No Alarms To Fear <<<<< visit mah blog. YOU MUST VISIT IT!!!!!!!!!I update it daily. I love that blog so I wouldnt dare spend a day without posting unless there's an emergency. Why visit it? It has an awesome poll that changes every month, it shows more on my daily doings, it looks cute, it has the websites I am currently into, and most especially , there's more on......
October 11th, 2008 at 04:04am


Nothing I can think of.My skin tone is a bit darker than before, I want to go out of the house but I'd rather sit and type these words with the laptop. That is how boring I am (most especially lazy) when it's a weekend. I can't think of any new things to write either.Which gives me an idea of just posting my imaginations, songs, poems. While I'm at it, I'll just continue watching Bill And Ted's...
October 5th, 2008 at 09:42am