
United States
Joined date
October 9th, 2008


"our secret affinities remain secret even to ourselves...and we fall in love with certain works of art, as we fall in love with certain individuals, for no very clear motive."


Mackensie is the name, bad poetry is the game.
(case in point.)
i also occasionally write mediocre yet surprisingly fulfilling stories when the rhymes aren't coming so easily.
(sarcasm banner waving wildly.)
here are some random, uncorrelating tidbits about me:
i'll do almost anything for a thrill.
but i'll also do almost anything for a nap.
acoustic music and sporadic photography soothe me.
i'm very vain about my hair and my shoes.
i want to learn French and move to France after college.
i aspire to be either the next Mentalist, Shaun White's lover, or a travelling tea-taster.
(maybe all three?)
i make too many pop culture references for my own good.
i get frustrated with both fictional characters and inanimate objects.
i automatically yell "witch!" and call for Reverend Hale if anything suspicious happens near me.
(lingering effect of reading the Crucible.)
i love all things adventurous, mysterious, or fantastical.
and lastly, my life is basically a series of parenthetical statements filled with dry humor and dramatic irony.
that is all.