad I didn't spoil anything for you. Ahhh. You'll love it. :D
    Writing? Awesome, look forward to your next update.
    I am not up to much, thinking of new ideas for my next update. Tried this new lip stick lol. I am a lip stick freak and yeah... bored pretty much.
    July 26th, 2010 at 03:13am
  • ~Yeah, hopefully I'll see them one day. I must before I die!
    Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to spoil anything for you. Ahhh! I thought you knew those details already like titles and stuff. But okay, my lips are sealed until you listen to it. Just know that it's a brilliant, touching record. It has it all, just amazing. <3 Can't wait to get the hard copy.
    And I coincide completely with you. After Jimmy passed, I stopped listening to A7X for like 3 months. I just couldn't even listen to anything, because I would immediately start crying. I guess I was actually scared to listen to them, just because all I could thin of was Jimmy being gone. :'[ Especially after the way I received the news that day. My sister just out of the blue texted me saying, "The Rev died." Just like that. I was like what??? I couldn't believe it. I thought it was some cruel joke on her part. But yeah, I took it really hard and just kind of froze and didn't even want to talk about them or anything. So I totally know what you mean. But yeah, on to more optimistic things, the boys started touring today. :P I hope they are doing well and feeling more comfortable. Ahhh.
    You'll love Nightmare, though.
    So ah, what's up?
    July 25th, 2010 at 10:00pm
  • ~I meant Matt Bellamy lol. And his wacky hair styles lol. :P
    Nope, I haven't seen either of them live either. I just have terrible luck with both bands.... ughhh. And MUSE they better come around here soon. As for A7X well they never come near enough.... like they just skip right over me... and I have had many opportunities but things have happened and I just haven't been able to see them. Funny thing is, I have seen manyyy fave bands but with those two I have bad luck. :'[
    Oh Nightmare is amazing!!! It leaked and well, I couldn't resist! Of course I am buying the hard copy next week but man, it's a brilliant record in my opinion. Of course I cried twice while listening to it... but it's really good and Jimmy would be so proud. I have already listened to it like 4 times. It's so emotive and great. Why aren't you excited? Because Jimmy isn't here? Well I know he'd be really happy about the record, sounds great, Portnoy did a Hell of a job. Couldn't have chosen anyone better, he imitates jimmy's style so well. But yeah, on Fiction Jimmy's vocals and piano playing appear alongside Matt's so I cried a lot during that song.
    But yeah it's great.
    I really hope muse will come around soon... ahhh.
    July 24th, 2010 at 07:55pm
  • Crotch. Weird

    That I do enjoy.
    July 24th, 2010 at 02:59pm
  • Aw, it sounds fantastic!

    But I'd get all obsessive and make sure I always know when there's updates and shiz.

    I don't think it's worth a bad mental state. XD
    July 24th, 2010 at 06:32am
  • I like noses though. XD

    There's only one person I'm following, and I'm only following her because I was trying to get in touch with her. I didn't understand how to. XD

    I don't think I'll go on there.

    I get addicted too easily.
    July 24th, 2010 at 05:01am
  • Wolstenkirk! :D Oh my God, that's the cutest thing evahhhhh! ♥♥

    Maybe I should actually use my tumblr. tehe
    July 24th, 2010 at 04:46am
  • Not fair. Grr Chris gets EVERYONE.

    When I was showing my friend photos of them, she said that she thought Chris and Tom had a ~thing. XD
    July 24th, 2010 at 02:39am
  • ~Yeah lol. I just love that record so much. Course I love all MUSE records but that one is just <333
    Have you seen them live? As well as A7X?
    Yeah ha, not many people I know are huge muse fans and sevenfold fans at once so that's cool. ;) Yes I miss all of matt's wacky do's.
    Yeah those three boys are hilarious haha. :D
    Yeah sure, call me whatever feels better for ya. :P
    Nightmare soon.... :)))
    July 23rd, 2010 at 08:47pm
  • ~Ha, very nice layout, I just can't get enough of Dom's smile. :D
    Ha yeah Matt's red hair was the shizzz haha. Now they're all professional and whatnot. But Origin of Symmetry will always be my favourite era/album. <3
    Yes, that's true. Since the two bands have very different musical styles so their fan bases differ. Same, can't find many people who like both because a lot of people stick to a certain group of bands that all go together, you know? But yeah haha.
    I'm Jomaris, by the way. :)
    July 23rd, 2010 at 08:31pm
  • ~Nice layout. Love Dom. <333
    And no problem about the comment, very interesting story you have going on so far. Can't wait to see where it goes next.
    And oh yesss, HUGE MUSE and A7X fan. <33333
    July 23rd, 2010 at 06:20pm