Gerard Arthur Way / Comments

  • I never do the work I hate. The nice art teacher said to me "Don't ever do something you hate, art is about enjoying yourself." Which is true, cuz if i hate what I'm trying to do, it comes out all wrong. XD

    I'm much better by now! But the ice cream is still acceptable =D Thanks!

    Ahh I've been okayish. I'm having issues in my mind atm. It's not as bad as it sounds, but I keep having wierd nightmares about the people I know and waking in the night and I've been experiencing slight nervousness and paranoid thoughts. It's no fun, but I'm coping =)

    How're youuuu? xoxo
    May 12th, 2011 at 07:47pm
  • Ahh I had loads of art coursework for the project that just finished. I didn't do any of it XD but I'm gonna work really hard on this one cuz I like the project. Last one was "Environments" - so shit - this one's Self-Identity so yeah, much better!

    Lucky you though, all i got was tonsilitis and I had to take my first week back to school off sick cuz I got really ill. But I'm glad you had such an awesome time!

    Sorry for the late reply, I read the comment on my phone and then forgot to come on the computer and reply XD <3

    May 11th, 2011 at 06:04pm
    I hate Dora as well. -.-
    A vacation does sound quite nice. =]
    I have been pretty good, how ar you? =]
    May 10th, 2011 at 12:42am
  • What the hell old men get out of the effing street with your damn bikes! I would hate that, like no lie when i start driving is the day homicide should be legalized becuase I'm sure I'm going to start running people down. Haha. I guess honking would be the word, but that's the sound a goose makes when it gets pissed.

    They had other shirts at the show obviously. There was one i was going to get before i saw the Wanted one. It was dark gray and in ornage-ish letters it said look alive sunshine. It was beautiful.

    My weekend was aight. I did yard work on sunday it was...painful. Haha.
    May 9th, 2011 at 09:07pm
  • The t-shirt i got was black and it says WANTED at the top and there's pictures of Gerard, Ray, Frank, and Mikey and over their eyes are big red X's and across the X it says Exterminated and at the bottom in white it says The Fabulous Kill Joys. And my hoodie is black and the front says MCR and on the back is has Party Poisons's pill with the X underneath.

    Thanks, my cramps are all gone now. I took a lot of advil so I'm all good. Ooh glad you had fun at your cousin's birfday party :) Anything else fun go down this weekend?
    May 9th, 2011 at 04:02am
  • aha dankeyou..? =]
    i'm golden ja~ hbu?
    May 9th, 2011 at 12:11am
  • Friday night was amazing. I was just watching videos people had of it :) I have never seen so many people at once. It was crazy. Everyone had seats so there was no rush to get the best spot or whatever. It was awesome. I got a shirt and a hoodie aaaaand yeah.

    I'm doing fine thanks! I just have really bad cramps right now. It's not fun at all. How are you?
    May 8th, 2011 at 06:44pm
  • hallo :)
    May 8th, 2011 at 05:58pm
  • High five!
    I'm good. Should actually be doing homework right now, but shh!
    May 8th, 2011 at 12:29pm
  • Paris? Neat ^^
    Homework - not so neat! XP

    Highlighting is good. It is the only proper way to read on the net. Fact.
    May 8th, 2011 at 12:06pm
  • You went to paris for school? That's pretty fricking sweet! Sounds amazing about the used. Were you able to meet them? Awe you threw a bunny on stage? I love when people do that, unless it's a bottle of piss or something but that is a different story.

    I went to see MCR last night and my voice is shot. It was the best night ever though. So much fun! They played like all of my favorite songs off the new album. They did a good mix up. At one point Gerard was saying something about the sun and he was like, but until then we walk the night and they started Vampires will never hurt you. It was sooo amazing!!! <3
    May 8th, 2011 at 04:16am
  • You are going to Paris with school?! Nice. =]
    Have fun, enough for the both of us. ;]
    That square is absorbant and yellow, and porous is he. ;]
    Awwe. <3 Me and my mom don't talk to much. Neither do myself and my dad... I'm pretty quite in my family. =3
    I'm okay, just got back form my Gma's. Love going there for a visit but she doesn't have a computer. =[
    How are you?
    April 25th, 2011 at 11:31pm
  • Hey!:3 And haha, thankyou:D xD + I gotta say. Those Tic Tac's are just.. Awesome.. x_x
    April 24th, 2011 at 04:42pm
  • thank you so much! :'D and yes, i accepted you on facebook! [: now we're, like, official friend, oh em gee. xD two weeks until the concert!! GDHJSAKGDHJAS :D

    xoxo TWIN!
    April 24th, 2011 at 04:27pm
  • wow, lol i guess something good WILL come out of the wedding then XD A day off.
    Yeah, what's worse is my year group have been real assholes and still won't take it seriously so we haven't got through everything we need to learn FOR the exams an now we've got not a lot of time before we're in the hall doing the exams n there's no chance lol XD
    Where i live is the country side (all green and calmer than the Cities) There's still occasional trouble, but that's everywhere. London's all poluted and... well, dull. In most of England its a daring thing to cross a road cuz the cars don't stop out of kindness so we just dart across when there's a slight chance. London is a big place for theatre and musicals. :)
    I've been ok i suppose, keep getting a bit annoyed at myself for saying i'm gonna revise and don't lol
    More important question is... how have YOU been? With your festival AND Paris trip, lucky. :D
    April 23rd, 2011 at 01:35pm
  • Ahh thanks, I love dressing up as him. =D Any excuse.

    Ah have funnnnn! what festival? anyone really good there? xoxo
    April 22nd, 2011 at 12:09am
  • Emilie. Pleased to meet you XP

    I like my profile a lot, too ^^; Have you tried high-lighting it? I tend to highlight stuff when I read it, whether I need it or not. Which actually has some relevance for what I write as well. Take the ending of my story, [i]Jantelov[/i], for instance. I think I have had one person so far notice that that should be highlighted on their own account. [i]One[/i] person. XP

    And that was very random, but...
    I'm good, how are you?
    April 21st, 2011 at 11:05pm
  • oh my goodness Saturdaaaaayy! Jealous! You'll have to take plenty of pictures and tell me all about it!!! I'm sure you'll have a ton of fun!
    April 21st, 2011 at 10:28pm
  • I do love the pictures on your profile page. I saw the Tic Tacs first and was totally sold, but then I realised I really liked the writing on the other one as well.
    So... Pictures in pluralis. ^^;
    April 21st, 2011 at 09:52pm
  • Awe yay. I didn't even think of new york city! Wah! It's so close yet so far to Pennsylvania. Okay so it's not thaaaat close. Lol. Mine was like, write a book, record a grammy winning album, pet a giraffe, swim with dolphins, just a bunch of random crap.

    Yay! I'm so excited for you! You'll have to tell me all about it!!! My show is May 6 <3 I can't wait!!!! And I'm sure you can't either... Ohh sounds like a fun time. Eh sunny weather is...all right. Not my favorite kind of weather. I like breezy and kind of chilly. Fall is my favorite season ever.

    Yeah I just got off spring break. Today is my first day off from school :) Enjoying it as much as I can. Tuesday is my first day back.
    April 21st, 2011 at 04:54pm