FnHeroes / Comments

  • MaggAims2Live

    MaggAims2Live (865)

    United States
    Faith is not what's holding me back! It's what is letting me to believe that our Creator is watching over us and helping us achieve eternal peace and happiness.
    Of course animals have minds and they have the ability to think, but not necessarily to choose. Their instinct is what tells them to stalk their prey and what not.
    I don't see why you have a problem with God. If it weren't for him, you wouldn't be here, despite your narrow-minded arguments. Open your mind to the idea that there may actually be something bigger out there!
    My problem is people like you who refuse to believe anything paranormal or supernatural or miraculous. It's not as if a bunch of wacky priests just came together one day and said "Hey, let's go spread falsities about some dude with a beard who came to save us!"
    The Bible and everything in it is the truth because those who wrote it were there when it happened! What makes any of this so hard for you to understand?

    November 9th, 2008 at 07:56pm
  • No Regrets

    No Regrets (550)

    United States
    Well I love you and what you say

    November 9th, 2008 at 05:22am
  • MaggAims2Live

    MaggAims2Live (865)

    United States
    Trust me, I'm listening to what you're saying, babe, but as you don't agree with any of what I say, I don't agree with any of what you say.
    Also, I never said you'd go to hell for saying that you think ants are more important than us or whatever. How do I know we have souls? You should have given me a harder question.
    Souls are what allow us free will. Without them we couldn't think of choose. We have a mind and a will. Sure, animals have instinct that tell them when they're hungry and when to eat the food in their bowl, but if they possessed human intelligence, they wouldn't be walking around an all fours with barking as their main form of communication.
    Maybe Faith is my best argument, and I'm okay with that. It's true, a lot of things can't be proved to our tiny human minds because we don't have the brain power to fathom the truth!
    You seem to be repeating yourself a bit, too, in your argument. I respect that you weren't planning on converting me, because there's a snowball's chance in hell of that happening. I'm not trying to necessarily [i]convert[/i] you either, I just want you to understand that you are not right about everything. It's not as if you can prove He doesn't exist. I mean, that's as good a question as How do we know he [b]does[/b] exist, right?

    November 9th, 2008 at 03:31am
  • MaggAims2Live

    MaggAims2Live (865)

    United States
    Okay, you're really kind of frustrating. You don't believe in things that don't make sense, because you're not taking enough time to analyze it all together.
    What makes human beings more important than leaves or dead ants? Here me out. [b]WE. HAVE. SOULS.[/b] That's the only reason we [i]can[/i] go to Heaven.
    The Catholic Church can't make up what's in the Bible, buddy. They preach God's Word that has been passed down from the apostles to generation after generation by Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. Have you ever been to a Catholic Church and listened attentively to the Homily? I doubt it, considering your views on the subject.
    God and Heaven aren't all there are to religion. What ever happened to Hell, Purgatory, Saints, Faith, the Sacraments? Holy Matrimony is in the bible, but I guess you don't believe in marriage either.
    Maybe it's your turn to think before you type.

    Truly yours,
    November 9th, 2008 at 02:16am
  • No Regrets

    No Regrets (550)

    United States
    I must say I like your views on religion, but I just wish you could learn to organize your ideas a little better. Huge long paragraphs get a bit annoying. Add a few breaks into your religious rants, perhaps?

    November 3rd, 2008 at 06:31am
  • MaggAims2Live

    MaggAims2Live (865)

    United States
    Alright, fair enough. You make a good enough point, and I truly do see where your coming from. How can I base a relationship with an unproven figure based on faith.
    I guess it comes with the whole Catholicism package. I devote a lot of my actions to Him. I want he oppurtunity to go to Heaven, so - if I remember to think hard enough about it - I do my best not to sin.
    As for Him having a part of everything, well that's true enough as well. To my knowledge, He created all there is, hence He has part in all of His makings. But, God doesn't control our free will. Oh yes, He has the power to, but He wants us to choose to make good decisions on our own.
    He doesn't want to be our controller. He wants us to act as Images of God and look to Him as the ultimate role-model, but He doesn't force us to feel or do anything.
    To explain the reason for all the bad things, I guess I should bring up a new subject that is very similar to this topic but also, I suppose, the alter-ego of it: Satan. The devil plays a big role in all of Earth's misfortune. When I am upset, I know that I probably brought it upon myself, but with the help of Lucifer. I know this is a completely different set of beliefs and right and wrong, but it's part of that Catholicism Package I was talking about earlier.
    I also believe that God has the power to overcome the devil. As the belief goes, after [i]St.[/i] Lucifer defied him because he was greedy and power-hungry, God and St. Michael the Archangel drove Him from the Almight Kingdom. From there, Satan created his own fiery kingdom. Now, I don't believe there are many people in Hell. Of course, while their alive, many Catholics and people of other religions too, I'm sure, worry about the chance they have of going to Hell or Heaven - if they believe in it.
    But I think, you know, Hitler's down there . . . maybe some serial killers. But God does forgive everybody . . . as long as they ask for it.
    Back to matters of Godly faith. You seem to me to be one of those people that only believes in what can be proven scientifically. Although, that kind of -er, what's the word - miffs(?) me, I can empathize. God knows there are countless non-believers on His planet, and it's not as if revelation isn't a part of our daily life.
    What do you think happens to us after we die? We just cease to exist? I think that's a horrible way to think about the after-life. And, it's not like the only reason I'm Catholic is because I think eternal perfection after death is a "nice idea." I truly believe it and I can't wait to get to that point where all of this mystery, doubt, and confusion, will be cleared up for me.

    I hope I covered everything!

    October 30th, 2008 at 09:50pm
  • Pilgrim

    Pilgrim (100)

    United States
    ; )

    very much agreeable
    October 29th, 2008 at 02:26am
  • MaggAims2Live

    MaggAims2Live (865)

    United States
    Yes, I got your comment, thank you.
    For your information, yes, I am a practicing catholic. But no, I do not happen to believe everything the catholic church teaches. That was part of my article, if I remember correctly. Maybe you contain better negotiation skills than I originally imagined. I'll give you that.
    However, as a Catholic and a human being at that, of course the workings of God's mind is completely unfathomable to me. I can't even begin to imagine the countless miracles, and I quote "some guy with a beard" performed back in the day. It's called Faith, Michael. We have to have faith that God will be there for us and is watching over us. Catholic Faith is something very strong and something I feel powerfully about. Without my Faith, I feel I would have nothing to believe in or to look forward to in the case of my afterlife.
    I understand Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, and creation are all sketchy topics to many. And it's about a lot more than just the nice idea that we have somewhere to go after death. Like you said, we have free will and the ability to make our own choices every day.
    With that free will comes our soul. Our soul is what allows us to possess said free will. All humans have the power to think and choose for themselves, and I have God to thank for that.
    Honestly, I feel utterly sorry for all of you non-believers. Of course, you have every bit as good of a chance as any good Catholic of getting to Heaven, if you believe in it, that is. But, I don't think I would be able to handle not having anything to pray to before I go to bed. The Guy Upstairs whom I have to look to for guidance in the Way, the Truth, and the Life of Christ. Amen, Brother!
    And I'm no moron. I understand that mitosis and meiosis are obviously how children come into being, but there's a lot more to it than that. How do those two functions allow the baby to form. It's not as if they have a mind of their own.
    The way I think about it is that God programmed each part of our body to work the way he wanted them to. Now, I know that makes us sound like robots, but we should be proud to know that He took part in our beings. We are images of God, and frankly, you should probably think twice the next time you feel like referring to Jesus Chris as "some guy with a beard." Believer or not, there are much more articulate ways to address Him . . . just saying.

    October 28th, 2008 at 09:43pm
  • Telenovela!

    Telenovela! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Comiserations on the debating.
    I generally speaking put my religion to one side when I read stuff like that, because I think it helps me to be more open mindad and see other peoples points-of-view better. If I ever read something that made me doubt my faith, then I'd maybe do it differently, but until that happens I like to be able to apprecicate both sides of the argument fromn where I am.
    ...If that makes sense. Like a lot of things, I think it sounded better in my head xD
    October 28th, 2008 at 12:12pm
  • Telenovela!

    Telenovela! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I just read your journal; nice job! You argue really well... do you do debating/public speaking?
    I'm a Catholic myself, but I personally don't care whether other people believe in God or not. To me, religion is a very personal thing, and it's someone's choice whether they believe in God or not. Just because I do doesn't mean I think everyone else should.

    And believe me when I say I could spend all day whinging with you about crybabies. Like, I read a journal about 10 minutes ago about a girl who has been made to move school by her family for at least the next two years. She's on half term week and whenever she thinks of school it makes her feel ill. Sorry if I don't have much sympathy, but one of my Grandads is in hospital right now because of a stroke he had which made him forget who he was and who his whole family were, and is only just starting to recover, and my other Grandad is quietly dying of two types of cancer. My dad is possibly going to lose his job because he works for a bank, and all because of some idiots in America taking out stupidly big loans they could never hope to pay off. So maybe this girl should try and think about actual problems rather than the fact that her parents have given her a whole fresh chance and she can still keep in touch with her old friends.

    Wow, sorry for overly whining. I'm actually in two minds now as to whether or not to send this message... hmm... ah well. Feel free to ignore it/insult my probably-pretty-poor-because-it's-5-am spelling and grammar if you feel it's necessary.

    susie x
    October 28th, 2008 at 06:00am
  • MaggAims2Live

    MaggAims2Live (865)

    United States
    You disgust me, you ass hole.
    Your comment on my Homosexual article was complete bullshit, and that's hardly just my opinion.
    Your only argument against God is that you dont' believe any of the proof that is right in front of your eyes every single day? Let me ask you something, my friend. How do you explain child birth? Gravity? The endless vastness of the sky? The never-ending galaxy? How does a seed bloom into a flower? These are all miracles that you take for granted as petty parts of nature!
    How do you know God doesn't exist?
    And, although thsi is a bit off subject, in you're profile you talk about words that shouldn't be said in front of ladies? OK, if you're such a gentleman then why is your avatar of a naked person? What kind of ignorant hypocrite are you?
    October 27th, 2008 at 11:24pm
  • A Morbid Curiosity.

    A Morbid Curiosity. (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    God, you're an idiot.
    Read my comments carefully. Then reread. Then think about what you're going to say, and consider whether or not it's a well-informed and intelligent conclusion to draw. Then type it. Reread. Click submit. That's all I ask!
    Females do not like to be objectified, because it means they are not equal to males.
    So they, once upon a time, decided to proceed with the whole bra-burning thing.
    However, this led to just more objectification and the media began to portray women as either jaw-droppingly beautiful or sex objects.
    This could have a great effect on women's SELF-ESTEEM, because let's face it, not everyone has radiant skin, shiny hair and immaculate white teeth first thing in the morning. Therefore, they are even less equal to men in that respect.
    October 25th, 2008 at 07:54pm
  • A Morbid Curiosity.

    A Morbid Curiosity. (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Wanted a debate, so here goes it!

    I think you misconstrued some of my article. Liking sex does not make you a bimbo and I never said it did. Bra-burning etc. - it may be liberating, but these days, feminism has been turned around so that men can enjoy watching half-clothed women dancing on TV, and what's feminist about that? We're still not equal. And even if we could enjoy watching similarly naked men on TV, it'd just mean EVERYONE'S self-esteem would be fucked. So I'm saying, out with feminism, everyone's different, we just need to feel good about ourselves for once.
    October 17th, 2008 at 07:43pm
  • TheRibbonOnMyWrist

    TheRibbonOnMyWrist (500)

    United States
    i can officially say that i'm not a cast iron bitch now, lol. thank you.

    how are you?
    October 7th, 2008 at 10:55pm
  • Iago-Disco

    Iago-Disco (300)

    holy shit dude.. your balls are this: |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
    Bill Henson Photo?
    Holy shit...

    I love you

    October 7th, 2008 at 04:38am
  • xxxSmexiiScenexxx

    xxxSmexiiScenexxx (100)

    United States
    hey what tis up??,
    I'm felicia
    welcme to mibba

    **omg let's be friendsss**
    add me;)
    October 4th, 2008 at 02:38pm
  • sillylittlegirl

    sillylittlegirl (100)

    Hey there! welcome!! I'm Lani. :D
    October 4th, 2008 at 01:48pm
  • hum.

    hum. (100)

    United Kingdom
    hello ;]
    October 4th, 2008 at 06:24am
  • Ator

    Ator (205)

    Hey M Ison,
    Welcome to Mibba :)
    How are you?
    I'm Jess, nice to met you ^ ^
    October 4th, 2008 at 05:26am
  • HystericxBarbie

    HystericxBarbie (200)

    United States
    Welcome to mibba : ]
    What's up?
    October 4th, 2008 at 02:59am