APA Formatting

I'm a Psychology and English major, which means a shit ton of papers in both APA and MLA. I can pretty easily move between the two, but it has come to my attention that others have struggled a lot more than I have or haven't even heard of APA before.A friend asked me for help today with her APA paper and nearly flipped out when I asked her what her headings would be (because I was offering to...
July 14th, 2013 at 02:20am

This didn't come out the way I planned.

So, I live in a family that's all broken to pieces and dysfunctional as all get out. My dad divorced my mom when I was maybe five and then went off to become all rich and never really see us (us being my younger brother and I), my mom, however, spiralled downwards with the two of us and I'm surprised we have the money to pay for the internet I'm using right now. My dad is the douchey type who...
April 28th, 2011 at 12:28am

It's all in the numbers, I swear.

So, Emily, if you finally stumbled upon this... which I don't think is completely necessary to the 'game', then congratulations. Incase I had to show you how you could have found this... listen close.-The case numbers on both of the homicide reports gave you the numbers (in order).-The code at the bottom of the 2009 note read journal.-The PS at the bottom of the 1966 note mentioned my favorite...
January 2nd, 2011 at 04:24am

Room To Breathe

I just need some room to breathe, I guess, and what better way to vent than this?First of all, I had this friend, who was never really a friend. She's kind of... evil. She dates at least three guys at a time (I have no idea how or why) and then she plays with them. She thinks the world revolves around her and that the world is her game of chess (if she knew how to play chess). I hate her, I hate...
December 30th, 2010 at 06:41am

Who loves penguins?

I was trying to write for a story and needed a nickname and the character reminded me of a fox so I’m like, ‘I’ll just call him Fox.’But I went to check on a sight and I found this awesome one called ‘The Animal in You’.Anyway I ended up taking the quiz for myself (it called me a shrew!)I took the quiz for my other character, just because, and she got some bird that didn’t fit her...
June 12th, 2010 at 10:44pm

I’m So Addicted To...

I’ve recently realized that I have some pretty serious addictions.When I’m writing the characters are so alike because I can’t seem to get a single thought out of my head or something. Like, take cheeseburger pizza, for instance.It’s a favorite of mine, yes, and it seems to show up in almost all of my stories also.My choices with music are in every single one.If I have a song stuck in my...
June 4th, 2010 at 10:47pm

No Work On Weekends.

I plugged the small headphones into my ears and held my hands there for a minute before deciding that actually having the music on would probably help. I flicked off the hold on my iPod before shaking it violently."Hey Miss Sobriety, do you remember me? Or how to say my name?"I smiled. Now I couldn't hear there bickering. It never ended. Ever.I wished he would just move out if the house was such a...
October 10th, 2009 at 06:11pm

I'm Not Perfect!

Hey! I know I’m not perfect, but complaining to me over the phone for five or ten minutes straight isn’t going to help! Yes, I know I need to find a program, though I’m half convinced that there isn’t one out there, period! I know I need to get out there more, walk around, take pictures. I’m sorry I just don’t like walking around in a small town where everybody knows you without...
July 14th, 2009 at 05:19am

Becoming Somewhat Nocturnal.

I don't think it's normal for me to be staying up until two in the morning and then only sleeping till around eight or nine. Right now it's almost four and I'm not very tired at all...Weeeeeiird.I'll probably end up sleeping the day away tomorrow now. Goodie. At least I won't be suffering from the immense amount of boredom this town seems to inflict upon the... I don't know hundred(?) people...
July 6th, 2009 at 11:31am

Something That Should Probably Stay Unread.

Some days I feel like depression is weighing me down. I feel like I need to just escape find someone to be with… some one to talk to. But I don’t because I can’t. That’s what I get for living in this hell of a town.I hate this town. It’s too small for its own good. You can’t do anything and it’s been said before that the only good place to hang out is the post office. I mean come on!...
March 30th, 2009 at 03:55am

What I Love.

Wanna know what I love?When people rant to me and ask for advice. I listen, and I give them some, well… sometimes anyway. Sometimes I don’t know.Funny thing is the only reason I have advice is because I was the one who had to go through it alone. I didn’t have anyone to go to. No one cared when I needed help. Not one.Sometimes I wonder why I even listen.Then I realize how weak I am and how...
December 29th, 2008 at 05:52am

The Dark Knight

I've watched this movie a total of two times and I believe I am in love..I have two favorite parts. The part where the Joker is walking away fromt he hospital and the magic trick. I'm trying to be vague for anybodywho reads this and hasn't watched the action filled Batman movie. What's sad is that the movie is about Batman yet I'm obsesing over none-other-than the psychotic clown.Oh, and how can...
December 29th, 2008 at 02:05am