Life on Channel 12

“So when are you going to tell him?”“Are you crazy I’m not going to…”“But you promised”“Oh and I hear the smirk in your voice already”“I cant help it”“Of course you cant”“I think you should do it”“I already know what you think, thank you very much”“I know you should do it what I didn’t know was that you could read minds”“Funny”“I know it is!”“You...
May 30th, 2009 at 06:57pm

Rethinking the Idea of Influence

Just a quick glance at my Facebook page is making me second guess my formerly-secure view of myself and my friends. I am now realizing that my friends don't have the same values as me. I only have three friends who actually believe in Christ on Facebook. My "trustworthy" and "close" friends post stupid stuff with explicit content. I'd even go as far as saying 90% of the stuff on my home page...
May 1st, 2009 at 01:20am

Britney Spears, Caterpillars and Treadmills; Lessons in the Midst of Writers Block

I've recently discovered a new song called "Britney" by Bebo Norman. Lately I haven't had any ideas for my stories to continue them. I guess you would call it writers block. I think God's been giving me writers block to help me slow down, so that I'm not writing as all I do. During this time of leave He has shown me amazing things.World Hunger- Every 4 seconds a kid dies of hunger.Fame- Like as in...
February 23rd, 2009 at 11:57pm

A Poetry Person

I don't seem like a poetry person.Do I?Am I the crazy artist rocker girl or the quiet, anti-social, deep thinker poet?Can I be both?Its sort of funny because people never see the poet side of me. Well some people. Other people ONLY see the quiet poetry side of me. Both sides would never believe I can be the other person.And yet I am.My poetry is heart felt, deep, and most times I cry while writing...
January 13th, 2009 at 03:37am

Preps make the best Goths

goth now means anybody who wears black, in case you didn't notice. wearing black has turned into a stereotype along with everything else in the world. now people are saying "hey, I'm punk!" or "I'm emo!". people who say that are extremely preppy wannabe who will dress any way to "be cool". It used to be just agrivating but now with people cutting themselves just to fit in, I think I am going to...
December 14th, 2008 at 04:22am