Gerard Arthur Way / Comments

  • Gerard A Way

    Gerard A Way (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ah! What's it like!? O_o

    Oh my weekend was eventful actually!

    Saturday I met my uncle for the first time since i was like 5 and he's REALLY nice and looks exactly how I imagined him.

    Then sunday I saw the new Pirates of the Caribbean. I've been slavering over Jack Sparrow since then =O

    How's you other than being all...tooth-out and stuff? XD xoxox <3
    May 24th, 2011 at 07:18pm
  • Gerard Arthur Way.

    Gerard Arthur Way. (100)

    United States
    Aw, oh no! I hope you're recovering well. My mouth is too big so I got to keep mine, but my brother got his out earlier this year and he was sedated for a few days. xD

    FGSHJKGFJHAS I wanted to cry it was so beautiful. They're touring with Blink-182 (?!) this summer on Honda Civic, so hopefully I'll be able to go a couple times. :D

    Oh, then yes! You can e-mail me pictures of what you have, if you'd like, so I don't buy you a copy. I would feel really really awful then. xD

    Never! You're a lovely person; never stalkerish. [: Your card made me smile times a million, so thank you! I've never been to Paris, so it was super cool for me. ;D I was like "Heheh I have friends in cool places [:". THE CHOCOLATE WAS DELICIOUS, ughhh. So good. It totally dominates what we have in the States. I actually shared a piece with my roommate and I thought she was going to float. She goes, "THIS IS LIKE HEAVEN."

    Yes, yes it is.

    I am! I am (thankfully) home for a couple months, dear lord. It's nice to be home but unlike Florida, there is no sun ever. xD Very cloudy and rainy but I like it. It gives me an opportunity to sleep and be lazy. ;D I start work tomorrow, though, so we'll see how that goes. |:

    xoxo Twin [:
    May 24th, 2011 at 06:48pm
  • MissLonely

    MissLonely (100)

    Ahha! Doesn't she live in Mexico? I really don't know. =D
    *gasp* That sucks! =/ I will make you a cupcake. =D It will make your mouth feel better. =]
    My birthday is in 2 days! =D YAY!
    I'm getting an Edgar Allan Poe book for it. =]

    How are you, Sweet's? <3
    May 24th, 2011 at 03:02am
  • Gerard A Way

    Gerard A Way (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ah, I need mine removed. But my parents have never cared enough to take me to the dentist XD I'm okay, you? Xoxo
    May 19th, 2011 at 04:24pm
  • zombie heart

    zombie heart (100)

    United States
    Just for math . It's whether or not i'll be able to move up to Algebra 3/4 or stay in Geometry :o

    AWW I hope everything goes ok !

    I've been good today XD
    May 19th, 2011 at 02:37am
  • Kyrstie Killjoy!

    Kyrstie Killjoy! (100)

    United States
    Nuffin muffin how bout yourself!?!?!?!?!
    May 19th, 2011 at 12:13am
  • zombie heart

    zombie heart (100)

    United States
    HAHA Washington , and I was never worried about stalking heehee XD

    Belgium dosen't sound sooo bad . LOL . Washington has gotten soooo boring UGh I'd love to live in a different place , like France or something .

    My day has been boring UGGH We have like this major math test final thing , in like 8 days :O

    And you ? (:
    May 17th, 2011 at 02:45am
  • Gerard A Way

    Gerard A Way (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    They actually played it yesterday, there was a live video stream on the internet but it wouldn't play right cuz my internet is being an asshole atm! XD Aw I shoulda told you! D=

    I really wanna get a new school bag, the zip on one of the pockets of my MCR one is broken and I don't want it all to die or anything XD thinking of getting a Sweeney Todd one! =D
    May 16th, 2011 at 06:28pm
  • zombie heart

    zombie heart (100)

    United States
    AWWW :) That be awesome !

    I live in Washington , but not D.C. People always get that mixed up :)

    Where do you live ?
    May 16th, 2011 at 02:23am
  • Gerard A Way

    Gerard A Way (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Idk how my day was, but I just listened to My Chem live on Radio 1 and my heart is pounding and I feel so happy I could cry, it's amazing! =D

    *Gerard-immitation* HOW ARE YOUUUU!?
    May 15th, 2011 at 09:36pm
  • zombie heart

    zombie heart (100)

    United States
    Haha I sure hope I'm able to . My weekend is ehh , boring. Fat and Alone is very original . haha . And your weekend ?
    May 15th, 2011 at 04:54pm
  • Gerard A Way

    Gerard A Way (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    A Nokia C3, it's pretty cool =D. Oh just some random one from a shop called Claire's. =)

    I should revise too, but I'm lazy XD

    Nah my weekend's been pretty boring. XD

    I just realized how awesome it looks to have two tabs right next to eachother like this.
    Gerard A Way's comments | Gerard Arthur Way's comments
    I'm easily amused XD

    I always get excited when I have profile comments XD

    How are you? XD <3
    May 15th, 2011 at 04:15pm
  • Gerard Arthur Way.

    Gerard Arthur Way. (100)

    United States
    Hi! I'm so sorry i haven't responded. I hope school is going well! I will tell you about the concert IN FULL GRAPHIC DETAIL ;D

    So I'm standing in line, right? I was by myself because my friend was meeting me there, but she got stuck in some pretty bad traffic. So this big security guy comes up behind me and was like "Okay, the line needs to split so this car can get through!" So the line split behind me and this pretty nice car pulls up and stops next to me. And no one's really paying attention, I mean like whatever, it's a car. But I'm a creep so I looked and I saw the passenger talking to the security and then I looked at the driver and was like, "Dude, LOL, that guy looks like Frank Iero." Well he turned to look out the window, and it WAS Frank. And I was like "HAHA shit." So the car was literally like alongside me, maybe like three feet away, and he just looked at me, and I was like "UHHHH -cute wave and smile-" like a huge fail. But he grinned SO BIG and ugh it was so cute my heart just fluttered around. And oh man his bitch ass wife in the passenger seat gave me a dirty look! Like I was fucking intruding her space or something. I was like "BITCH U MAD OHOHO ;D." Well the security told him where to go and he drove away. Then the girls in front of me like suddenly scream and they were like "OH GOD FRANK!!" and then the whole fucking line tried to take off after his car?! And some girls were trying to write down his license plate number and I was like "Oh gosh guys, please. Get a life."

    Okay, then I got into the venue, and I wasn't like super close, but I had a nice space where I could still see everything and I could jump around without throttling people. And oh gosh, the setlist. They played my three favorite songs. They didn't play Sing. And I was in heaven. So they were introducing some song, like Summertime, and it got really quiet so I maybe kind of shrieked at Ray and people started laughing. And his smile. I just wanted to hug him. He is so cute and just fghdjskgfajhdsf RAYY [:

    So I had written 'Inspire' on my left hand, like I that story I wrote (I'm cheesy like that ;D). So whenever Gerard would prance over to my side of the stage, I'd kind of just, you know, hold my hand up. And I almost laughed because this one time he actually leaned forward to squint at my hand, and I felt bad because he couldn't read it but his expression was just SO CUTE. xD

    Enough with the stupid side stories. Now this is where shit went down.

    As they were playing the last song of the encore (which was Bulletproof Heart. Just saying.), I moved over towards the side of the stage so I would get to see them walk out. Well some over excited person literally pushed me against the barricade, and Ray came off stage first and he was so close I could have touched his fro. I didn't, but still. So then Mikey got off, and I kind of ignored him because I was looking for Gerard. Frank actually skipped past me, and Gerard was still on stage like blowing kisses to the crowd and screaming "NEW JERSEY!" and everyone was like "Yaaay!" So he finally came down, and as he walked by I just randomly blurted, "GERARD." Oh my gosh. He turned to look at me and I just fucking froze. He is impossibly beautiful up close and I couldn't BREATHE. I literally could not speak, so I just kind of...held up my hand. And he fucking comes to the barrier where I'm standing and he FUCKING HELD MY HAND. Everyone around us was just watching?! Like not even trying to get to him. And he leaned in super close and was like "Thank you." And he squeezed my hand and I like covered my mouth and just oh my god. I just wanted to stay like that forever. It was the most beautiful and perfect thing that has ever happened to me in my life. And I am now convinced, more than ever, that I will marry him one day because he is the epitome of perfection.

    Ahh. ;D Okay. Now that that's out of the way...

    I did try to get you a shirt, but they were all sold out of the white one that you asked me for. But I am determined to get you something, so if there's anything off the webstore you want, or you can put your trust in me and I can get you a surprise. ;D Thank you so SO much for the birthday gift! I did get it and I'm sorry i didn't respond earlier. Moving out of the dorm was so stressful and miserable. Ugh. But I am home now. So thank you so much. <3

    Twin! ;D
    May 14th, 2011 at 09:05pm
  • zombie heart

    zombie heart (100)

    United States
    NO ! But I realllllyyy want too ! But if they like do ever come to town near me , my mom saidI won't be able to go because she dosen't like them . Ugh . Moms ...
    May 14th, 2011 at 06:05pm
  • Gerard A Way

    Gerard A Way (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I helped my mum pick out a new phone and got a new eyeliner, I'm just gonna spend the rest of my weekend chewing gum lol

    What about you?

    xo =)
    May 14th, 2011 at 04:17pm
  • zombie heart

    zombie heart (100)

    United States
    LOL I'm good and No problem :) MAAN LeATHERMOUTH is the shit . I love them :D
    May 13th, 2011 at 03:20am
  • MissLonely

    MissLonely (100)

    Ahaa, lets!
    Hospital? =O
    I'm alright, thanks.
    Tired, bored.
    About to put Spongerama in! Has all of the episodes from the first season on it! =D
    How are you Sweet's? =] <3
    May 13th, 2011 at 02:33am
  • papertownskid

    papertownskid (100)

    United States
    May 13th, 2011 at 01:48am
  • Kyrstie Killjoy!

    Kyrstie Killjoy! (100)

    United States
    Ah I sometimes play that when I go to the beach and people do stupid stuff like run across the street when there is a green light! Yeah sometimes concert merch prices are insane! I mean, when I went to go see HIM I spent $50.00 on a sweat shirt, but I figured they would have had to ship all the crap over here, but you all ready spent how much money on the ticket!

    Yard work suuuucks. I hate it! Ugh the bugs and stuff are so gross!

    Eh I've been all right. I have to re-do my term paper and hand it in tomorrow so right now i'm editing it and such. Excited for the weekend. You?
    May 12th, 2011 at 10:11pm
  • Gerard A Way

    Gerard A Way (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Nah she's like "You have to do EVERYTHING or you'll fail!" and I'm like, "I know that, I don't really care. I picked art to improve, not to get your opinions, woman!" She annoys the hell outta me!

    Ahh yeah it's already that bad XD but there's a gene in my family that makes me really prone to depression and stuff (my mum got REALLY bad baby blues and my dad tried to kill himself when he was 17), but that's hardly comforting XD all the same I'm pretty sure I'll be okay soon enough.

    My day was relatively uneventful. All of my friends seem either sad or pissed off and definitely one, possibly two of them have started cutting again, but I get the idea they think I haven't cottoned on. So I'm trying to keep the general spirit up. It's not working, but I can try lol!
    May 12th, 2011 at 09:26pm