atomika wave. / Comments

  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    This is like two weeks late, omg I'm sorry haha. There's just been a lot of stuff that's been happening lately. Anyway.
    Yeah, Lately I've been having jam sessions with myself on the piano, lmfao. Nah, don't sweat vocal lessons. Just remember to not be scared and go for it. When you're scared and go halfway, it sounds way worse that if you just went for it. Granted, I still do that, but I'm trying to break the habit.
    That's awesome though. I can't remember, and frankly I'm too lazy to read through the old comments. But I was invited into a band? I don't remember if I told you. I probably did.
    I think I'd be too nervous to have my debut at an open festival, or maybe it's better. I'm not really sure. I'd like my debut to be acoustic, really. If that counts, haha.
    I guess so, but I think it's also about knowing the right people, the ones who have the same intentions as you, share the same view on music in certain ways or at least try to make it work. Because some people just want to take over completely, and I don't think that works. It's all the music everyone listens to and incorporates individually to make something that hasn't been heard. It's just be rambling. ;p
    July 27th, 2012 at 05:43am
  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    Haha, I guess so. But right now, pretty much everyone in my town who wants to be in a band is already in one and if they don't like it, they just hop another you know? And everyone knows everyone and people don't really see me as that type of person. I'm the asian they get their answers from. :|
    I know what you're saying. I didn't think my vocals were that bad, but omg. I started taking vocals and she literally ripped me apart. I've been taking it for a year and a half now, and I'm just starting to get to the point where my voice is strong. It's not as easy as it seems, at least when she says to sing the "right" way.
    You should teach me guitar. xD I'm having such problems teaching myself. But that's really cool, when is your debut gig with him?
    So true. But I kind of want to stay in the pop punk scene because everyone is just way more chill. Some of them are harsh, but a lot of the pop punk bands who start out aren't the best sounding, so maybe we're all used to it, ahah. Or maybe just start out doing acoustic shows first, I'm not really sure, I haven't gotten that far yet. :c I just like the pop punk scene for it's music and passion and the kids and everything, it just seems real and I connect to it a lot.
    July 7th, 2012 at 04:40am
  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    Yeah, I play piano, I'm teaching myself guitar, and I'm taking vocal lessons. c:
    I know, and it's kind of tricky to start, I'm just not into the type of music scene that I want to play, so it's hard to find people. The only performing I've ever done is piano recitals, so I'm kind of second guessing my plans. I'm not sure if I want to do it anymore, because I just don't know anything. xD My best friend who I'm supposed to do this with said, give it a shot, if you don't like it, drop out but at least give it a shot since you've been dreaming about it all your life, so... x.x 'Cause at those recitals, I just get so nervous I feel like I'm about to shit myself. But I do way better when it's younger kids among the majority of the audience, I feel like they're not as judgmental.
    July 6th, 2012 at 05:06am
  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    True. Agreed, I like it a lot, I don't know, I like pretty much everything they put out, haha.
    Well, the I'm planning to go to so far is the same one as my brothers. I'll probably dorm for the first year, at least. Maybe split an apartment on campus after that or dorm it. But I don't think I'll stay home. It's a good hour away from my house and during work traffic in the morning, if I drive, it'll take two hours. And gas isn't cheap either. It'd be nice to live without my parents for at least a year, haha. After college, I'll probably move back home, or live out on the road playing music if I can. I don't know, a lot of it is still up in the air.
    July 4th, 2012 at 12:42am
  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    Aah, me too. I was so excited about it. But I'm poor. LOL. I just spent like seventy bucks on amazon for CDs and piano books I had to get. x.x. Not gonna lie, I wish I was in a mosh pit, LOL. I'd probably die, but it just looks like it would be so worth it. I guess, but the people I'd go with, I know my mom doesn't like her because we've been friends forever and my mom makes it obvious she doesn't like her. So I don't mention her name anymore. And, we'd go with these kids who we know that have modifications and I'm pretty sure my parents would hate that and see all the kids around who go and flip out from the cursing and etc. xD So I think I'll just wait until I'm on my own and make my own decisions to go. :/ it just sucks.
    I hate shots. But it'd probably be worth it if I got to hang out with them. They all seem so chill and fun to hang out with. Right? That's why I'm hoping with ATL, they're going to take it back to Put Up or Shut Up, or the self titled album with Dear Maria, Count Me In. But I don't know. I'm so excited for The Maine's new album because I think they're doing a self released one again, they're having problems with the record deal.
    June 30th, 2012 at 07:55pm
  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    Haaa, aw, thanks. I've been on here forever, I use to be best friends with a lot of people on here because they were so nice and stuff but lately the people changed who started to join and we all got busy. :/
    Well, at least you still get warped, haha. Are you going? I guess, but then I never get to go to them, Asian mom D:< I'm so upset, Ive never been to a show.
    They're good, but I feel like Put Up or Shut Up and their debut ones were the best. I felt like Dirty Work wasnt as good. But I'm curious about their upcoming album just because they're releasing it without the label. The Maine did that and I thought it was like the best thing ever haha.
    Twy<3 I love love love the Major League, I want to see them so bad :/ actually i want to see everyone but still xD
    June 28th, 2012 at 06:33pm
  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    YES. and Your Favorite Weapon. Actually, just everything they've ever put out. I need Jesse Lacey ajdfklgh. He's so perfect. DUDE. Okay, so they played at Bamboozle and I'm so upset because I wasn't home to go, I was in Vegas. -_________________- And they played a show the night before at a venue too. Two times I could've seen them and I missed it. My brother saw them live with his friends a couple years ago. :/
    They get so touchy about it, omg. They get angry and shit saying they're a real fan and we're bashing or immature. But we're not and we don't intend to. It's hard to say, but it's true. Because, don't hate me, LOL but I got into like the pop punk music scene from All Time Low. I'll still say their earlier stuff is okay, but when you get to their latest album, oh boy. It was terrible. It was kind of like a Blink thing that happened. I liked a few songs to a certain point, but that's it. I'm rambling, sorry. xD
    June 28th, 2012 at 02:20am
  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    you're so cute. Ahah, no problem. I knew exactly what you were saying because I bought it and I was so excited, but then I listened to it and it kind of sits around now. I listen to the songs every once and a while, but I couldn't get myself into them to listen to them over and over again which I usually do. But I guess, a lot of people don't understand that we don't mean to bash them when we say they changed and it isn't good. Because we understand they change and their music style does too, but there's different kinds of changes. I don't know if that makes sense, but yeah. xD
    Brand New is pretty much my favorite band, ever. Everything about them is perfect and I wish I could write like Jesse Lacey. To the point I get so upset about it sometimes, LOL.
    June 27th, 2012 at 10:53pm
  • heeytara

    heeytara (100)

    United States
    I understood what you were saying, I was just putting my input in.
    June 27th, 2012 at 04:31am
  • Katastrophi.

    Katastrophi. (100)

    United States
    :3 I'm going around letting people know that my stories are active again, after two years. <3
    May 2nd, 2012 at 12:52pm
  • Average Lifesaver;;

    Average Lifesaver;; (655)

    United States
    Thanks for the comment on Hello, World. Glad that some people stuck around. There are two chapters left so I'll be posting them over the next few days (:
    April 26th, 2012 at 10:09pm
  • JeeniferKaay

    JeeniferKaay (100)

    United States
    Yay! Thanks<3
    March 13th, 2012 at 12:52am
  • gabyyyy

    gabyyyy (100)

    United States
    Oh and I love your bows! I just bought one c:
    February 12th, 2012 at 02:59am
  • gabyyyy

    gabyyyy (100)

    United States
    lol yea! One of the reasons why I like it. Nobody writes stories with my name! It feels cool
    February 11th, 2012 at 12:30pm
  • Flying Solo

    Flying Solo (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha, your comment has made my day. But if Luke died the story wouldn't be as good huh? I agree Chace Crawford is beyond hot.
    February 6th, 2012 at 01:34pm
  • derelict-heart

    derelict-heart (100)

    United States
    Thank you so much for your comment on 500 Days of You! I've actually read a couple books by Sarah Dessen; she's pretty good. By the way, I love your bows! I'm definitely thinking about buying a couple; they're adorable :)
    January 30th, 2012 at 01:14am
  • Lost To Infinity

    Lost To Infinity (100)

    United States
    Same here (: Me and my friends read all that stuff and we act like we are Demigods :P
    That would be amazing ! I will definitely read a sequel!
    December 29th, 2011 at 09:09pm
  • Lost To Infinity

    Lost To Infinity (100)

    United States
    From what I read,it sounded amazing so far!
    I honestly cant wait until you post more because there isnt very many good mythology stories and yours sounds like a really good one (:
    December 28th, 2011 at 08:40pm
  • saint james.

    saint james. (160)

    United States
    Thank you so much for the story comment on The Shadow of the Past. I am so glad you like it and sorry I have never been any good with commas and where they need to be.
    December 27th, 2011 at 04:55pm
  • sulfurandthesea

    sulfurandthesea (100)

    United States
    I know! It's a shame I never get to see him
    December 9th, 2011 at 02:02am