FnHeroes / Comments

  • i know everyone has freewill and your lecture on it was not needed and pointless. I know very well what free will is. And as I stated in my article, people can choose to use God or not, all I was saying is here is there if you believe and he will help, if not then the people need to exercise will power!
    January 2nd, 2009 at 03:09am
  • I am so sick of these jesus freaks :|
    December 17th, 2008 at 03:19am
  • You don't think that I'm giving you the respect of arguing on your own terms, too? Everything I type is in response to something you left in a comment. I'm not just popping out random crap.
    I do, to some extent, respect you, as a person. I completely respect your beliefs . . . or, non-beliefs as it would appear, just as you do mine. We're both just two teenagers arguing for opposite causes and neither of us is making any progress.
    December 15th, 2008 at 03:41pm
  • I shouldn't be surprised - really - that you and Ramesses get along so well. In such a small world, two close-minded Atheists fighting with the same [i]weird[/i] girl's principles are bound to find each other, right?

    Although, I do appreciate the bit about me not being a bad person, persay.
    November 30th, 2008 at 07:14am
  • You're an awfully close-minded person, you know that? You claim to be an atheist, yet you defend the will of God, saying that we don't know what He thinks. It's true, we dont' know what He thinks, but He reveals to us some of His intentions through [i]revelation[/i].
    We have the Bible - maybe you've heard of it - AKA the Word of God. Again, I tell you, it was written down by men (sure, they're fallible, but so what?) who witnessed Jesus' presence on Earth 2008 years ago. God inspired this Sacred Scripture and He is the reason it even exists.
    My friend, WRITERofTRUTH has a valid point. Faith is a gift, and you choose to ignore it. You blatantly disregard that there might be anything out there greater than our insignificant human minds.
    You are so repetitive in your arguments that it's truly frustrating. You don't reply to hardly anything I say, and only come up with the same stubborn defense to your non-religion.
    Do you not understand that you wouldn't exist if it weren't for God. I'm sure every body's tired of hearing the excuse "Well, we're here, aren't we?" to prove His existence, but think about it! Like I [b]already[/b] said, we didn't pop into existence because of evolution.
    Read my words and digest them. Then, it can be your turn to make some sense and reply to what I have preached here.

    November 29th, 2008 at 08:17am
  • I am not going to give you my real name, for there is no need. Faith is believing in something that you have not nessecarily seen. Not all people have faith. Thats understandable. Obviously you dont, which makes this disscusion harder. Faith in God is nessecary for me andway to make the right descisions. You dont seem to believe in God, but for someone like me or MK, faith is a way to make the right descisions and to live a good life and treat all people and things with respect and dignity. Faith allows us to have help from God himself, now this will be hard for you to comprehend seeing that you do not believe. Faith is a special gifts that people unlike yourself are sometimes granted. Faith allows us to have strong confidence in the "Greater Power" (God) and to understand more fully right and wrong in ALL the we do. Faith also allows us to understand creation and what our purpose here on Earth is.

    I believe in God because he truly does exist. There is proof of it. We have many ways of proving Him. People as yourself who take things to the extreme are the ones who dedicate their time in trying to prove people like MK and myself wrong. It is senseless not to believe, but its understandable. Again only certain people have the gift of Faith.
    November 28th, 2008 at 06:50am
  • oh rofl.
    i totally forgot there was a point to this.
    i was having too much fun thinking about the practice.
    November 28th, 2008 at 05:54am
  • then we're all set
    loads of hours of practice
    food is good ;D
    sleep- you'll have to be drugged
    i'll smack you around and drug you before you can get at me (:
    and children will be numbered.
    November 28th, 2008 at 04:27am
  • rofl, im sure that's what the practice you're so set on is for :]
    November 28th, 2008 at 04:14am
  • bahaha.
    well, I'm Shannon.
    And i work [i]just fine[/i] ;D
    November 28th, 2008 at 04:06am
  • rofl as if you could even last as half as long as me.
    November 28th, 2008 at 03:58am
  • well.. this is true.
    i guess if i cant take it ill slip you some rohypnol;; :]
    November 28th, 2008 at 03:51am
  • role reversal? oh, man.
    i guess i just have to take one, or a few for the team :]
    November 28th, 2008 at 03:38am
  • hah, [i]yes[/i] there will be [i]lots[/i] of practicing, stop worrying :D
    i can definitely deal with alot of practicing that other girls couldnt [;

    food shouldn't be a problem then. (:
    and sleep- i'll drug you if i have to.
    November 28th, 2008 at 03:37am
  • Rofl then good, we can number them
    and you can take the smackings :]

    i dont know about food but i'll need sleep if we're practicing that much
    and trust me, you will too.
    more than me ;]
    November 28th, 2008 at 03:19am
  • or we can just number them.
    November 28th, 2008 at 02:23am
  • bahah. i'm sure the practice won't be needed ;D
    and we can just go alphabetically!
    with boy or girl names, i guess.

    easy names where if we forget, we should be smacked.
    November 28th, 2008 at 02:23am
  • or WE could make lots and lots and lots of them
    like, super-strength anti-church.
    November 27th, 2008 at 11:51pm
  • Well my mom converted to christian because... if you've ever been to a catholic mass
    I have NO idea where that girl is getting all of her shit from or else someone is lying to her about her religion.
    They just... talk about shit that no one really listens to. I dont go at all :]
    My mom goes to church and she like "devotes her life to jesus"
    and i just... lol at her.

    but yeahhh. i sleep on sundays too. and then i go out and sin like a motherfuck.
    November 27th, 2008 at 11:42pm
  • Ewwww. If she's getting it on with someone old then she's definitely catholic
    those mofos will do anything for money :]
    I should know, it's what I was baptized (:
    November 27th, 2008 at 11:38pm