All Hallows Eve

I love halloween. I will repeat that for effect. I love halloween!I love having an excuse to dress up for school. i dress up in weird makeup and costumes all the time, but going to school in it is exciting! i just think dressing up is really fun. self expression is important so that you don't bottle up your individuality until one day it explodes and you have a dramatic freak out. of course, not...
October 28th, 2008 at 12:51am

I'm sick of you-

WHORES!go away.jeez.i cannot even tolerate it anymore. they are everywhere.and when i thought I could use Mibba as my great escape from the digusting world of sluts.they all join way to just kill it for me!you know who you are people.don't be actin' like you don't sick of these poser scene kids.scene is a style you aren't SCENE. you dress SCENE.and what happened to Abercrombie...
October 21st, 2008 at 12:57am

Re: Nick, and Norah, and falling down. no. no.okay like you have no idea how incredibly fun tonight was.Nick and Norah. Must it. for cereal. you won't be let down. it's sooo cute.gah! hanging out w/ Keighty and Kevin soooo made my weekend.i felt so bad for kevin....and his foot. awwww. :(but atleast he was not a complainer about it. (lol, sry kev!)Bahaha. wow um I totally don't even need to drink in the...
October 19th, 2008 at 06:04am

Nick, and Norah, and falling down.

Saw Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist today. Really good movie. Very different...I guess.I recommend seeing it.I've been super falling apart these past few days. My feet got messed up from walking in wet shoes/socks in the rain on wednesday. The next morning, I woke up with a bloody nose, got to school and tripped over a chair in the cafeteria, then almost walked into a door. The rest of the day...
October 19th, 2008 at 05:40am

Yellow Striped Straws and Post Secrets.

So this journal/blog entry is kinda gonna be less business on the first part and business on the second part.I figure I may draw in some viewers if I discuss my problems.AH CRAP HIDE SHE'S COMPLAINING!yeah. it happensso here's my day.I go to school, thinking 'idk if todays gonna be a good day." funniest part is, the reason i believed that was all because of a yellow striped straw.....>_>...
October 17th, 2008 at 01:01am

First Blog Entry

Hola Mibba!Katie doesn't know I'm posting this, but it's all good. I don't really expect a lot of readers anways, so wutevers.I'm just putting this up to talk about what is going on in the band at the moment.Katie and I have been letting our collection of song pieces grow, and we'll be working on a few things this Saturday. Also, I expect to record You Are My Almond Joy ASAP, whether that means...
October 17th, 2008 at 12:26am