Michael Jackson, an anger rant towards those who are idiots.

Keep in mind, this is my opinion. However, I believe it needs to be addressed by someone, and if anyone has a problem with it, you can take it up personally with me. I am in no way, shape, or form apologizing beforehand or afterwards.I'm assuming if you're reading this, you have had some sort of news update on the death of Michael Jackson. I am not only writing this because I'm a fan of Jackson,...
June 26th, 2009 at 08:09am

Earth Hour, March 28, Be against Global Warming.

I'm not sure if everyone actually realizes the extent Global Warming has reached. We have places melting, animals dying, an people already predicting what's going to happen to Earth if we don't correct it. As far as news from scientists go, we can't reverse what we've done, and I'm not sure if we deserve it, but we still have a chance to stop it before it's too late.Do you know what's going to...
March 10th, 2009 at 11:53am

I Just Don't Care Enough.

I just had the most amazing talk with my mother. We've always gotten along, I consider her a best friend, at the least. But I'm decently secluded and prefer keeping my emotions to myself, but I really came out tonight. I feel like the last decent, completely honest conversation that I had with her was when I talked to her about my bisexuality.She told me everything she felt, after I told her about...
February 4th, 2009 at 08:23am


Happy Christmas Eve, everyone.I hope you guys are all excited for Christmas, or at least have a happy one this year. It's gone by so damn fast, I haven't had the time to catch my breath, yet.I'm betting on mine being pretty amazing. I'm havng Chinese tonight with my grandmother, and finally watching A Christmas Story around eight o'clock. Is anyone else pissed off at the fact you have to buy it...
December 24th, 2008 at 05:35pm