Completely Soaked, Balancing Myself On A Folding Chair and Having The Time Of My Life (Angus Young Does A Lovely Strip Tease By The Way)

August 26 at the Commonwealth Stadium; the best concert ever. Well, at least that I’ve been to. It was utterly amazing, all of it was. The rain, the band, the show… you get my point. Plus, if it sucked I would bother writing a journal about it.Anyway, it starting off with the ride there, in which we (My parents, my two brothers, Robby, and me)joined 12 other people on a so called...
August 27th, 2009 at 11:15pm

Warning: Opinions May Be Needed and Paul McCartney Look-A-Likes Are in This Journal

Actually, there are no Paul McCartney Look-A-Likes literally in this journal, but they are mentioned. Anyway, on to the opinions that are needed.Even though I haven’t quite finished any of my other stories on here, I’m thinking of starting a new one. Why? I have no freaking clue. Just fell like it I suppose. Either way, I want to do another original fiction or possible attempt a band...
January 27th, 2009 at 02:27am

Transvestites and Sparkly Vampires

For a moment there you probably thought I was going to talk about Twilight, right? Well guess again my friend. The only thing I really know about Twilight is that there’s vampires that sparkle, a girl named Bella, and a guy named Edward who my friend describes as a pmsing vampire cow. Do I have any interest in reading it? No. From what I heard of about the book, it doesn’t intrigue me in the...
January 23rd, 2009 at 12:06am

Learning Isn't As Easy As It Seems, Though It Proves To Be Rather Amusing

This can be considered a pointless journal, but it seems there were some that were amused by it (It was originally on my profile) so I decided to put it in a journal. After all, I needed something to test out the journals with.So this is it, things I've learned. Or rather, what are some stupid things people around me do.Things I've learned. (I all of a sudden decided to start counting):1. People...
January 4th, 2009 at 03:58am