Gerard Arthur Way / Comments

  • Oh my good golly gosh can we please??? And they'd be all like "holy cow little girl from the US why did you fly all the way out here for us?" And I'd question myself because the fact that I got on a plane and didn't cry the entire time would fascinate me. I hate heights...A lot. But it's something I'm willing to deal with for my boys ya know?
    April 4th, 2011 at 04:00am
  • Thank you so much for the photo comment and I'm sorry for the late thanks; I haven't been on Mibbz lately 'cause I have exams coming up and school are being Nazi's. D:<

    I'm Rachel, though.
    Hey. ^.^
    April 4th, 2011 at 03:53am
  • Yeah, I've got a good strong group around me now. Things got rough when my best friend of three years turned his back on me when he got a girlfriend, but that's hurting less now, I'm just very, very angry and slightly paranoid that it'll happen with my other friends.

    I used to have counselling, but I stopped cuz one of the people I met did it and we both kinda stopped together and (astonishingly) I have a boyfriend who always gets this sad look on my face if he finds out I've done it =/ although I do slip up sometimes, it's really minor.

    Yeahh, I suffer with sleeping issues too, it sucks so much - I tend to take pills or if I don't have any I drink when it gets bad so that I can fall asleep. When I don't get enough sleep I'm cranky and sad.

    Yeah, my weekend was okay, my friend stayed over from Friday and went home earlier, so that was cool.

    We were kinda like "DAMMIT!" cuz we completed this Dungeons and Dragons playstation 2 game that we got totally addicted to...we were really bummed out about it XD
    April 3rd, 2011 at 09:47pm
  • Ahh well I started out cutting to solve my problems cuz I had no friends, no teachers I knew/trusted properly and my parents were alcoholics and fighting violently a lot so it was dangerous to talk to them (for their sake not mine). So when I started drinking, firstly I get addicted easily cuz it runs in the family and it was easier than cutting cuz it was at home and my parents were too wrapped up to care too much.

    I hate it when people get rude; it makes me wanna punch them in the nose or something XD

    Not a lot is actually happening here, easter is coming up and I'm hungry but that's about it XD

    How's you?
    April 3rd, 2011 at 07:13pm
  • Haha yeah deffinately let me just jump on the next plane out to belgium. Haha, but i would love to go see the used with you
    April 3rd, 2011 at 05:42pm
  • Hey ^^ lol no, that's okay, don't worry about it! I knew you were going to be busy anyway XD

    I know ^^ He was pretty sweet during the entire concert (he got kinda touchy-feely with Frank there for a moment too lmao) <3 I didn't take any pics myself because I was so afraid of losing my camera, but there are some pics here: There are none of Ray in this set though :O

    Yeah, seriously. I think it's just generally a Spektrum thing, because a friend of mine went to see Britney way back and already then she said the sound was bad. I wish they'd used a newer arena :-| Like, I could hear the text for the songs of course, but I had to strain myself to understand the talking in between. I guess it wasn't the loudness that was the problem, it was more the echo on that level, if you get me.

    Haha, well, there is always some static noise in your head because the brain's never really shut down, so when you're not listening to anything in particular you'll hear that static. But I can understand the fear of damaging your hearing. that's totally justified. We had a lecture before Christmas where our professor asked us to guess what we thought was the most damaging for your hearing and everyone was like "rock concerts!" lol but it turns out that it's not as far up on the scale like a gunshot is. Of course, going to concerts constantly will damage your hearing, I bet most musicians get a problem with that rather sooner than later, but if a gunshot is fired next to your ear you'll be damaged for life at once. Then again, the likelihood of going to a concert rather than a shooting range is bigger in my case lol

    Yeah, I didn't really like it either. They were pretty, but I can survive without having to watch it five times a day. I don't get people who says they think it's their single most perfect vid ever, because uh, it's not. But I knew Planetary wasn't going to be a Killjoy vid, because they were going to take a break from that storyline (and Planetary doesn't really fit all that much, in my opinion). The next single however, I'm pretty sure will continue the storyline. It would be a dick move if the guys didn't, considering that SING ended on a cliffhanger lol.

    Haha, I'm in! I'd definitely wanna do that! Awww, but that's sweet, it's not dumb at all. I'm pretty sure he's okay - who knows, maybe your dreams are prophetic? ;P

    Gah, I hate when people do that! I really dislike people who turn into dicks the moment they get drunk. That was uncool of that guy, especially seeing as he managed to lose a friendship by being a drunk jerk. That's so unnecessary and totally not worth it. I'm hope they can sort things out though; maybe he'd learn from it anyway.

    I haven't heard it! I'll give it a listen as soon as I can ^^

    I've been fine actually. I'm ahead of the schedule with my reading, so I have a paper left - idk what I'm gonna write about, but it'll sort itself out lol. Otherwise I'm fine, just a little bored :P How about you?
    April 3rd, 2011 at 02:28pm
  • I really enjoyed tha cake. ;)
    O.o Tha's freaky. I have been having trouble sleeping too, and my mom said the exact same thing! Wierd...very very wierd. =P
    I have been okay, how about you? =] <3
    April 3rd, 2011 at 06:41am
  • Omfg, i would love to go with you to see the used!!!!! Haha that would be super fun :) Awe I hate getting sick. I just have a really bad cough :( Hope you feel better soon giirl.
    April 3rd, 2011 at 04:26am
  • no, it's not weird. I was just semi confused lol. okay, glad to sort that out.
    April 3rd, 2011 at 04:17am
  • Haha no probs girl. I figured you were either busy or sick or something. So what have you been up to? When is your concert?
    March 31st, 2011 at 03:42am
  • I've been fine. I don't mean to be rude - so please don't take it this way, but do I know you?
    March 31st, 2011 at 01:20am
  • Aw its cool.

    Actually I've been feeling extremely insecure and on/off okay/depressive recently. I'm assuming its because I've suddenly cut down on my alcohol intake. And the only reason I started drinking was so I DIDN'T feel insecure and depressive. It sucks. D=

    Oh and welcome back. *hug* how's you? Was the trip okay?
    March 31st, 2011 at 12:24am
  • It's fine!
    No worries. =]
    *gives hug* <-- since you gave me the chocolate cake. =D
    How have you been?
    March 30th, 2011 at 11:00pm
  • I need help xD Do you know how to put the name of friends or w/e in your profile with the layout I have? :3
    March 29th, 2011 at 12:30am
  • Uhhh you know life && sthufff. xD

    FAILING Math. Whooopiiieeee. Great for me(:
    && I'm hatin' my English/ Language teacher, but uh thats usual(:

    How bout you hun??
    March 25th, 2011 at 01:11am

    I got you package, all safe and sound and the chocolate was so delicious I couldn't even make it last for 48 hours. D; But I have the money stored somewhere safe and I'm prepared and thank you so much!

    I hope you're doing well! I hope school is better and treating you nicely. ;D

    Twin! <3
    March 22nd, 2011 at 09:09pm
  • I don't see why he wouldn't be, or at least maybe haning around the booth. Take lots of pictures and send them to me again!!

    Yeah brainless programs are what keep me alive. They are such good time wasters, especially right before you go to a concert, like those two hours before you leave. Such an easy way to pass the time.

    Yeah I hate Mondays with a deep passion. I seriously think that instead of going to school five days a week and having two days off we should go two days a week with five days off. We would take forever to get through schoolm but we would be well rested. -sigh- if only. haha. I would so totally buy a muffin or cupcake thing from you! Holy crap! Muffins are beautiful in every bald way!
    March 22nd, 2011 at 02:57am
  • Haha, yeah, the moshing people are crazy. But there weren't much of that tbh, there were signs everywhere that specifically said that moshing/crowdsurfing was forbidden lol. Still, there was of course a chance of falling down. Gerard was sweet though, he was like "If anybody falls we pick them up" and he asked like, 3 people or something if they were okay, because "they looked a little pale" lol. Surprisingly many fainters there though! Seriously; eat and drink before going in there D: Those girls didn't faint because of MCR, they fainted because they were exhausted. So unnecessary if you ask me. And kinda dumb.

    I seriously wish the sound in the Spektrum had been LOUDER, because when Gerard was talking in between songs, it was so hard to hear him, and everyone around me was like "what did he say?" Annoying as fuck. Haha, I don't think I have ever worn earplugs, mostly because the one time I tried, they were awfully uncomfortable XD I will probably CONSIDER wearing them at festivals and stuff, but for one night I most likely wont. Feels like my hearing's kinda reduced anyway, haha, too much loud music for too many hours of the day.

    University will be great, given that you're motivated of course :P I have about 2 months left of this course and I'm so fucking sick of everything. I am, believe it or not, STILL on a concert high though. Besides, there's been so much twitter activity, and then there was the Planetary vid release today (which I really only liked for the few pretty moments, but otherwise it was generally plain - although I knew that there wouldn't be anything extraordinary, so whatever). I've been just a little depressed, but nothing that comes with the territory and it's nothing too bad anyway (sometimes it helps having fics in progress to come back to lmao). I guess I'll start to come down after a week has passed, because I have so much school work to do... Ugh. Fuck school. So much hate for it right now :(

    So, how've you been? :) I bet you're looking forward to that end of school party ^^
    March 21st, 2011 at 10:33pm
  • I'm good, how are you?
    March 21st, 2011 at 12:21am
  • Yeahh I'm good now.
    And it's school, of course there's gonna be bitchfights, and dog fights, and cat fights, amongst other madness XD But it'll be fun most likely.
    How're you?
    March 20th, 2011 at 10:45pm