Test of Time

Why is it that when you want something to happen, it doesnt.Why does it seem that the world is moving in slow motion, but youre moving so fast.It seems like everything never happens the way you plan it to, you wish something would just make all your dreams come true. Of course that never happens, and what really happens? How do we know that our whole lives arent just some big dream, really how do...
June 4th, 2010 at 03:46am


Today, was a good day. A very odd, amusing day. It was a fun day in English, my second class of the day, we had to correct our peer's paragraphs. So the guy in front of me turns around and asks, "Wanna trade?" so of course I'm just, "eh sure." So he hands me his notebook and his hand writing is so insane, it looks like it takes alot of time to do. So I'm just staring at it, it's all box type...
September 22nd, 2009 at 11:55pm

Code Yellow Lock Down

Today, I was at school, and the principle came on the inter-com and announced we were going to have a "Code yellow lock down". He didn't say why, so we went on with our class. Five minutes later, he announces that there has been an unloaded hand gun found in the bathroom. Also, that we are allowed to call or text our parents. So Immediately everyone grabs their phone and texts people.Meanwhile my...
September 18th, 2009 at 11:31pm